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Hormone Replacement Therapy – Alternatives to Hormone Replacement Therapy After Hysterectomy

Hysterectomy has the power to change hormone levels significantly. When combined with an oophorectomy (removal of both ovaries at once), estrogen levels tend to decline rapidly and women enter surgical menopause.

Estrogen therapy (ET) is an alternative way of replacing the estrogen lost during hysterectomy or oophorectomy surgery, helping reduce menopausal symptoms while protecting against osteoporosis.

Bioidentical Hormones

Women who have undergone hysterectomy are at an increased risk for hormonal imbalance, and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) may help ease some symptoms associated with this change and imbalance. Hormones play an integral part in body processes and systems such as metabolism, heart rate, libido, sexual function growth moods etc. If they’re out of balance this will have serious repercussions for health issues.

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Many women who undergo hysterectomy experience early menopause due to a decrease in female hormone production, often combined with antidepressant medication. Traditional medical approaches may prescribe synthetic hormone replacement therapy as well as antidepressants; bioidentical hormones provide a safer and natural option that may help restore your body’s former hormonal equilibrium.

BHRT can not only treat hormone imbalance, but can also alleviate symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness and light bleeding or discharge after hysterectomy. Furthermore, BHRT may help prevent new fibroids from growing after surgery as well as reduce heavy periods.

BHRT stands out from traditional hormone therapy in that its administration occurs through pellets rather than orally or transdermally. Each pellet is tailored specifically for you and delivers hormones your body would produce naturally, making this delivery method more stable than oral medication; its benefits also reduce side effects associated with oral therapy; for instance, they won’t increase your blood’s clotting factor which could increase risk for blood clots.


As part of a hysterectomy procedure, both estrogen and progesterone levels decrease; this can lead to mood swings, memory loss and hot flashes. Luckily, both hormones can be restored through bioidentical hormone replacement therapies.

Bioidentical hormones are chemically identical to hormones produced naturally by your body, but can be made artificially using plant materials or synthesized in a laboratory. Bioidentical hormone therapy specialists at Dermatology Realm offer customized hormone treatment plans which incorporate advanced testing, nutritional needs, medications, herbs and supplements designed to restore balance within your hormone system.


Hysterectomy may result in changes to one’s hormones that lead to symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats. Women undergoing complete hysterectomies that remove both ovaries (oophorectomy) may enter menopause immediately; but even those having partial or ovary-sparing surgeries may experience post-surgery hormonal shifts which affect mood, sleep quality, or vaginal health.

One option for treating these symptoms is estrogen replacement therapy (ET). ET employs synthetic estrogen to replace natural estrogen produced by the ovaries, with dosage options including pills, skin patches, rings or vaginal cream. ET may help ease menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats while simultaneously relieving vaginal dryness – yet it has its own set of risks associated with stroke and blood clots.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) offers an alternative to ET, by replacing hormones produced naturally in your body with plant-based versions derived from wild yam and soybean, that chemically match them. Furthermore, compounded estrogen and progestogen can be added for additional protection against the risk of womb cancer. When selecting an healthcare provider who understands bioidentical hormone therapy in detail and can tailor a tailored dosage and plan specifically tailored for you.

Herbal remedies may also be effective at correcting hormone imbalance after hysterectomy, including black cohosh and dong quai which contain phytoestrogens that mimic natural estrogen production to alleviate menopausal symptoms, while adaptogenic herbs like Ashwagandha can reduce stress and anxiety levels.

HRT may offer many advantages, but it’s not suitable for every woman after hysterectomy. To facilitate better hormonal balance after this procedure, women can assess their diet, exercise, and overall wellness routine in order to promote improved hormonal equilibrium after surgery. Functional medicine lab testing can be used to create a customized wellness plan tailored specifically for you that provides your body with essential nutrients it requires for healthy function – so taking these factors and personal health history into consideration can help determine which option will work best in your specific circumstance. Maintaining an active and balanced lifestyle after hysterectomy can greatly enhance quality of life after this major event!


Women suffering from painful symptoms associated with uterine fibroids often feel as if their only options are accepting the discomfort, waiting until menopause comes, or opting for surgical options such as hysterectomy – yet these procedures may have negative side effects such as loss of fertility and emotional distress, leading some to question if their womanhood has gone with it.

UFE (uterine fibroids embolisation) offers an alternative to full hysterectomy; it involves minimally-invasive procedures in which doctors insert a catheter into an artery supplying blood to the fibroids, then inject tiny embolic particles to stop their flow and gradually shrink them down over time. UFE is safe and effective treatment option for those living with uterine fibroids without impacting pregnancy rates or hormone levels in any way.

UFE procedures are significantly less invasive and recovery times shorter than traditional hysterectomy surgeries, making them a smart choice for patients who may wish to become pregnant later. Furthermore, this procedure offers another great alternative for women looking for hormone replacement therapy alternatives without starting their treatment immediately afterward.

Hormone replacement therapy refers to any set of medications designed to replace the natural hormones produced by women following hysterectomy, usually estrogen pills, gels or skin patches releasing small doses of synthetic estrogen into their bloodstreams. Women taking estrogen after surgery typically continue taking it until reaching menopause as per natural age requirements.

hormone therapy can help alleviate or completely alleviate symptoms associated with uterine fibroids; however, long-term use of estrogen increases your risk for heart disease, breast cancer and recurrence of fibroids tumors. Furthermore, estrogen may cause hot flashes and vaginal dryness for some women.

If you would like more information about UFE or alternative forms of hormone replacement therapy after hysterectomy, contact our office. We will answer any of your queries as well as arrange an appointment with Dr. Allison Ward.


Women who undergo hysterectomy can experience hormonal fluctuations that lead to early menopause, vasomotor symptoms and decreased sexual drive. While some effects will resolve during healing processes, some can persist long-term or be permanent; hormone replacement therapy can provide relief to these side effects and enhance her quality of life post surgery.

Hysterectomy is a medical procedure in which a woman’s uterus and sometimes her fallopian tubes and ovaries are surgically removed to alleviate various health conditions, including fibroids, endometriosis, chronic pelvic pain and prolapse. Every year over 600,000 hysterectomies are performed; when both ovaries are removed as well, surgical menopause begins almost instantly; in these instances hormone replacement therapy may be recommended by a physician to help ease transition into menopause.

Hormone replacement therapy typically entails taking synthetic estrogen in pill or gel form and natural progesterone in cream or gel form; doctors will select an optimal ratio based on each patient’s unique hormonal levels and symptoms; the goal being to mimic natural hormonal production without increasing risk for breast cancer or other health concerns.

Many women may be wary of taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT), even in its form as hormone replacement therapy, due to concerns that artificial or foreign substances could carry risks associated with them. They have good reason to be wary – studies indicate long-term HRT use may increase heart disease, stroke and dementia risks significantly; additionally, synthetic hormones cannot be broken down as easily by their bodies which could result in unwanted side effects such as skin reactions or digestive upset.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) can be an excellent, safer alternative to HRT and produces the same effects with custom dosage and functional medicine testing. At Capital Women’s Care, the team can determine if bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is right for you by conducting functional medicine tests and gathering an extensive health history report.


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