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What to Expect From an Energy Medicine Program

Subtle energy fields of the body have long been recognized as essential elements to health and well-being, with numerous traditional holistic modalities, such as acupuncture, yoga, qi gong and massage therapy being widely practiced to restore balance and flow within these energy systems.

These energy healing modalities may supplement other medical treatments; however, they should not replace them. The cost of energy healing programs varies based on length and special focus of programs.


An energy medicine program is an alternative form of healing that utilizes working with one’s energy fields and channels in order to promote physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. It may be taken either independently or as part of existing massage therapy curriculum and last from several weekend courses to several years depending on its modality.

Many energy healers have discovered that aligning someone’s energies is the key to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellness. This can be achieved using various energy healing modalities like acupuncture, homeopathy or reiki training – energy healing has now become an accepted form of wellness and healing.

Energy healing courses teach students how to perform energy work on themselves and others using techniques such as Reiki. Energy healing techniques have proven useful for treating depression, fatigue, chronic pain and other physical issues ranging from depression and fatigue to chronic backache and physical ailments such as sciatica. Energy healing classes can be found worldwide with most being offered both online and physically at locations worldwide – sometimes combined with complementary holistic modalities like massage therapy, Tai Chi or Qi Gong for an enhanced healing experience.

The Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program offers an exceptional opportunity for anyone to develop subtle energy methods that work no matter your level of perception. Based on Donna Eden’s time-tested and effective healing methods, with special appearances by both herself and her faculty. She made significant strides forward for Energy Medicine by identifying nine separate energy systems such as meridians, chakras and auric fields and teaching how to activate them for lasting healing effects.

The program is tailored for convenience, consisting of four online modules and delivered at your own pace. Each self-paced module offers guided meditation, written assignments and audio recordings – plus activities to expand and amplify your own energetic field using Monroe Audio Support and Biofield Imaging technologies.

Course Description

Course descriptions should captivate prospective students when looking for new classes to enroll in, as it provides essential details about goals, learning outcomes and keywords of the class they intend on taking. Furthermore, it should provide an outline of its structure so students can quickly ascertain if it meets their needs and find out whether or not it meets any prerequisites for them.

An effective course description includes: the prefix and course number of the course being described; lecture/lab contact hours (if applicable), semester credit hours, a brief outline of its content as well as prerequisites or corequisites; as well as any pertinent details such as pass/fail status or eligibility for transfer credit.

Energy Medicine utilizes techniques from ancient traditions like acupuncture, yoga, kinesiology and qi gong to balance energy fields within the body and restore equilibrium. This practice can supplement traditional medical treatments while improving pain management, stress reduction and measures of autonomic nervous system activity such as blood pressure and heart rate.

Instructors often emphasize course mechanics and lessons when outlining courses; however, prospective students are usually more concerned with what they will gain from taking the course – whether gaining certifications or picking up new skills for their resume is their main concern. Length and level of difficulty also play an important role.

Start off a compelling course description by starting with an engaging first line that draws readers in and sets the mood. Next, detail what students can gain from taking this course before concluding with a call-to-action that tells them how they can register. A good course description should also include a link to an instructor bio; either placed within its content or linked off its own separate page if applicable. However, remember to limit supplementary details as too much can become confusing for potential students.


Energy medicine is an integrative complementary therapy that teaches healing techniques and utilizes natural health-promoting mechanisms within the body to restore natural wellbeing. Although not intended as a replacement for medical treatments or therapies provided by physicians or other practitioners, energy medicine may provide valuable additional support in aiding treatment regimens or even helping prevent future illness altogether.

The TYLEM Overview program teaches people how to utilize energy healing techniques to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. The course covers various methods such as Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, Reiki healing, craniosacral therapy – led by instructors with expertise in this area of energy healing.

At each level of TYLEM program, participants are required to fulfill a set of requirements in order to become certified Energy Medicine Practitioners or Specialists. These requirements include taking and passing the Energy Medicine Parts 1-5 exams as well as participating in an Energy Medicine practicum where their knowledge will be applied directly to real client populations; also included is providing documentation and adhering to an ethics code of ethics.

This training is tailored for individuals, care-givers and therapists looking to become acquainted with the principles of energy medicine. They will learn about how their energy impacts both their personal health and that of those being treated by them; also how to develop self-care rituals which can protect or restore it.

Linnie is a Level I Healing Touch Instructor with a Healing Practice in Portland, Oregon. She offers classes in several energy medicine modalities and draws upon her background in both medicine and metaphysics to teach these sessions. Furthermore, Linnie holds both Reiki Master status as well as being the author of numerous books on energy healing.

Jeff was first exposed to energy healing over three decades ago through his wife Janna. Since then, he has witnessed remarkable results for his patients and become an enthusiastic proponent of this powerful discipline. Now as Senior Faculty Instructor for EMP he oversees new instructional material development as well as overseeing Energy Medicine Specialist Certification training – previously teaching at American College of Integrative Medicine and Acupuncture as well as being the Managing Editor of Alternative Medicine Review magazine.


To become an energy healer, it’s necessary to enroll in a professional certification program. Costs associated with training vary widely and could range anywhere from several hundred dollars up to $15,000.

Students completing this course will become certified Energy Medicine Practitioners and can practice across a range of settings. The program covers instruction for Reiki, Healing Touch and other forms of energy work as well as how to incorporate shamanistic techniques into healing sessions.

Energy medicine programs may seem pricey, but they’re well worth their cost if you are serious about spirituality and well-being. You will gain a deeper insight into your body’s energetic systems while learning to control them effectively for improved overall well-being.

As part of the course, you’ll gain an in-depth introduction to the nine energy systems of the body – chakras, aura and Radiant Circuits – as well as learn to clear energy blocks and manage stress to live a healthier lifestyle. Donna Eden, an internationally acclaimed healer will lead this program.

Energy Medicine was developed as the result of her own health crisis. After being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and being given a dire prognosis, she became determined to heal herself using natural methods – her journey inspired her to share what knowledge she had acquired with others.

Each class provides lectures about the nine energy systems and demonstrations of techniques to test and balance them, along with time for practicing your new skills after every class is complete. Our supervised supervisors will monitor you while honing these new techniques.

The Level 1 Fundamentals Program is an intensive one-year course that introduces the principles of Energy Medicine. This comprehensive program is suited for anyone interested in improving both physical and emotional well-being – doctors, nurses, physical therapists, psychotherapists, acupuncturists or anyone seeking ways to add them as additional approaches or make further advances possible. A great way to add energy medicine modalities that may otherwise remain unavailable and access new avenues of growth that were once unavailable!
