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Energy Healing Therapies

Energy healing is an alternative form of therapy based on the belief that vital energy flows throughout our bodies, with healers channeling positive energies into their clients in order to facilitate healing.

Stress relief therapy addresses physical pain or disease believed to be caused by emotional or mental imbalances, and may help reduce stress, enhance memory and aid digestion.


Reiki is a gentle touch therapy that releases blocked energy and balances the body, with no reported side effects and can be applied anywhere on your body or specific problem areas. Reiki has proven highly effective at relieving pain when combined with medical care; research published in 2018 demonstrated this fact: researchers discovered Reiki to be as effective as physiotherapy for herniated discs! While more studies may need to be completed, more physicians are now prescribing Reiki treatments as part of pain relief treatment plans for patients.

One theory on how Reiki works suggests it affects the human biofield. This electromagnetic field encases living things and extends up to 15 feet from them; it governs physiological functions like organ functioning and emotional well-being, according to scientific evidence. Reiki practitioners believe their biofield responds positively when subjected to energies which change its vibrational frequency.

Reiki sessions typically involve patients lying comfortably on a massage table while being connected with by their practitioner and asked to set an intention for what they wish to release, restore, or rebalance during their session. Once connected with, their hands are placed lightly over their head and feet – often providing warmth as well as deep relaxation for recipients during this session. After their experience has concluded, practitioners discuss observations as well as recommendations with clients.

Though one session of Reiki may provide some healing benefits, practitioners usually advise multiple visits as it helps bring all aspects of an individual into harmony.

Reiki practitioners can choose between working from home or renting space from massage therapists. Many Reiki practitioners prefer having their own office if possible as this shows they take their practice seriously and they may start with just a chair and some books before upgrading into larger areas later on. Business cards can also serve as helpful promotional items that the practitioner can pass out to prospective clients.

Healing Touch

An experienced practitioner uses his or her hands to interact with electromagnetic energy fields that pervade and surround physical bodies, in order to clear away blockages, restore balance and promote self-healing abilities in clients. Like other forms of energy healing techniques, this modality seeks to alleviate blockages while stimulating self-healing abilities within clients themselves.

Scientific studies demonstrate the efficacy of energy healing to alleviate pain, anxiety, depression, reduce inflammation and strengthen immunity – it may even enhance outcomes for certain cancers or chronic conditions. Energy healing may even be combined with medications as treatment to achieve even greater effects.

The Healing Touch program provides standardized, noninvasive techniques that can be administered by trained nurses or healthcare professionals. It’s founded on the principle that all living organisms possess an energy field which constantly interacts with its surroundings to achieve harmony and wellbeing; nurses often employ it alongside conventional treatments in order to reduce patient discomfort.

At the outset of each session, practitioners typically set an intention with heartfelt intention and center themselves. Their hands then move above their physical bodies in a series of movements designed to address various aspects of energy fields – one method may focus on clearing chakras (energy centers in your body) so they are in alignment and functioning optimally; another technique targets head and neck areas to calm and clarify your mind.

Energy healing remains unclear, although researchers believe our emotions and thoughts influence our electromagnetic field. They also speculate that our bodies can absorb universal energy from the universe through channels in our energetic pathways – sometimes leading to reports of experiencing tingling or buzzing sensations after receiving energy healing sessions.

Biofield therapies can be difficult to study using standard medical tools – like a stethoscope or MRI machine – so finding consistent results can be difficult. Although some studies suggest Healing Touch might be beneficial, other results have varied. To know if energy healing modality is right for you is by giving it a try yourself.

Qi Gong

Qi Gong, or Qi (pronounced Chee), is an ancient Chinese practice based on the concept that vital energy (qi or chi) pervades all living things and should flow freely throughout our bodies. Practitioners exercise by performing slow movements and static postures that promote health, self-healing and relaxation. According to former Qi Gong master Hsiao Guang, it should not be taken as religious doctrine as such, however some Buddhist and Daoist (Taoist) elements and principles may exist within it as stated previously – instead it should be seen as a powerful spiritual tradition with deep roots stretching back 600 A.D.

As part of its practice, yoga nidra involves slow movements, stretching, and controlled breathing to reach a meditative state and relax the body and mind. This practice opens energy pathways, acupuncture points and self-healing forces within the body so that life energy may flow freely – making this form of moving meditation accessible anywhere, by anyone, for free.

Traditional Chinese Medicine theories assert that Qi flows throughout our bodies and all living things; when this energy becomes blocked or imbalanced, illness begins. Tai Chi and Qi Gong exercises can help keep this vital energy flowing freely and relieve many symptoms related to illness.

Qigong healers use both hands-on and hands-off techniques to manipulate energy to alleviate blockages in the meridians, thus enabling proper blood circulation. Some practitioners emit Qi from several inches away, to eliminate negative influences or correct imbalances within their bodies – an approach known as distance healing, which enables distant patients to receive care.

Clinical study results of cancer patients receiving Qi Gong treatments showed significantly higher hemoglobin levels compared with control groups not receiving energy therapy, leading researchers to conclude the results were caused by biotronic healing rather than any placebo effect. Biotronic healing relies on attuning with patients on an energetic level, similar to psychotherapy’s emotional attunement with clients; its subtle energy-based practices make it accessible for caregivers such as physicians or therapists.

Polarity Therapy

Polarity practitioners begin their sessions by gathering your medical history and discussing any current health concerns, before asking you to lie on a treatment table fully clothed for evaluation of energy flow. Your therapist may then conduct a hands-on evaluation, which could last from 60-90 minutes; bodywork portion typically lasts an hour. Bipolar holds similar to reflexology and cranial sacral techniques can help promote energy flow while encouraging blockages to release. Various levels of pressure, rocking vibration are also used during polarity sessions.

Polarity therapy addresses all aspects of human beings by creating balance in all areas, from mental and emotional imbalances to physical issues. If someone has excess fire energy (for example in anger management issues), polarity therapy works to restore this aspect of themselves so they can better control their emotions and experience more joy in their life.

Although scientific evidence for polarity therapy is scarce, those who have tried it have reported its efficacy. Polarity treatments have been known to reduce stress levels, improve sleep patterns and ease joint, muscle, tendon or bone pain; boost immunity levels; detoxify the body as a whole and provide energy boosts. People seek these treatments for different reasons: some simply want an energy boost while others may be in transition or are healing trauma from their pasts.

Polarity therapy should be undertaken regularly over six to eight weeks for best results, usually once weekly for this duration. Thereafter, maintenance sessions may be recommended and clients are often encouraged to combine polarity treatments with other wellness strategies like diet (which has been shown to boost energy), yoga, acupuncture, craniosacral therapy or counseling services for maximum benefits.
