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Alternative Therapy Center of San Antonio

At our clinic, we employ an integrative medicine approach to healthcare that blends traditional medical treatments with alternative therapies to help combat illness and slow the effects of aging.

Alternative therapy centers provide treatments designed to improve nutrition, health and spirit. Mindful meditation may increase cognition and promote healing; mild exercises like yoga may lower stress levels; diet changes can assist with weight loss and mood enhancement.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness can be an effective weapon against anxiety, depression and other forms of mental health illness. This ancient technique helps you become more present in each moment while handling stress more effectively. Furthermore, practicing mindfulness has been shown to improve physical health, reduce pain and increase overall well-being.

Over the past decade, mindfulness has seen tremendous growth both in popular culture and psychotherapy literature. Proponents claim that its benefits include self-control, objectivity, increased flexibility, equanimity, better concentration and mental clarity as well as emotional intelligence and empathy; furthermore they believe nearly every client and therapist could gain from mindfulness training.

Mindfulness meditation is one of the oldest and most scientifically supported practices to foster this state of awareness. Following a structured program, participants learn to focus on their breath while monitoring thoughts without judgment – becoming adept at applying mindful techniques in daily life after participating in such an intensive training course.

One study demonstrated how mindfulness meditation helped decrease depressive symptoms such as feelings of sadness and hopelessness, with participants also experiencing lower cortisol levels – suggesting this could contribute to an improved mood. Another fMRI evaluation confirmed the benefits of mindfulness on brain functioning – showing less neural reactivity when watching distressful images for those practicing it than for the control group – further supporting researchers’ hypothesis that it can change our emotional experiences by decreasing negative stimuli’s effect.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and dialectical Behavior Therapy are among the many effective approaches that have been proven to assist people in dealing with anxiety and depression, among them Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT involves becoming aware of your negative thoughts and emotions that cause problems and learning how to turn these into more positive ones. DBT addresses intense emotions while building stronger relationships.

Yoga, Tai chi and Acupuncture can all assist with managing anxiety and depression in various ways, according to studies. Acupuncture is known for reducing cravings for nicotine, alcohol and cocaine while yoga & Tai chi improve balance, posture, breathing & relaxation whereas Acupuncture increases mindfulness while decreasing depression.


Yoga is an ancient philosophy and lifestyle practice combining meditation, breathing exercises, physical postures and chanting into one holistic program that promotes good health, mental/emotional wellness and an increased understanding of spiritual reality within each of us. Yoga has even proven successful at treating substance abuse!

Yoga has long been part of Ayurvedic medicine, an ancient system of natural healing centered on balance. Yoga is believed to help restore equilibrium among the three doshas: vata, pitta and kapha. Furthermore, it strengthens immunity while increasing vitality as well as providing emotional and spiritual stability.

Modern research has demonstrated the vast benefits of yoga for various health conditions, including low back and neck pain, anxiety symptoms, depression symptoms and menopause symptoms. Yoga also increases flexibility and strength as well as sleep quality and balance as well as stress levels; and can even help people lose weight, improve heart health, manage blood pressure and manage blood pressure more effectively.

Yoga can be practiced without regard to specific religious beliefs; its practice should not be associated with any one set. Yoga is open to individuals of all faiths or none. Modifications are available for different ages and fitness levels. As with any exercise routine, however, yoga may lead to injuries; therefore it must always be undertaken under supervision by trained instructors.

Alternative therapy centers frequently incorporate yoga into their programs for treating various conditions, and often combine it with mindfulness meditation and other stress-relief practices to form an interdisciplinary wellness plan. Advanced therapies like stem cell therapy, PRP injections and hormone replacement therapy are increasingly being utilized to address the underlying causes of illness rather than simply treating symptoms. Such therapies may help strengthen immunity and speed recovery times to enable patients to return to leading full lives again. Root Causes in San Antonio provides integrative healthcare, with services provided by Susan Wallace-Cuellar as an integrative colon therapist and reflexologist since 1982. She possesses an intense passion for colon and nutritional wellness and works closely with patients in reaching their wellness goals.

Diet Changes

Alternative Therapy Center of San Antonio prides itself on maintaining the highest standards for cleanliness and safety in their facility, which include helping its clients learn about colon health and cleansing. They also teach how to prepare nutritious meals. The colon therapist at ATCSAN maintains her commitment by teaching clients about healthy colon care as well as meal preparation skills.

At our clinic, advanced treatments such as stem cell therapy, platelet-rich plasma injections and hormone replacement therapy are also provided to speed healing while relieving discomfort. They may even treat the root cause of their condition.

Failing to comply with the changes and diet recommendations prescribed by your physician can have serious repercussions, potentially leading to dangerous complications. Food additives should also be avoided. Many physicians also provide specific diet modifications which must only be utilized under their direct supervision.

Substance Abuse Treatment

Substance abuse has the ability to negatively impact every aspect of a person’s life, from physical health and relationships with family and friends, work performance and legal or financial considerations, legal disputes and legal disputes to depression, anxiety and social isolation. Thankfully, most individuals dependent on substances can find assistance through professional treatment programs that focus on improving decision-making processes by providing education about its negative health effects as well as teaching healthier coping and stress management techniques.

Treatment for addiction typically entails individual, group and/or family therapy sessions. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps individuals identify and alter maladaptive thoughts that lead to drug or alcohol use as well as learning positive behavioral strategies to promote abstinence. Stress reduction techniques like biofeedback, progressive muscle relaxation and meditation are frequently included as part of substance abuse treatments programs.

Some treatment programs provide intensive outpatient settings. This may involve up to 9 hours per week over five days a week for three or four months; it is typically advised for early stage addictions and as an exit strategy from residential or hospital environments.

Medication to treat coexisting psychiatric disorders is a critical element of most addiction treatment programs, but must be approached carefully as some medications used for treating psychological conditions could worsen substance dependency, especially when combined with alcoholism or drug dependency.

Encourage family and friends to participate in treatment programs as much as possible. Support groups provide them with tools for dealing with the substance use of loved ones while learning how to resist enabling behavior, as well as finding other forms of social and emotional assistance.

Root Causes in San Antonio offers advanced therapeutic services including stem cell therapy, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections and hormone replacement therapy. Stem cells may help stimulate tissue regeneration reducing surgery for conditions like arthritis and chronic pain; PRP can reduce inflammation promoting faster healing times for injuries and degenerative conditions; while hormone replacement therapy addresses low estrogen and testosterone levels which may contribute to mood disorders.
