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Asyra Bioresonance

Asyra uses frequencies to identify toxins and imbalances.

It can also be used to assess a client’s diet and dietary supplements in just minutes, making this an efficient method for quick evaluation.

Practitioners can then utilize Asyra results to inform their wellness practice, which often includes homeopathy, herbs, and nutritional supplements.


Everything in this universe vibrates at various rates – from microscopic particles to our complex organisms and communities. Living systems (ranging from biomolecules to human beings) often exhibit strong resonance responses when exposed to certain frequencies; depending on resonant frequency of an organism being treated, these could have either positive or negative impacts; this explains why certain foods, chemicals or radiation can make people sick – as does radiation exposure; that is why devices like Asyra (non-invasive bio-energetic screening system). Asyra provides invaluable information so practitioners can tailor effective healing programs tailored specifically for their clients.

The Asyra Screen is easy and safe for nearly all ages to use, using a low voltage circuit made up of two brass electrodes held together with wire. This creates a light current in the body which is detected by its software before being relayed back to the practitioner who receives a list of responses that fall outside a healthy range.

Asyra software analyzes your list of results and formulates homeopathic remedies tailored specifically for treating imbalances within your body. These remedies aim to invert unhealthy cells’ resonating frequencies back towards healthy resonance levels – helping cells reconnect properly while taking back control over regulatory processes.

Asyra bioresonance testing equipment stands apart from its peers by not being limited to finding only acupressure points; rather, it can detect both acupressure-related imbalances as well as non-acupressure imbalances like nutritional deficiencies or slight organ stresses. This makes it far more adaptable and versatile.

Achieve Health Maumee offers Asyra services including screening and treatment sessions. A screening usually lasts one and a half hours; therefore it is essential that clients set aside enough time for an initial case history interview where they can discuss any concerns with their practitioner.


Asyra Bio-energetic Screening is a noninvasive testing system designed to assess your energetic wellbeing. This testing system detects imbalances and uncovers causes that traditional tests often miss, providing answers about why such issues persist. Nutritionists, herbalists, integrative doctors, homeopaths and psychotherapists all utilize Asyra’s screenings as can acupuncturists chiropractic, kinesiologists and massage therapy practitioners alike.

It can test thousands of areas quickly, including allergies, food sensitivities, pathogens, toxins, emotional factors structural issues and metabolic conditions in minutes. The device can even detect these abnormalities within electronic blue prints of tissues and organs for quick diagnosis.

Asyra technology operates under the assumption that everything in life is energy. We often believe we are electromagnetic beings and this belief is supported by diagnostic equipment like MRI machines, ultrasound scanners and EKG’s which all use electromagnetic signals to assess what is going on inside of us. Asyra uses similar principles with an improved version using more sophisticated and precise measurement.

Electronic skin analysis works by sending an electrical signal through the skin that can be detected by computer software, which in turn detects unhealthy cells and recommends treatment options. The entire process is completely painless and without risk to patients – making it an excellent alternative to more invasive therapies such as X-rays and colonoscopies.

The system can also help evaluate a patient’s emotional state, digestion and immune function as well as suggesting effective herbs, vitamins and supplements to treat their condition. This enables practitioners to create more holistic treatment plans that address both physical and emotional aspects of patient’s illnesses simultaneously.

Asyra can assist in pinpointing the source of many common health conditions, including stress and anxiety, fatigue, headaches or migraines, inflammatory disorders, digestive problems, hormonal imbalances and autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, Asyra can also detect infections with parasites, bacteria or yeast infections; using this information as part of a personalized treatment plan designed to reverse imbalances and restore patients’ wellbeing.


Asyra bioresonance therapy has proven highly successful at treating numerous conditions, such as fibromyalgia, cancer, allergies and autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, it helps reduce stress and boost immunity – attributing its success partly to its ability to detect imbalances that other tests miss as well as being noninvasive and painless procedure.

Bioresonance works on the scientific principle that everything is energy, and that information can be recorded as electromagnetic waves. Similar concepts are utilized by MRI machines and ultrasound devices. Bioresonance machines pick up these electromagnetic signals through special pieces of hair sent in advance that connects via quantum entanglement with their devices – information gathered is then stored on computers so therapists can use these results of testing to develop personalized treatment plans for patients.

Although bioresonance tests don’t always correlate directly with symptoms, they can still provide useful indicators that lead to accurate diagnosis. Common signs include low levels of nutrients, hormones or toxins – clues which your therapist can address through diet or other therapies.

Bioresonance has long been used as a treatment for allergies. Studies conducted both controlled and uncontrolled have demonstrated its efficacy at alleviating symptoms associated with eczema, asthma and other allergic conditions. Furthermore, researchers believe bioresonance may even help ameliorate rheumatoid arthritis (RA) by normalizing how antioxidants in the body interact to fight free radicals that damage tissue during an episode of RA.

Bioresonance machines not only identify food sensitivities but can also detect environmental toxins or substances harmful to our bodies. For instance, they can detect low zinc levels in blood that could compromise immune system strength – prompting therapists to recommend strengthening supplements as part of a treatment plan.

Bioresonance screens typically take five to 90 minutes depending on which tests are chosen by a client. We advise clients to allow at least two and a half hours for this screening process as consultation time must also be scheduled in. During this consultation time, clients will be interviewed about their health history as well as being quizzed about any current issues they are experiencing.

Easy to use

Asyra is a comprehensive bioenergetic screening system and one of the fastest and most thorough bio-energetic assessment and treatment systems currently available. Based on the concept that all things in life contain energy, Asyra operates using electromagnetic bio-energetic assessments similar to how an MRI uses magnetic energy or ultrasound works using high frequency sound waves; Asyra uses its unique technology to search your body’s meridians for areas of imbalance before providing natural remedies that address those areas.

This approach to health is founded on the premise that disease begins at an energetic level, which in turn influences chemical processes that result in tissue damage and organ death. This noninvasive and drug-free process provides valuable insight into client health while pinpointing sources such as rashes, allergies, nutritional deficiencies or hormone imbalances as well.

Asyra provides an extremely clear and visually engaging test process with instantaneous results that can be printed or exported as PDF. It is highly adaptable, featuring tried and tested screening protocols that practitioners can build upon to tailor consultations to individual patients as well as an expansive database of natural remedies to choose from.

Asyra’s cutting-edge technology makes it a valuable addition to any practitioner’s toolbox, providing them with the opportunity to expand their business and improve treatment outcomes. You can purchase it through several third-party finance companies for added financial flexibility when investing in their practice. Classroom or online training as well as workshops and webinars help equip users with confidence for effective software use.

Asyra’s intuitive user interface makes Asyra simple to learn; quickly you’ll be running challenge tests, analysing responses and recording responses. After running these challenges tests and recording responses, Asyra generates a comprehensive report providing valuable feedback and advice about their future path forward – an effective and innovative method of providing more extensive analysis than is revealed by interviews alone.
