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Natural Alternatives For Hormone Replacement Therapy

HRT may help alleviate symptoms associated with menopausal transition such as hot flashes and night sweats; however, its use comes with some risk. As such, some may prefer alternative approaches like herbal supplements and acupuncture instead.

These treatments have not been rigorously studied or tested to ensure safety or effectiveness; please check with your healthcare provider prior to trying any supplement or herb.

Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are produced from plant and animal sources and chemically identical to your own body’s own hormones, providing an alternative source for deficient menopausal symptoms. You can take bioidentical hormones in many different forms including creams, gels, pills, patches and injections; alternatively pellets can also be inserted subdermally under your skin to deliver hormones directly into the bloodstream and prevent fluctuating natural levels that could otherwise lead to headaches or other symptoms.

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Bioidentical hormone therapy is an increasingly popular option for treating menopause symptoms, and can be immensely effective. It may reduce hot flashes and night sweats; improve mood swings; decrease memory problems; or even help slow bone thinning by replacing estrogen which is essential to bone density maintenance.

If you are considering bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, consult with your healthcare provider first regarding any risks and benefits. Some bioidentical hormones are premade by pharmaceutical companies and FDA-approved, while others are compounded at pharmacies according to your healthcare provider’s prescription; compounded bioidenticals do not meet the same stringent standards set by FDA-approved treatments, thus potentially differing in dosage or purity from pharmacy to pharmacy.

At The Ob-Gyn Center, we offer bioidentical hormones in different forms to meet your unique needs. Our Bio-Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) providers have years of experience listening to and caring for women’s health needs. Schedule an appointment now – our specialists will explain all your available treatment options and help find one tailored specifically to you!


Phytoestrogens are plant-derived estrogen-like compounds. Like endogenous estrogens, phytoestrogens may help protect the body against menopausal symptoms while supporting heart health, weight loss and decreasing hormone-dependent tumors while stimulating bone growth and preventing ovulation. You’ll find phytoestrogens in soy beans, red clover and flaxseed seeds – three foods rich in phytoestrogens!

Although phytoestrogens remain unclear to many women’s bodies, studies indicate they are safe and effective when taken in diet-controlled doses. Furthermore, women who ingest higher quantities of isoflavones experience fewer menopausal symptoms compared to those consuming lower quantities; no evidence has emerged to show an increase in cancer risk associated with phytoestrogen consumption among those who possess normal estrogen levels.

Soya bean phytoestrogen genistein may improve chemotherapy drugs that target estrogen receptors, including cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil, while increasing leukemia cells’ sensitivity to radiation therapy. Furthermore, isoflavones found in soya beans may help women avoid hot flashes and vaginal dryness during perimenopause.

Yet more research needs to be conducted into whether phytoestrogens offer protection from certain forms of cancer. Furthermore, it’s wise to consult your physician before taking dietary supplements that could potentially interact with medications such as birth control pills and antacids; some supplements can interfere with them and cause negative interactions when combined with them; likewise soy products may cause allergic reactions in some individuals who should also avoid eating soy products in large amounts; it is also wise to consume phytoestrogens moderately as large amounts may be harmful to liver; furthermore high dosages could cause uterine fibroids formation in some women who ingest them over time.

Herbal Supplements

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been demonstrated to effectively ease menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings and hair thinning. Unfortunately, HRT can pose risks such as uterine cancer and blood clots and some women may wish not to take the chance.

Many women opt for herbal supplements as a natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Herbal products come from plant oils, roots, seeds, berries and flowers and have been used medicinally since ancient times. Unfortunately, as they’re not subject to FDA oversight like pharmaceutical drugs are, there’s no assurance of purity or effectiveness with herbal products – as many may contain heavy metals and other potentially hazardous elements that compromise purity or effectiveness.

As some herbs can have serious adverse reactions and interact adversely with prescription medicines, it’s wise to discuss them with a healthcare provider prior to taking them. There are some herbs which are safe and effective when taken under physician’s guidance; examples include St John’s Wort, red clover and evening primrose oil.

These herbs help balance hormones and are known for their anti-aging effects, making them great natural remedies. Unfortunately, however, their exact ingredients and dosages remain unclear, so it’s wise to consult a physician prior to taking them. Furthermore, some can cause serious side effects, including sun sensitivity, digestive distress, decreased libido and interactions with heart medications or blood thinners; so before beginning any herbal supplements it is crucial that you talk to a medical practitioner first – an integrative medicine specialist may even be helpful with finding appropriate herbs/doses/interactions etc that can address your specific symptoms effectively.

Maca Root

Maca root, native to Central America, has long been used both as food and herbal medicine. Today, people take it as a supplement for menopausal symptoms, hormonal imbalances and to boost libido – although more clinical research must be completed on these claims before reaching any definitive conclusions. There is some scientific support behind these claims, however.

Studies demonstrate that taking maca can help both women and men balance hormones. It may promote healthy sexual drive while keeping testosterone at optimal levels, in addition to increasing energy and decreasing depression levels. Maca is known as Peruvian Ginseng as it keeps athletes and bodybuilders feeling refreshed hours after training sessions.

The plant can be purchased in capsule, liquid and powder forms from health stores, pharmacies and online retailers alike. You’ll find yellow maca powder available online or yellow black or red maca maca available in stores; each variety offers different health benefits. Gelatinized powder form of this herb should typically be taken daily at an approximate dosage of 1.5 to 3.5 grams for 6-16 weeks for optimal use.

Although more research needs to be conducted, scientists believe the herb could provide some potential advantages for BPH, brain health and immunity. Laboratory animals showed anti-depressant effects while postmenopausal women experienced reduced anxiety from taking it postmenopausally. It has also been shown to enhance fertility among both sexes due to stimulating both pituitary gland and uterus stimulation – this means the herb can easily be enjoyed as tea, smoothies or baked goods!


Acupuncture offers a safe, non-drug method of alleviating menopausal symptoms without medication. As an ancient form of Traditional Chinese Medicine, this centuries-old treatment can help women feel more balanced during perimenopause and menopause transition periods by relieving hot flashes, night sweats, mood disturbances, irritability reduction and increased energy levels. Regular acupuncture treatments often significantly lessen debilitating effects associated with this transition phase for many women.

Studies published in BMJ Open showed that acupuncture significantly reduced hot flashes, sleep disturbances and emotional problems for 31 participants who received real and 29 who received sham acupuncture in a double-blind trial. Researchers discovered that women receiving real acupuncture experienced less severe menopausal-related symptoms than their control group counterparts for up to 12 weeks after treatment was complete; additionally it improved sexual function while alleviating depression and anxiety symptoms common among perimenopausal and postmenopausal women.

While more research needs to be conducted on natural alternatives to HRT, several herbs have proven themselves effective at treating menopausal symptoms naturally, including black cohosh and St. John’s wort. Both plants increase progesterone and estrogen production within the body to help ease symptoms, including red clover and soy isoflavones supplements. Consult with an acupuncturist about what would work best in treating your specific symptoms; they’ll recommend the appropriate botanicals that best match up with what works for your unique situation – this may take several months until any visible change starts appearing – they’ll advise.


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