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AO Scan Digital Body Analyzer Reviews

AO Scan Digital Body Analyzer is a non-invasive device that scans physical and energetic aspects of your body in order to provide detailed visual health status assessments. It analyzes energy, frequency, vibration and resonance signals.

Each organ, tissue and cell has an ideal frequency that should not be disturbed; any disruption of this frequency balance can result in illness.

It is easy to use

The AO Scan Digital Body Analyzer is an intuitive device designed to assist practitioners in moving away from treating symptoms and towards finding root causes. Utilizing European technology, this device scans energy and physiological health across a client’s entire body and detects imbalances within their energetic pattern as well as hidden allergens or toxicities; stored emotions which adversely impact health; measures stress on immune system function; analyze immune stress response patterns and recommend solutions for maximum wellness.

Rejuvenate your whole body & balance your health without medications - now remotely!

This noninvasive technology is inspired by the work of Nikola Tesla, Dr. Royal Rife and Albert Einstein who realized that all physical objects at their core consist of energy frequency. The AO Scan reads these frequencies and compares them to a database of healthy frequencies before quickly displaying its results in minutes – providing more timely assessments than traditional methods and projecting your health status out 3-5 years.

The machine is designed to identify the various vibrational frequencies found within your body – known as oscillation frequencies – and when these are disturbed they can lead to disease and dis-ease. Additionally, AO Scan can detect toxins, allergens, and imbalanced hormone levels which can provide valuable insight for improving diet and lifestyle habits resulting in increased energy and better overall health.

AO Scan has another benefit in that it can quickly scan an individual’s entire body in 15-30 minutes. Once that scan has completed, the machine will generate frequencies tailored to meet your unique needs and send them directly into your body as part of its healing process – this process is known as frequency optimization.


In addition to detecting imbalances, the AO Scan can also provide insight into your emotional wellbeing using voice analysis and emotional frequency detection. Furthermore, its frequency balancing capabilities allow for proactive wellness management.

This cutting-edge technology has empowered people to become holistic healers, taking an proactive approach to their health and fitness. The AO Scan has helped many recover from chronic conditions like cancer, fibromyalgia, allergies as well as decrease pain and stress levels in their lives. If you want more information on the AO Scan or would like one for yourself – become an affiliate today of Solex?Life!

It is affordable

The AO Scan is a revolutionary device that utilizes a bone-conducting headset and smartphone to measure electromagnetic fields from your body, collecting this data to provide a detailed report on your health and wellbeing, while simultaneously helping identify any potential health concerns before they become severe. This can be particularly helpful for people living with chronic health conditions.

Frequency optimization works by identifying and correcting imbalances in your body’s frequencies, by comparing yours against a database of healthy frequencies and recalibrating them accordingly. Additionally, frequency optimization can clear away negative energy that obstructs both balance and immunity – this process is known as frequency optimization.

Every cell and organ in our bodies vibrate at certain frequencies or oscillations, and AO Scan can identify these vibrations by comparing them against its library of over 120,000 healthy frequencies. If these oscillations become disrupted, this can result in symptoms and health conditions to appear; with its complete body scan capability, the AO Scan is ideal for pinpointing any problems before they arise.

European technology powers the AO Scan Full Body Analyzer, a safe and noninvasive device designed to identify abnormalities in energy frequencies across your cells, organs and systems. Furthermore, this device can detect allergens, toxins and nutritional deficiencies hidden within your body as well as analyze stress to find ways to alleviate it for greater wellness.

The AO Scan is an affordable way to improve your health and well-being. It can detect issues before they become serious and identify missing organs or limbs; additionally, it can recommend dietary and herbal supplements that can support overall wellness.

In addition to its physical benefits, the AO Scan can also be used to assess emotional issues and boost your self-esteem. It can detect imbalances in your emotions and help you overcome them; understand past problems; find solutions; connect with intuition; make better decisions that will benefit life; build strong foundations of emotional wellness and help make decisions that will serve life’s purposes. This tool can be especially helpful when used by those looking for emotional wellness as a foundation of strength – an AO Scan is ideal for this!

It is effective

The AO Scan is a noninvasive scanner that can help identify and correct imbalances in the body. It does this by comparing cells, tissues, and organs against healthy frequencies stored in its database; additionally it detects hidden allergens and toxins; stored emotions which negatively impact health; nutritional deficiencies; as well as stress on immune systems. Based on technology from Russia, Germany, and Spain; inspired by scientists like Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, and Dr Royal Rife who understood that everything is energy and frequency at its core;

AO Scan is available both as a mobile app and desktop software, making it simple for medical professionals, naturopaths, and individuals alike to utilize it effectively and affordably. With minimal training requirements and extremely competitive prices, it has quickly become the go-to solution for emotional, physical, mental balance support for humans as well as pets and plants – it even works great as an alternative medicine approach, with results often appearing within minutes at significantly less cost than visits to traditional physicians or naturopaths!

Downloading the AO Scan app from either iPhone or Android stores for free can provide access to SOLEX mobile scanners and special headsets to identify health imbalances on yourself, pets, clients or clients and send Subtle Energy Frequency Imprints (SEFIs). SEFIs may include flower essences, homeopathy or detox frequencies to combat Lyme disease, mold growth or heavy metal parasites – it even projects your future health 3-5 years ahead!

The AO Scan is an effective tool to promote emotional, physical, and mental wellness. Utilizing technologies from Russia, Germany, and other nations to analyze body vibrational frequencies. By scanning your entire body the AO Scan provides valuable feedback about what needs to be done to balance chakras, meridians, aura, identify root causes of issues as well as natural solutions – it even protects from negative vibrations in the environment!

It is safe

AO Scan employs noninvasive radionics to monitor subtle bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals in your body that provide insight into its functioning, providing data which allows for assessment of physical health as well as emotional wellbeing. You can use this data to create an overall wellness plan to help make you feel better – an AO Scan is an excellent solution for anyone wanting to enhance their quality of life!

The AO Scan identifies vibrational frequencies of cells, tissues and organs before comparing these with healthy frequencies from a database of healthy frequencies to detect any energy field imbalances and send normal frequencies directly to affected areas to restore balance to body’s blueprint and prevent disease; or pinpoint stored emotions that could be contributing to health issues – making this tool the perfect companion for naturopaths and holistic healers when treating clients.

AO Scan‘s ability to identify abnormal frequencies goes far beyond detecting anomalous conditions; it can also identify which parts of your body are catabolic (degenerating) or anabolic (recovering), and identify toxic metals and harmful substances that could pose threats. With this data in hand, a wellness plan for each patient could be developed that helps them avoid illness while maintaining optimal wellness.

Utilizing an AO Scan can also help you gain greater awareness of your body’s natural vibrational frequency, by identifying ideal frequencies for each cell, tissue and organ of your body as well as overall energetic vibration. Furthermore, the device offers individualised Sefl-Extended Frequency Integrated Injections (SEFI) injections to balance vibrational frequencies and alleviate any related negative symptoms.

AO Scan is safe to use and provides a comprehensive analysis of your body in just 6-8 minutes, giving you a holistic picture of its performance onscreen. With this knowledge in hand, wellness strategies that support self-healing may be developed. In addition, the AO Scan may identify diet and lifestyle changes which could improve overall health.


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