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Put Your Health in Your Own Hands With the Solex AO Scan

Put Your Health In Your Hands

The AO Scan technology measures and interprets energy, frequency, vibration, and resonance signals produced by your body to detect imbalances and encourage homeostasis – its natural state of equilibrium – once more.

The AO Scanner can offer insights into areas of concern or imbalance such as energy, sleep, digestive health and emotional balance. It can also suggest dietary modifications, supplements and stress-reducers.

What is the AO Scanner?

AO Scan technology can be an incredibly valuable resource for anyone seeking to take control of their health and wellness. As an energy balancing device, it reads and interprets body energies – vibrations and resonance signals – in order to reveal potential imbalances within the body, helping it return towards homeostasis, its natural state of equilibrium.

The AO Scan is a noninvasive way to assess one’s body, suitable for anyone from naturopaths or biohackers to chiropractors or massage therapists. It can identify underlying issues as well as aid healing processes by realigning physical structures and increasing emotional regulation.

This innovative technology utilizes scalar wave technology to scan electromagnetic fields of the body and can be combined with other therapies to aid healing processes. Additionally, this groundbreaking tool can identify nutritional deficiencies or harmful substances within your system as well as provide a posture analysis allowing for more tailored exercise and wellness plans.

Used alongside a trained practitioner who can interpret its results, the AO Scan can be an invaluable asset to anyone interested in taking control of their wellness. Many have seen amazing results using it such as improved digestion, decreased anxiety and better sleep patterns. Common applications for using it include food sensitivities identification, chronic disease management and optimizing athletic performance.

AO Scan works by measuring vibrational frequencies of cells, tissues, and organs within your body before comparing those readings against blueprint frequencies unique to every individual. Transmitting vibrational frequencies that bring balance back into the body. Help correct any imbalances present. Schedule a private session with Jeneen to gain more insight into AO Scan and its uses to boost overall well-being, or add the app onto your phone or tablet, before purchasing a monthly subscription that allows unlimited scans on-the-go and access to Solex community membership (prices start from $149 monthly and include scanner, software and special bone conduction headphones).

How Does the AO Scanner Work?

The AO Scan technology reads and interprets energy, frequency, vibration and resonance signals to measure and guide homeostasis – our natural state of equilibrium. AO Scan is an easy and noninvasive way to monitor health; its easy interface makes monitoring simpler while helping prevent and treat imbalances before they become serious issues.

Everything in our universe — including you — vibrates energy fields. The AO Scan uses bioresonance technology to detect imbalances and send frequencies to correct them. Additionally, this device can identify nutritional deficiencies or toxins, helping you make healthy lifestyle changes such as eating nutritious food more often or exercising regularly.

Every organ, tissue and cell in your body has its own distinct frequency that the AO Scan can identify and compare against those found in healthy, balanced bodies. Furthermore, it optimizes these frequencies in order to restore balance to them.

The AO Scan can help identify and balance imbalances in your energy, emotions, brain, digestive system, immune system and more – it even can assist with improving posture and alignment! With multiple scan options tailored specifically to you and your needs. Inner-Voice scan listens to your voice and offers melodies to balance emotional and physical imbalances, while Vital Scan scans over 550 functions of your body in under one minute, producing a report you can take away with you. AO Scan can also deliver Subtle Energy Frequency Imprints (SEFIs), such as healing frequencies from flower essences and homeopathics; detox frequencies to target bacteria, viruses, mold, chemicals, heavy metals parasites etc; affirmations as well as physical balance (hiccups, hypoxia pain sleep imbalance).

AO Scan technology can be an incredible asset to help you reclaim your health! For optimal results, consult with an experienced practitioner and use your report from this technology to develop wellness programs designed to address any imbalances identified.

How Can the AO Scanner Help?

The AO Scanner can be utilized by wellness practitioners both personally and for clients as part of holistic health practices, helping identify imbalances in the body and guide targeted interventions that support wellbeing. Furthermore, its energy scan feature can reveal energetic imbalances often connected with chronic illnesses, leading to more efficient treatment plans.

AO Scanner uses cutting-edge technology to quickly analyze a person’s biofield to detect areas of imbalance or stress, then sends supportive vibrations that encourage it back towards equilibrium. It provides a safe, noninvasive, highly accurate view into their body’s energetic health.

AO Scanner uses sound sensitivity to detect and optimize frequencies that have become out-of-tune, much like a tuning fork. These out-of-tune frequencies may include emotional, physical or mental dimensions caused by trauma, illness or environmental factors; when one becomes distorted the scanner utilizes information gathered from biofield information to bring it back into alignment with its known correct frequency – this process is known as optimization.

As a result, the AO Scanner can be used to assess both emotional and physical imbalances, assess nutritional intake and environment impact as well as help alleviate pain or discomfort while increasing energy levels.

Are You Looking to Become an AO Scan Practitioner? An accredited program provides training on the device through both in-person and online instruction that covers usage, interpretation of results and protocols for client care.

AO Scan Mobile is an invaluable tool for wellness professionals, such as naturopaths, chiropractors and health coaches, as well as home users seeking to take control of their own health at home. Professional yet economical with easy usage and lightweight enough for portable use – you can scan yourself as well as friends and family at the same time with this handheld scanner that produces color reports via email for each scanning session.

How Can the AO Scanner Help You?

Each cell in your body emits its own vibrational frequency, just as each organ does, to maintain health and equilibrium in our bodies. Together these frequencies vibrate like notes on a piano; when any frequency goes “out-of-tune” our bodies may experience fatigue or illness – this is where AO Scanner comes into play as an effective tuning device that works like an antenna detecting issues while sending back normal frequencies back into our systems to bring balance back to them and restore equilibrium within them.

The AO Scanner achieves this by scanning over 3,000 items, referencing more than 80,000 points, and analyzing over 250,000 pieces of data. Once collected, this information is broadcasted back into the body via fifteen distinct ways in order to detect frequencies that fall outside of alignment with optimal frequencies; all in under two minutes!

This method provides a safe, non-invasive and straightforward method for assessing energetic imbalances and providing insights into overall health. Suitable for individuals, groups or families alike. Not meant to diagnose medical conditions directly but more so to provide an energetic assessment of your body and an aid for taking control of your own wellbeing.

Enroll in an AO Scan Practitioner course to gain certification to perform scanning sessions on others and learn to use the AO Scanner effectively. These courses usually provide both online and in-person training covering use of the device, interpretation of scan results, protocols for client care, etc.

Empowering individuals to take control of their health is an exciting opportunity for those who wish to share this proven healing technology in their local communities. For those interested in earning additional income through scanning sessions or by selling the AO Scanner itself.

For those suffering from complex health issues and symptoms that elude diagnosis from doctor to doctor, functional medicine’s AO Scanner can be an invaluable asset in discovering where imbalances exist in their bodies and ways to remedy them through functional medicine.
