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Allergies and Reson8 Bioresonance

Every organ, tissue and cell in your body emits its own electromagnetic frequency, with any deviation in these signals being an early warning of health problems.

As iron filings come loose from their proper places, imbalances in your biomagnetic field can create symptoms in your body. Bioresonance therapy seeks to correct these magnetic frequencies through bioresonance treatment in order to restore balance.


Allergies are immune system responses to substances which the body perceives as threats, such as food, chemicals, environmental toxins or drugs. While allergy symptoms can be uncomfortable but non-life threatening; unfortunately conventional treatment options don’t always work. Reson8 bioresonance has proven itself effective at managing many different kinds of allergies successfully.

Food allergies are a widespread condition that can manifest themselves through itchy skin irritation to nausea and stomach cramps, according to Food Allergy Research And Resource Program data. According to these estimates, up to four percent of the population suffers from these allergies. These reactions can often be triggered by foods the body perceives as threats, like wheat or cow’s milk. Avoiding these foods may help, though this approach is often not feasible or manageable over time. Some individuals may also experience gastrointestinal distress and fatigue from this diet, making reson8 bioresonance an invaluable tool for testing and treating food allergies. Based on quantum physics, this technique transmits electromagnetic waves directly into our cells to restore immunity balance, stimulate tissue regeneration processes, and increase self-healing capacities.

Reson8 bioresonance is a noninvasive, painless procedure that utilizes electrodes to scan the energy fields of your body. It can identify imbalances and blockages which lead to digestive and respiratory ailments as well as identify their underlying causes; ultimately helping balance your energies for overall wellness.

Bioresonance may not yet be widely available through the NHS, but it has found an increasingly prominent place within complementary medicine clinics. Bioresonance can treat an array of conditions ranging from allergies and intolerances to digestive disorders like Crohn’s disease as well as smoking cessation and insomnia.

Alternative medicine has gained increasing momentum over time despite its controversial nature, with natural remedies becoming more and more sought after by consumers frustrated with traditional approaches failing to yield results. This increased interest has resulted in alternative therapies like Reson8 Bioresonance as patients seek solutions to chronic sinusitis and rheumatoid arthritis symptom diagnosis using noninvasive tests like this non-invasive test called Reson8 Bioresonance.


Conventional medicine provides some relief for sleep disorders, but often comes with unwanted side effects. Instead, taking an holistic approach that addresses underlying stressors and lifestyle factors is often the better way forward in terms of long-term wellbeing – which is where bioresonance therapy comes into play with its Alpha AH device from Anywhere Healing harnessing its powerful technology for use against insomnia disorders and to restore body balance.

Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic waves to synchronize with the natural frequencies in our bodies, and when there’s an imbalance, the system detects it by listening for electromagnetic signals emitted from organs and tissues. Once identified, an antidote frequency is produced that neutralizes these unhealthy electromagnetic frequencies and restores them back into a healthier range.

Results include improved sleep and the reduction of other health problems such as fatigue, headaches, digestive issues and inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis as well as snoring and muscle spasms. Hormonal imbalances affecting women at various points in life such as premenstrual cramps or hot flushes can also be addressed successfully.

Bioresonance therapy differs from traditional treatments in that it’s noninvasive and safe for patients of all ages. Sessions usually begin with an individual diagnosis to assess if bioresonance therapy could benefit you, followed by an individualized treatment plan tailored specifically to you and your needs.


Stressful times in our lives can put too much strain on our body’s miraculous self-healing system, manifesting themselves through toxins, viruses, bacteria, parasites or emotional blocks or physical tension. It’s crucial that we identify the sources of discomfort so as to find effective ways of eliminating them.

Reson8 bioresonance provides us with a way to recognize these stressors within our bodies by reading electromagnetic vibrations released by cells. Once identified, these frequencies are inverted and transmitted back as therapeutic messages to the cell in question; this re-tunes its communications, helping it work more harmoniously again.

Bioresonance therapy has proven successful at treating numerous ailments. According to one study, patients treated with this modality experienced significant improvements in their symptoms as well as reduced need for medication.

Depression is another condition that bioresonance therapy may assist with. A recent clinical trial demonstrated this benefit by showing patients who received bioresonance treatment using the Mora Nova device experienced significant improvements in their mood compared to those receiving placebo treatments, likely as bioresonance therapy stimulated the release of melatonin and serotonin by the brain.

Studies have demonstrated the power of bioresonance therapy to treat many conditions, such as allergies, asthma, pain management, rheumatoid arthritis and insomnia. Furthermore, bioresonance can restore cellular balance while strengthening our bodies regenerative abilities and increase regenerative potential – all without side effects! It provides an effective noninvasive alternative to medications with no lasting side effects.

Reson8 bioresonance is an innovative electromagnetic waves-based therapy to diagnose and treat various illnesses. It works by identifying imbalances within your body, retraining cells to function more efficiently, and decreasing accumulated toxins. Furthermore, the system pinpoints the source of your problems with specific recommendations on how to address them; making reson8 bioresonance an excellent way to identify root cause of health concerns as well as promote self-healing. Furthermore, other treatments can be combined to maximize results; talk to your physician about this new approach can enhance quality of life!


Bioresonance involves attaching electrodes to the skin and linking them with a machine that “reads” energy wavelengths emanating from your body. Once discordant frequencies are identified, electromagnetic impulses are sent back out in order to harmonize them – hopefully initiating healing processes within your own body.

Bioresonance machines can identify an array of health conditions and pinpoint their specific causes, making bioresonance especially useful for pinpointing allergy and intolerance-related issues, gastrointestinal diseases like colitis or IBS as well as chronic illnesses like fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis – not to mention smoking cessation or sleep disorders.

While several studies demonstrate positive results of bioresonance, many healthcare professionals do not regard it as an effective or reliable treatment option. Many claims made by practitioners remain unverified while some have even been criticized by the Federal Trade Commission.

Bioresonance works on the principle that every cell, tissue and organ in your body emits electromagnetic waves or frequencies which indicate potential health problems. By performing regular bio-resonance scans on yourself and scanning yourself regularly for problems, bio-resonance scans can detect problems before symptoms surface allowing you to address them early before they worsen further.

Some users report experiencing slight discomfort when the BICOM device sends electromagnetic vibrations through their body, but this should be taken as normal and unworried of. These devices remove harmful vibrations from cells while adding in healthier ones that restore balance to their health.

Bioresonance therapy is non-invasive and without side effects, making it safe for most people – though pregnant women and children should wait until post-birth before receiving bioresonance therapy sessions. Pacemakers or any other electrical implants in your body should not undergo this therapy; for any questions regarding potential adverse reactions please speak with your healthcare provider before scheduling any sessions.
