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What is an AO Scan?

Every organ, tissue and cell in our bodies emits its own vibrational frequency or oscillation; any disturbance to these frequencies may lead to imbalance in various ways.

AO Scanner detects these frequencies and resets them back to their natural states for maximum body performance and optimal magnetic field optimization. Safe for everyone including pacemakers.

AO Scan Technology

AO scan technology is an innovative and cutting edge method of holistic health that has taken the world by storm. This non-invasive assessment has become popular with doctors, naturopaths, wellness coaches, fitness professionals, biohackers and everyday wellness enthusiasts worldwide. The AO scan can identify energy imbalances within your body while offering insight into overall wellness.

The AO scanner employs non-invasive technology to measure how your body responds to specific frequencies, providing a comprehensive overview of energetic balance in various systems and organs. Information is collected using transducer headsets worn on each ear which collect scalar wave data that is then processed using sophisticated software programs for analysis before results are displayed on screen; more detailed reports can also be sent directly to practitioners for interpretation and analysis.

Each atom, cell, organ and system in our bodies emit a distinctive vibration that can be measured with this technology. The AO scanner compares these vibrations against their Blueprint Frequencies to detect any discrepancies that might indicate imbalance or disease; then sends sympathetic vibrations outward to restore equilibrium to each organ or tissue.

Optimization refers to a process in which everything in our environment has its own frequency; when these frequencies don’t mesh well with our bodies, an imbalance can arise and lead to disease. The AO scanner utilizes frequencies instead of chemicals or electricity for optimal use with pacemakers, pregnancy and even children.

The AO scanner can help to clear, shield, and optimize body frequencies to help restore homeostasis and heal itself naturally. Balanced octaves found within Inner-Voice reports should be listened to daily using headphones for optimal results. In addition, its cleansing function may help rid your body of harmful toxins, providing another key step toward treating root causes of many common diseases and ailments.

AO Scan Reports

AO Scan is an easy, noninvasive mobile technology that leverages your body’s electromagnetic field to detect imbalances and send therapeutic frequencies directly from your phone in order to correct them. Furthermore, it offers an overview of organs and systems’ health status so you can make informed healthcare choices and commit yourself to greater wellbeing.

With scalar wave technology, our device captures resonating frequencies, compares them with your body’s Blueprint Frequencies and identifies any variations. It then transmits these healthy frequencies back into your system so cells, tissues and organs return to their optimal oscillation or “frequencies of health”.

A specialized software program then analyzes your scan results and compares them against a database of healthy frequencies. If it detects any inconsistencies, it will clear or shield that area of your body which requires correction, as well as transmit additional specific frequencies directly into it.

The AO Scan Digital Body Analyzer stands out from noninvasive scanners by projecting your health status for up to three or five years into the future, making it truly unique among noninvasive scanners. A detailed visual analysis, this report covers over five hundred blueprint frequencies associated with body functions and organs in an impressive visual analysis report.

As an added benefit, you will also gain insight into the health status of your organs, muscles, blood cells, arteries, skin, lungs, glandular and reproductive organs, skeletal system containing bones and chromosomes, connective tissue as well as all major chakras and meridians. This report can highlight emotional, structural and vital imbalances as well as frequencies that could help address them.

As opposed to conventional medical tests that may involve needles or other invasive techniques, the AO Scan is completely noninvasive, only requiring you to wear bone-conducting headphones during your session. Practitioners will upload information specific to you into the device before performing your scan and providing a report with its findings. It can be combined with other healthcare methods for an integrated approach towards health and wellbeing.

AO Scan Benefits

AO scan is a non-invasive, holistic tool that gives an overview of your energetic state and can identify areas in which there may be imbalance, which will enable informed decisions about health and wellness decisions as well as help prevent health issues from worsening, while giving you tools for taking proactive steps toward balance and optimal well-being.

The principles behind AO Scan can be traced back to scientists like Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein who believed that energy, frequency and vibration make up all that exists in nature. Following in their footsteps, this device works on similar principles by measuring electromagnetic signals and subtle bio-frequencies at cellular level in order to detect imbalances at cellular level; by comparing their frequencies against an established database of healthy cells it can identify issues requiring attention.

AO Scan provides results quickly, saving both time and money. A comprehensive report detailing your health status can also be provided per session, giving you access to follow up appointments with doctors regarding specific challenges highlighted by your report, should necessary.

Once your AO Scan has been completed, your practitioner will interpret its data and tailor guidance specifically to your unique needs. They may suggest diet modifications or natural remedies to promote balance and overall well-being. Furthermore, an AO Scan provides insight into emotional wellbeing; helping to release any tension that might be contributing to any health issues.

Aside from providing an in-depth view of your current health status, an AO Scan can also provide an indication of what lies ahead for people living with chronic medical issues. This can be particularly beneficial.

Given AO Scan technology is relatively new, it has yet to become fully incorporated into standard healthcare procedures. However, continued research and collaboration among healthcare professionals and technology experts have yielded promising results.


The AO Scan is an advanced technology that utilizes subtle bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals to identify areas in your body that need help, giving you a deeper insight into its functions and what may need improvement. Furthermore, clients and friends can use it remotely – making this an ideal solution for optimizing health while reaching balance and harmony in life.

AO scanners stand out from other scanning technologies by being able to pinpoint imbalances in a person’s chromosomes and other parts of their body that require special attention, enabling more targeted changes to diet and lifestyle that address them more directly. They also help identify nutrient deficiencies as well as providing recommendations for supplements to support specific health goals.

An important feature of the AO scanner is its ability to assess body meridians. Meridians are energy pathways connecting various organs and systems within your body – including spine and brain – with which it communicates energy flows that affect wellness. By scanning meridians with this device, the AO scanner can assess their imbalances as well as provide details about which body parts they link energetically, giving you information to optimize these meridians and promote overall wellness.

Solex also provides an extensive line of complementary products designed to promote overall wellness. These include nutritional supplements, natural remedies and detoxification aids. In addition, Solex hosts an online community where users can share experiences and learn from each other.

The AO scanner is an innovative technology gaining increasing interest among naturopaths, holistic health coaches, biohackers and fitness enthusiasts. Available as both an iOS and Android app version for easy accessibility by all audiences.
