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The Benefits of Massage As an Alternative Therapy

Therapeutic massages at spas are intended to promote healing. They’re used to ease muscle discomfort and stiffness, treat specific problems and break up scar tissue and waste products.

These treatments may also reduce anxiety and raise serotonin levels, but there’s little evidence supporting claims they improve symptoms associated with bulimia, ADHD or cystic fibrosis.


Massage therapy is widely considered part of complementary and alternative medicine, with practitioners believing it stimulates the body to release chemicals which promote relaxation, mood enhancement and well being. Massage can also relieve tension and pain in specific areas while potentially helping with musculoskeletal issues like back pain, arthritis, sprains and strains as well as improving sleep, alleviating depression in chronic fatigue syndrome patients and decreasing swelling after surgery or injury – ultimately improving quality of life for cancer survivors by relieving stress and anxiety.

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Massage therapies come in various forms and range from light and gentle to vigorous and vigorous in their intensity, from light-touch techniques such as deep tissue to more light touch styles like cupping. All form of massage involve manipulation of soft tissues – usually muscles and tendons – using pressure applied by hands, fingers, forearms or elbows; massage may be applied all over the body or targeted specifically to certain parts like the head or neck area. People who receive massage therapy generally feel relaxed afterward but some may experience discomfort depending on where the treatment area may need attention.

Most practitioners of massage and related therapies rely on case histories, physical exams and palpation to determine treatment areas and the indications for treatment. Their job involves listening carefully to clients and responding appropriately based on their assessment; standard sessions typically last 15-90 minutes.

While most massage is non-specific, certain practitioners claim more specific results. Reflexology massage, for instance, has been claimed to treat conditions like ataxia and osteoarthritis while aiding digestion and alleviating symptoms related to psychological disorders like bulimia, ADHD and cystic fibrosis.


Studies show that massage can have significant physiological benefits, including increasing blood flow, decreasing muscular spasms and lowering blood pressure. The researchers attribute these physiological results to changes in the autonomic nervous system which controls bodily functions such as heart rate and breathing rate. Additional research indicates massage may even help manage diabetes when combined with regular sessions and self-care techniques; it is still recommended for individuals living with diabetes to regularly check their blood sugar levels as changes may arise over time.


Massage involves pressing, rubbing and manipulating skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments using hands, fingers and thumbs; its practitioners typically employ light stroking pressure while applying deeper pressure for maximum therapeutic benefit. Massage therapy comes in various forms, from aromatherapy and sports massage to therapeutic and therapeutic. Massage’s goal is to promote health and well being through relaxation and physical therapy; research shows it has helped aid healing for various medical conditions. Researchers have also discovered that CBD can help enhance sleep and mood, decrease anxiety levels, and boost immune system functionality. Detoxification therapy may also reduce depression symptoms among those suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome; alleviate back pain and joint discomfort for people living with fibromyalgia or osteoarthritis; provide headache relief, decrease swelling, treat temporomandibular joint dysfunctions more effectively, increase flexibility and speed recovery time from sports injuries.

Sports massage therapy employs trained therapists who use techniques designed to prepare muscles for an event or speed recovery following sporting injuries. Sports massage can also be used to address chronic aches and pains such as tension headaches, neck and back pain, stress-related disorders such as fibromyalgia or myofascial release.

Cross fiber friction massage therapy uses hand movements in opposing directions over muscles to break up adhesions or scar tissue and stretch out muscle fibers, speeding the healing process. It may be combined with other forms of massage for added effectiveness.

Cranio sacral massage is a form of gentle bodywork used to balance membranes and cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. A trained professional conducts cranio sacral massage sessions in order to identify imbalances or restrictions in this system and address them accordingly.

Aromatherapy is a type of massage in which essential oils are applied directly to the skin during treatment, purported to have medicinal properties and work by stimulating two areas in the brain associated with mood. Many practitioners of massage and complementary therapies practice aromatherapy without proclaiming themselves practitioners; in many cases these practitioners belong to organizations not regulated by the UK’s professional body for complementary medicine making it hard to tell if they’ve received adequate training or not.


Massage has many therapeutic advantages for both relaxation and physical therapy purposes; however, therapists must take precautions in order to protect themselves and clients against injuries and complications during massage therapy sessions. Complications could range from minor such as muscle soreness and bruises to more serious ones like dislodging blood clots or fractures of bone fragments; by following this guidance both clients and therapists alike can enjoy all the rewards this alternative therapy can provide without risking their wellbeing or reputations.

People with bleeding disorders such as hemophilia are at an increased risk for bruises and internal bleeding during massage sessions, so deep tissue work should be avoided while light pressure should be applied instead. People taking anticoagulants or blood thinners also pose this risk as their fragile blood vessels can rupture under pressure; therefore it’s imperative for therapists to inquire about the client’s medications in advance and adjust as necessary.

Massages performed in prone or supine positions require the therapist to bend over their client for extended periods. This can place unnecessary strain on their back and neck if the position is held for too long or repeated frequently throughout the day; to reduce overuse injuries it is important to take regular breaks and stretch hands, wrists, arms and shoulders regularly.

As well as protecting against overuse injuries, therapists should make an effort to stay well hydrated. Staying hydrated can boost energy levels and decrease inflammation; drinking water regularly throughout the day and especially before and after each treatment can be helpful in maintaining overall wellness. Incorporating healthy eating habits and regular physical activity into their lifestyle is also advised for optimal wellness.

Clients living with cancer or other severe medical conditions should first receive clearance from their physician to receive massage therapy, though massage may help relieve symptoms associated with cancer such as fatigue, anxiety, depression and loss of appetite. Massage also has benefits for chronic illness patients including reduced stress levels, improved immunity levels and mood elevation while managing pain more efficiently and mitigating other symptoms more effectively.

Side effects

Research has demonstrated the benefits of massage for anxiety reduction, depression treatment enhancement and range of motion increase for those suffering from fibromyalgia, arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions such as fibromyalgia or arthritis. Massage may also relieve bowel spasms and chronic constipation as well as ease respiratory issues like asthma or emphysema and improve sleep quality and increase circulation – not to mention improving condition of Atopic Dermatitis (eczema) while helping children reduce symptoms of ADHD or ADHD symptoms in children and even helping preemies gain weight and become more active and alert!

Some types of massage may cause side effects, including bruising and dizziness. Bruising occurs when pressure applied to the skin breaks small blood vessels that lead to bleeding under its surface, creating bruises. You can prevent or minimize this side effect by encouraging your clients to communicate about their comfort level and by adjusting pressure as needed during sessions. It’s also a good idea to discuss during consultation any health conditions or medications which might increase risk, as well as suggesting using arnica gel after each session to minimize discoloration and discoloration caused by massage sessions.

After receiving a massage, clients may experience extreme fatigue. This is likely caused by activating their parasympathetic nervous system and entering “rest and digest” mode, leading to temporary decreases in energy levels. Fatigue may also be caused by metabolic waste products being released that overwhelm their bodies’ natural abilities to break them down and eliminate. For maximum effect after receiving massage therapy sessions, make sure your clients drink water after each massage as well as consume a light snack post massage to support their natural recovery processes.

Some clients, particularly those with diabetes, may experience hypoglycemia after receiving massage treatments. To safeguard against hypoglycemia after massage sessions, ensure these clients always have access to an ample source of sugar such as fruit juice or regular soda in case their blood sugar falls too low. Clients with cardiovascular disease should avoid vigorous massage treatments and be monitored closely afterwards in case it increases risk for heart attack. If they experience dizziness or lightheadedness post massage sessions, encourage them to sit up slowly until any sensations subside.


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