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Steve Jobs and Alternative Cancer Therapy

Jobs was diagnosed with an aggressive form of pancreatic cancer in 2003. His doctors advised immediate surgery; he rejected their advice, instead opting for alternative remedies such as diet changes. He eventually had surgery.

Cancer treatments may not be pleasant, but they offer the greatest chance for survival and potential cure.


Acupuncture is an alternative form of medicine that involves inserting needles at specific points on the body to relieve pain and promote healing. Some studies indicate that it may aid with cancer symptoms like fatigue and nausea; however, its efficacy against treating the disease itself remains uncertain.

Some individuals may be tempted to turn to acupuncture as an alternative form of medical treatment when facing cancer, but it’s essential that they consult their physician first before considering it as a potential choice. They should discuss any potential side effects as well as any interactions it could have with other forms of therapy they’re currently receiving.

Numerous news stories have examined Steve Jobs’ decision to forgo surgery in favor of alternative approaches like vegan diet, herbal remedies and acupuncture instead. According to Walter Isaacson’s latest biography of Jobs, his family and doctors were both dismayed at his choice and sequenced cancer cells and normal DNA to identify an ideal course of treatment.

As Jobs had a neuroendocrine tumor – an extremely rare type of pancreatic cancer first diagnosed at 56 in 2003 — making his prognosis uncertain and his survival rate estimated as being under one percent. It would be difficult to judge his decisions regarding medical treatments given this circumstance.

He decided against conventional treatment and instead pursued alternative medicine techniques such as veganism, juicing and acupuncture as opposed to surgery. Many patients make similar decisions after being diagnosed with serious illnesses; choosing to try non-traditional approaches such as alternative therapies instead is often their solution.

Making tough decisions can be challenging for patients, but they do so because they want the highest chance at recovery and an enriching life as possible. While outsiders may struggle to provide guidance about which form of medical advice a patient should receive, patients should do whatever possible to increase their odds of surviving serious diseases.


Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was known to embrace alternative medicine and use this approach to treat his health issues, consulting psychics and using hydrotherapy therapy on pancreatic cancer. But it’s important to remember that some forms of alternative therapy could actually cause harm if done improperly – it is therefore advised seeking professional advice prior to engaging in any alternative practices or therapies.

Steve Jobs was diagnosed with insulinoma, a rare form of pancreatic cancer which develops slowly but can still prove fatal without proper care. Contrary to medical advice, Jobs chose alternative treatments like acupuncture and herbal supplements instead – leading him down the path that ultimately led to his death.

Uncertain of his exact treatment choices, Jobs was said to have restricted his diet to fruit and vegetables as well as consulting a psychic. It is also thought he underwent multiple acupuncture sessions as well as drinking lots of juices – some experts speculate this decision contributed to pancreatic cancer development in Jobs.

As much as the alternative treatments Jobs pursued could have helped him in many ways, they did nothing to stop his cancer from progressing and may have even increased its size through prolonged use of alternative medicine.

Alternative medicine techniques differ from conventional treatments in that they focus on relieving symptoms rather than curing illnesses themselves; such as pancreatic cancer. If its tumor has spread to other organs, however, no alternative therapies will likely be able to offer relief.

While Steve Jobs may have taken risks that decreased his chances of survival by choosing alternative medicine treatments, it should be remembered that he made many brave decisions throughout his life. A driven individual, Jobs likely took this route because it provided him with greater control.

Dietary Supplements

After discovering a cancerous pancreatic tumor, Steve Jobs decided to opt for nontraditional medicine like juice therapy, herbs and acupuncture instead of conventional treatments such as chemotherapy. Unfortunately, his decision ended up costing him his life; many criticized his decision and judged him harshly as too intelligent for such foolish decisions; yet Jobs’ death at age 56 proves otherwise.

Jobs turned to various alternative treatments as he believed that these would help heal from his illness, yet many were unproven scientifically. Furthermore, some therapies were too costly and took too much time and money to complete. Therefore, it is imperative to select a healthcare provider knowledgeable of alternative medicine treatments when searching for treatments.

Jobs’s approach included forgoing conventional medicine in favor of alternative and complementary treatments like veganism. Although this diet has proven its efficacy in treating certain conditions, its effectivity against pancreatic cancer remains uncertain; nonetheless, healthy diet coupled with other alternative therapies could increase survival chances significantly for pancreatic cancer patients.

According to Jobs’ new biography, after initially opting for alternative treatments rather than surgery upon learning of his pancreatic cancer in 2003. Instead of opting for traditional procedures such as surgery or chemotherapy, Jobs pursued alternative remedies such as veganism, juice cleansing, acupuncture and herbal remedies found online instead of opting for surgical removal of his tumor from his body. By the time surgery became an option in 2004, his cancer had spread into his liver.

An expert on pancreatic cancer emphasized the significance of seeking proper medical attention as soon as symptoms appear, since delayed diagnosis could increase prognosis and decrease survival chances. Furthermore, treatment choices such as chemotherapy can have adverse side effects that take a long time to resolve themselves, which negatively impact quality of life for individuals undergoing it.


Alternative cancer medicine has become an increasingly popular way of treatment, providing some patients an option beyond chemotherapy and other conventional approaches. While alternative treatments may not always provide ideal solutions, they may help relieve side effects and increase overall quality of life. It is essential that cancer patients carefully consider all available alternatives when making this choice; while not necessarily safe or effective treatments exist; additionally they may even negatively impact on quality of life.

Steve Jobs was an innovative technologist and co-founder of Apple computers, but also an avid follower of spirituality. It is reported that after being diagnosed with pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor, Steve delayed surgery by nine months — opting instead for special diet and alternative remedies instead, according to Harvard Medical School researcher Ramzi Amri. According to Amri’s estimates, this delay significantly shortened Jobs’ life span.

Amri studied the type of tumor Jobs had for one and a half years while still attending Amsterdam university, concluding that his reliance on alternative treatments reduced his chances of survival and may have hastened an unnecessarily early death.

Amri asserts that Jobs had a good chance of recovery when he underwent surgery in July 2004. His form of the disease, which grows slowly and spreads less frequently, provided him with greater opportunities to seek experimental forms of treatment than might otherwise be available to a wealthier individual.

Amri recognizes that making the decision to switch from conventional treatments to complementary medicine may be challenging for many. He suggests that physicians recognize and encourage spirituality among their patients; furthermore chaplains or spiritual care professionals should be integrated into healthcare teams in order to offer invaluable strength during difficult times while offering holistic healthcare approaches.
