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High Frequency Skin Therapy Benefits

High frequency skin therapy is a non-invasive technique designed to promote healthier and younger-looking skin. It gently oscillates and oxygenates tissues while killing acne-causing bacteria, improving blood circulation, and increasing product absorption by your skin care products.

This non-invasive treatment is safe for all skin types and should cause no discomfort. It can help manage acne, shrink enlarged pores, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, decongest puffy eyes and fade dark circles.

Reduces Acne

High frequency skin therapy not only combats bacteria and prevents breakouts, but is also widely known for reducing acne scarring and dark spots, shrinking enlarged pores, tightening skin to eliminate jowls and cellulite and tightening it all together for smoother complexions after just one treatment! Many clients report feeling their complexion has improved instantly after just one visit! Many clients report an even and healthier complexion after just one session!

This process uses clear tempered glass electrodes of various shapes and sizes to treat contours on both your face and body. A gentle alternating electrical current contacts each electrode, sparking inert gas within it to produce healing electricity and purifying ozone – providing a therapeutic zapping or tingling sensation during treatment.

These gas molecules are then exhaled onto your skin surface, producing an antibacterial and warming sensation while stimulating blood flow and hydrating cells, leading to healthier cell renewal for an all-round fresher look.

Plasma also produces oxygen molecules with powerful germicidal activity that help treat existing acne lesions while also helping prevent future outbreaks, allowing skin healing quickly and naturally.

High-frequency treatment has also been demonstrated to be more effective than common antiseptics in eliminating acne-causing bacteria strains in vitro.8

Some clients may see results after just one high-frequency facial, though results typically take multiple treatments to become apparent. High frequency can help maximize the efficacy of creams, lotions, and serums by helping ensure they penetrate deeper layers of skin more quickly – to keep skin hydrated post treatment! We strongly suggest using a quality moisturizer after every session so your skin won’t become overly dry!

Reduces Wrinkles

High frequency current can provide oxygenating power that tightens skin and diminishes fine lines and wrinkles, giving an aged appearance a youthful makeover. By stimulating collagen and elastin production, high frequency can also firm and smooth skin firm and smooth pores reduce puffy eyes decongest blemishes as well as treat dark spots, age spots and uneven skin tones.

Non-invasive skin rejuvenation techniques like microneedling can provide a safe alternative to dramatic plastic surgery procedures, chemical peels, laser treatment and Collagen and Botox injections. Results will depend on each individual and take time; no dramatic change should happen overnight. A series of treatments is highly recommended.

High-frequency technology has been around since Nikola Tesla first used it to improve blood flow and kill bacteria in the 1800s. While noninvasive and painless, this process may produce slight tingling sensations or temporary reddening of skin depending on the strength of its oscillating power.

High-frequency treatments involve an electric current passing through glass electrodes on a device and reacting with oxygen molecules to produce heat on the surface of the skin, heating its pores shut to remove toxins and dead skin cells while stimulating cell renewal, improving circulation, and providing better absorption of skin care products like moisturizers, serums, and creams.

Enjoy these skin rejuvenating benefits in the convenience of your own home! There are various devices on the market that emit high-frequency electric currents to stimulate cell regeneration and enhance skin texture, encouraging cell renewal while improving texture. It is wise to consult a licensed skincare specialist prior to beginning any high-frequency skin treatment to ascertain which device would best serve your specific skin goals and needs.

Reduces Dark Spots

High frequency skin therapy not only reduces acne, but it can also help lessen dark spots and even out skin tone by increasing blood circulation with oxygen-rich oxygen that removes toxins from the surface and regenerates underlying cells – improving appearances such as dark spots, tighten jowls and double chins, as well as hyperpigmentation like sun damage or pregnancy marks.

Professionals will utilize a glass electrode wand that has been cleaned, sterilized and carefully moved across your face in an inconspicuous and painless fashion. You may feel a light tingling sensation; however, treatment is completely noninvasive. After the session has concluded, apply light moisturizer and avoid sun exposure until further instructions from medical practitioners.

This treatment is ideal for anyone who desires a radiant and healthy complexion, offering an inexpensive yet effective alternative to plastic surgery procedures, chemical peels or collagen injections. Plus, results should become visible immediately with just one treatment!

High-frequency facial treatments may make skincare products more effective by opening up the skin to acne lotions and creams more readily. They may also help eliminate excess oil that causes breakouts on your skin surface.

Are you ready to take your skin care routine to the next level? Speak with a licensed esthetician about adding high-frequency treatment into your facials. While this treatment should be safe for most individuals, it’s best to discuss it with them first so they can answer all of your questions and recommend the ideal type of high-frequency therapy treatment plan just for you! So don’t delay; start on your journey towards healthier, radiant skin today!

Reduces Pore Size

High frequency treatments help eliminate blemishes, shrink enlarged pores, soften skin and control excess sebum production. They can also decongest puffy eyes, fade dark eye circles and nourish hair follicles for healthier hair growth. Their painless, safe and gentle oscillating and oxygenating power improve blood circulation, increase collagen and elastin production, kill stubborn acne bacteria, encourage lymphatic drainage and enhance product absorption – making this the ideal addition to any Daybreak facial!

As part of the treatment, high-frequency alternating current flows through glass electrodes filled with either Argon (which emits violet/blue rays) or Neon (which emits orange/red rays), creating oxygen molecules which act as natural antibacterial agents to produce deep penetrating germicidal effects and help treat acne-prone skin as well as general oily congested or problem skin and help dry out blackheads. This technique is ideal for acne blemishes as well as general oily congested or problem skin as well as helping with dry out blackheads.

High-frequency treatments utilize rapid oscillation rates that stimulate skin toning, tighten pores and even out skin tone and texture. Furthermore, high-frequency energy also promotes cell renewal, supports body’s natural production of collagen and elastin and removes dead skin cells; as well as diminish fine lines and wrinkles by encouraging increased collagen production in your body.

High-frequency treatments not only give skin an instantaneous rosy glow and refreshed appearance, they can also reduce brown spots caused by triggers of excess melanin production such as sun damage or inflammation, as well as reduce age or liver spots due to strengthening blood vessels in your skin and improving circulation.

Reduces Stretch Marks

Age can have a devastating impact on skin, leading to its softening and losing its youthful firmness. Luckily, radio frequency skin tightening treatment offers an effective non-invasive solution: radio frequency skin tightening treatment. This amazing procedure works wonders in replenishing lost collagen while simultaneously diminishing fine lines and wrinkles, jowls, cellulite and loose skin throughout your body.

At a high-frequency facial, an aesthetician will use a sanitized glass electrode wand to glide over your face while emitting electric current through it. As it interacts with oxygen molecules in the air, an electric current flows through and reacts with them for a regenerating effect on your skin, stimulating cells within your cells to improve texture, increase moisture content and better absorb skin care products.

High-frequency treatments can also be an effective solution for enlarged pores, blackheads, and whiteheads due to RF energy penetrating deep into your skin where it stimulates collagen and elastin production resulting in your pores shrinking while also giving way to firmer and smoother skin texture.

High-frequency treatments not only treat acne, but they can also be an effective means of treating stretch marks. Stretch marks develop when your elastic fiber network becomes compromised and cannot repair itself; to decrease them, high frequency treatments stimulate new skin tissue production that replaces existing stretch marks by stimulating them from within your own body.

RF skin tightening is an ideal non-surgical alternative to face lift surgery, offering similar results without the risks. Safe for all skin types, this treatment triggers your body’s own natural healing processes to produce more collagen production and tighten the skin – with multiple sessions you could see stretch marks slowly disappear as new skin begins to cover them up.
