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What is SCIO Therapy?

SCIO is a non-invasive device designed to scan the body using electromagnetic signals. A trained professional leads this therapeutic procedure.

The SCIO measures vitamin levels, amino acids, food substances, enzymes, natural sugars, hormones, toxins, bacteria moulds and viruses as well as testing emotional and spiritual balance.

It is a painless and non-invasive therapy

The SCIO system combines electro-dermal screening, biofeedback and energetic medicine for effective diagnoses, balance and healing on subtle energies. It utilizes disciplines including chemistry, quantum physics, fractal dynamics subspace theory electronics for natural healing.

This device conducts an in-depth body scan that screens for imbalances such as nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, mental and emotional stresses, toxins, parasites and infections in order to identify the root cause of any issues before suggesting remedies to address them. Furthermore, the device recommends therapies which reduce oxidation stress while helping the body regenerate cells more quickly.

At a session, clients wear electrodes on their ankles, wrists and head. A device tests biological reactivity and resonance using electromagnetic signals processed by Eductor 64 medical software before being analysed by their therapist.

Therapists can then use this data to determine the most effective remedies and therapies for their patient, which is quick and efficient as the device tests over 8000 items in just 3 minutes – saving valuable time for practitioners and providing an efficient method to avoid accidental over-treatment.

Once a therapist has identified the key areas for treatment, they can apply specific frequencies derived from over 20 years of research into bio-energetic medicine that restore imbalances and stressors to restore equilibrium and relieve tension. This treatment method works for treating both immediate problems as well as remote ones at distance.

After attending a session, clients often feel revitalized, relaxed and emotionally balanced. Many may experience detoxification – as dysfunctional energies are released and replaced with healthy ones – thus necessitating drinking plenty of water during this process to flush the body of any toxins that may accumulate.

Some clients may experience immediate benefits while others will feel them over time. It is important to remember that therapy works below the conscious level; therefore, energy shifts will only be noticed by your unconscious mind and experienced by you directly. Such effects include increased compassion, memory retention and positive emotions.

It is a holistic therapy

This revolutionary device uses quantum biofeedback to assess your body’s energetic balance. Once identified, stressors in your body are pinpointed via quantum biofeedback for detection, before emitting healthy patterns through quantum biofeedback to restore natural homeostasis. Stress can disrupt cell electromagnetic frequencies; by returning these back to their natural states through SCIO therapy you can remove the cause of disease altogether and feel better as you improve overall well-being. Furthermore, its immune stimulation benefits help boost feelings of wellbeing for an overall better experience of well being overall.

The SCIO is an advanced technology that does not involve any practitioner during its sessions, yet is programmed to recognize and assess various biological, medical, and emotional imbalances that could be contributing to stress in your body. It does this by analysing electromagnetic signals sent via bands on ankles, wrists and forehead. With this device you can detect and address many health problems including toxins, food sensitivities and emotional imbalances among others.

The Energy Field Scanner is the only machine capable of scanning an individual’s entire energy field and pinpointing what may be causing them stress. This device can identify physical, chemical or emotional sources for their discomfort and provide suitable therapies accordingly. Furthermore, this machine is non-invasive, painless and non-toxic; additionally it addresses emotional and spiritual imbalances within their body.

SCIO can deliver over 50 corrective energies to help create energetic balance for optimal health and wellbeing, such as unblocking energy flow, eliminating pathogens, balancing the autonomic nervous system, stimulating repair processes, desensitizing allergies, lowering stress levels, increasing immunity levels and decreasing inflammation – among others.

The EPFX SCIO is a cutting-edge program capable of measuring 9,300 different items within a fraction of a second and communicating with your body to identify which application would provide maximum benefit for use during each session. Furthermore, its settings can automatically adapt as necessary during each session in order to deliver optimal results.

It is a therapy for children and babies

The SCIO biofeedback device scans and balances energetic fields within the body using electromagnetic waves. It measures vitamins, amino acids, food substances, minerals, enzymes, natural sugars, toxins, bacteria moulds fungus hormones hereditary factors muscle tone cellular health as well as hereditary factors hereditary factors hereditary factors hereditary factors hereditary factors hereditary factors muscle tone hereditary factors hereditary factors muscle tone hereditary factors hereditary factors hereditary factors muscle tone hereditary factors hereditary factors hereditary factors muscle tone hereditary factors hereditary factors muscle tone muscle tone and cell health as compared with standard references while maintaining beneficial settings as long as beneficial effects persists and then altering its input resonance accordingly as soon as its benefits begin wearing off.

SCIO stores these results in its database, which can then be used to propose therapies based on the principle that stress disrupts your cells’ natural electromagnetic frequencies, so restoring them back to their original states improves both physical and emotional well-being. Furthermore, these anti-stress therapies eliminate oxidation stress – one of the major contributors to serious illnesses like cancer or atherosclerosis.

SCIO is designed for babies and children as they often can’t verbalize how they’re feeling, being completely pain-free and non-invasive. The device detects stressors within systems while applying applications that have proven successful at relieving pain, healing traumas, reducing stress levels, or decreasing overall anxiety levels. SCIO therapy may even be safe during pregnancy; it’s usually advised that treatments begin after the third month.

During their session, clients lie comfortably on a couch while connecting to SCIO through electrodes on their ankles, wrists, and head. EPFX then scans and harmonizes their energy field in a manner which is both safe and effective – suitable for pregnant women, infants, and children alike.

As clients undergo the scanning and therapy process, they typically experience feelings of lightness or well-being. Therapy sessions are highly intuitive, offering insight into causes within their energy system that may need further investigation. Sessions usually last two-2.5 hours. Each client is different so treatment will be customized specifically to their needs; afterwards it is wise to drink several glasses of water to help the body adjust and detoxify after every session.

It is a therapy for stress reduction

The SCIO stands for Scientific Consciousness Interface Operation system and is a computerized electro-dermal screening and stress testing device which analyses subtle energy balance within your body. Based on principles such as quantum physics, fractal dynamics, subspace theory and electronics; its functioning communicates at spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels for whole person care and wellness; it includes numerous multimedia therapies like Naturopathy Homeopathy Acupuncture Rife Resonator Colour Therapy Neuro Linguistic Programming among many more.

This technology collects bio-energetic data through bands placed on your arms and forehead simultaneously. This information is then interpreted to pinpoint any interference to your wellbeing, then removes this interference to bring your body back into equilibrium and trigger self-healing processes. Furthermore, it helps reduce immune system stress while restoring normal function as well as identify all stressors within mind or body to be eliminated, improving overall health.

Stress disrupts our bodies’ regular function, debilitating and weakening it, eventually leading to premature aging, atherosclerosis, cancer and other serious diseases. Stress impacts not only mental and emotional states but also our cellular structure and natural healing mechanisms – including stopping us from absorbing nutrients – making the body susceptible to illness. SCIO provides expert stress removal solutions by pinpointing and eliminating all types of emotional, oxidative or inherited stressors in our daily lives.

SCIO uses an exclusive combination of multidimensional technologies integrated into a comprehensive program called Quantum iLife to correct energy imbalances in the body. Its core technology, called QXCI (Quantum Xrroid Consciousness Interface), measures very fine electrical reactions of biological, medical and psychological items transmitted electromagnetically – it even picks up signs of distress before clients recognize themselves! The machine has been calibrated so precisely it can detect issues far before their client perceives any of them themselves!
