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Is an AO Scan Near Me Right For You?

Everything in the universe emits its own frequency, just like an tuning fork does, and objects which produce similar frequencies will resonate together.

AO Scan technology utilizes this to identify any imbalances within the body and then transmit frequencies that correct them – providing a powerful preventive health tool.

What is an AO Scan?

AO Scan is a noninvasive bioresonance technology that measures energy frequencies to detect imbalances within the body’s energy field and identify symptoms like fatigue, inflammation and disease. To combat these issues, the scanner compares body’s natural frequencies against healthy frequencies in its database before resetting these frequencies for healing and disease prevention purposes.

AO Scan stands out from other diagnostic techniques by being fast, accurate, noninvasive and cost effective. Health practitioners use it to quickly identify problems related to diet, lifestyle and emotional well-being of an individual so they can create more tailored treatment programs to each patient.

The AO Scan is an energetic healing practice known as radionics that uses energy waves to improve patients’ health. It works on the principle that all human cells and organs vibrate at various frequencies known as Vibrational Frequencies or Oscillations; over the past 20 years over 120,000 of these frequencies have been identified and cataloged; when one of these oscillations becomes disrupted it can lead to inflammation, disease or even cancer.

To conduct an AO Scan, the device emits electromagnetic scalar waves – specialized electromagnetic waves capable of carrying large volumes of information over long distances without losing data – similar to radio or light waves but at higher frequencies.

Scalar waves that pass through your energy field resonate with it and report any imbalances or stressors within. This information is then compared against an AO Scan database of frequencies which have been proven effective at treating specific conditions.

AO Scan is designed for adults 10 years of age or older and may even be used by people with pacemakers and pregnant women. When combined with other treatments such as IV nutrition and vitamin supplementation, the AO Scan can foster healing and wellness; however it should be remembered that it does not replace visits to healthcare providers for diagnosis.

AO Scan Practitioners

AO Scan is a noninvasive, painless assessment tool that measures your body’s response to electromagnetic frequencies. This provides insights into your wellness by revealing imbalances which could impact organs, systems, and tissues as well as suggesting lifestyle modifications that will optimize health outcomes.

AO Scan was developed in the early 2000s by a chiropractor and acupuncturist, drawing upon principles from acupuncture, homeopathy and biofeedback to examine body responses to specific frequencies. Since its inception, it has been increasingly adopted into holistic healing practices as an efficient and safe alternative to traditional medical assessment procedures.

AO Scan is used by various healthcare professionals, such as naturopaths, chiropractors and health coaches. The technology can aid in managing chronic disease by identifying and correcting energetic imbalances associated with them. Furthermore, it can also be used to enhance sports performance by uncovering imbalances which might be impacting training schedules.

AO Scan provides an in-depth evaluation of multiple body systems, such as the digestive tract, heart, lungs and lymphatic system. It detects imbalances and provides treatment recommendations to restore equilibrium – potentially relieving symptoms associated with common health conditions like anxiety and depression and even providing insight into chronic ones like arthritis and fibromyalgia.

AO Scan‘s technology is simple to use and you can scan yourself or clients using its mobile app. From there you can choose among various balancing frequency sets – flower essences, homeopathics, detox frequencies (Lyme Disease, Mold Remediation and Heavy Metal Detoxification frequencies), chakra-balancing frequencies and more!

The AO Scan was developed to complement other therapies and supplements. You can combine it with acupuncture, chiropractic treatment or massage therapy for more comprehensive patient treatment plans. Furthermore, blood work and lab tests may be combined with this diagnostic technology in order to enhance outcomes while helping healthcare providers gain more insight into patients’ overall health conditions and create more targeted treatment plans that offer improved patient results.

AO Scan Technology

AO Scan is an all-in-one full body digital analyzer designed to locate the source of issues rather than simply treating their symptoms. This device scans each organ and system within your body before using its biofrequency technology to pinpoint its root cause – which works by comparing your frequencies against those from known healthy databases – in order to restore balance and harmony within them. AO Scan then clears or shields frequencies until balance and harmony has returned once again.

AO Scan‘s science is straightforward. All living cells emit vibrational frequencies or oscillations that vary – each cell in your body has a specific vibratory frequency which, when disturbed by trauma, diet, stress or emotion can compromise your natural ability to function and lead to fatigue, sickness and disease.

AO Scan mobile device uses cutting-edge technology from Russia, Germany, Spain and Asia to transmit and receive information between your cells and organs using scalar waves. It then measures their vibrational response against healthy cell frequency databases for comparison purposes – providing a powerful way of monitoring overall wellness over time.

Once an AO Scan identifies frequencies that are incorrectly vibrating, it uses algorithms to bring them back into balance and harmony – this process is known as optimization – helping identify a wide variety of health concerns from high blood pressure and cholesterol levels to thyroid issues and hormone imbalances. Furthermore, it has the capacity to clear and shield energy fields, aligning your energy system again while eliminating negative vibrations that might be harming you from outside influences.

There are various kinds of AO Scan scans available, including Vitals Scan mode which is capable of quickly and accurately scanning over 550 blueprint frequencies related to every aspect of your body within one minute. Furthermore, this scan offers personal Inner Voice analysis with emotional balancing tones as well as custom Radionics frequencies to address individual body areas.

AO Scan Results

The AO Scan technology employs bioresonance systems to assess energy patterns within an individual’s body, providing individuals with insight into potential health issues by preemptively recognizing irregularities. It works by measuring electromagnetic frequencies broadcasted from every organ and cell in their bodies and decoding these electromagnetic waves in order to identify imbalances before symptoms manifest themselves.

The device utilizes delicate bio-frequencies to communicate with the human body, and compares their frequencies against an array of 120,000 blueprint frequencies or cellular resonance patterns that represent its natural state of equilibrium. This process usually takes 15-30 minutes and offers clear results that display which areas are catabolic (degenerating) or anabolic (recovering), along with frequencies to help return it into balance.

AO Scan is an advanced wellness technology widely accepted by healthcare professionals such as naturopaths and chiropractors, in particular its unique view of body energies that sets it apart from traditional ultrasounds and blood tests which focus solely on physical symptoms or lab test results.

AO Scan offers more than holistic wellness; it also benefits athletes and other health professionals. By identifying imbalances that could affect performance, this tool helps sports professionals optimize their training and recovery schedules while at the same time potentially uncovering chronic disease-causing imbalances that might not have been picked up by traditional medical evaluations.

An AO Scan practitioner will use a bone-conduction headset and software to conduct a comprehensive scan, which detects over 130 organs, cells and bones within your body. Once complete, it generates a report detailing any deviations from blueprint balance as indicated by numbers 1-4; this report may also list emotional or structural imbalances that need correcting and any infections and allergies present; additionally it offers frequency optimization – a customized playlist of frequencies designed specifically to address what’s causing health issues in you body.
