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Asyra Bioresonance, Electro Acupressure, Qest4, Hunter Metapathia, and More

Many people hold that cancer cells and other diseased organs emit abnormal electromagnetic waves that an electronic device could detect and alter back to normal; this unproven idea is known as bioresonance.

The Asyra bioenergetic testing system utilizes frequencies to scan your body for toxic conditions and physiological abnormalities, and identify imbalances that require correction through balancing, desensitization or detoxification protocols. It is an invaluable tool that will assist in this endeavor.

Acupressure Points

Acupressure points are pressure points believed to aid the body’s natural healing abilities and are located on meridians that run throughout. Applying pressure to these meridians activates pressure points that relieve pain and increase circulation while encouraging natural healing capabilities of your body – this technique may be used as an adjunct therapy as well. Acupressure can be found on wrist, elbow, palm and finger pads and performed either manually by trained therapists or mechanical devices that apply continuous and steady pressure on these spots.

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The Asyra system utilizes electrodermal testing techniques that detect cell resonances to identify imbalances such as organ stress or nutritional deficiencies. Once identified, your practitioner can develop an holistic treatment plan to restore equilibrium – unlike traditional medicine which often masks symptoms rather than treating root cause of problems.

Asyra’s database offers an expansive selection of health tests that span multiple disciplines, such as food intolerance, allergy sensitivity, nutritional deficiency and hormone profile evaluation. Furthermore, Asyra can also monitor whether supplements you are taking are actually being absorbed by the body effectively or not.

The Asyra system features an easy to use user-interface that displays results in color and ranks them by importance, making the results easily digestible for users. You can also use it to determine the best homeopathic remedy for you as testing records how your body reacts to each item tested; plus you can select exactly which items to test for and select how many at one time! Finally, during training you’ll gain experience using Asyra along with personalized support from experienced practitioners.


Electro Acupuncture

Electro acupuncture uses needles connected to electrical impulse generators as the name implies. Acupuncturists will place two needles near where pain is felt and connect them to an electronic pulse machine which sends an electric current between these points – similar to traditional acupuncture but with the ability to modify frequency and intensity for different conditions.

Many studies have investigated how acupuncture works to treat pain. Studies have demonstrated that acupuncture stimulates the release of opioid peptides, neurotransmitters, and immune signaling proteins from both the brain and spinal cord, activating hypothalamus for stress reduction and sleep promotion, increasing blood flow to help rehydrate body organs and reduce inflammation.

Studies have also demonstrated the efficacy of acupuncture for treating insomnia, a common complaint among those living under chronic physical or emotional strain. Furthermore, it can reduce inflammatory reactions while restoring balance to qi flow–something essential for good health.

Studies have demonstrated that acupuncture stimulates the release of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). MSCs are adult stem cells found within bone marrow that have the capacity to form into various types of tissues and organs. MSCs have been found to possess therapeutic effects on the immune system, such as blocking inflammatory responses and slowing cancer cell growth. Furthermore, MSCs can augment low-dose medications such as celecoxib and indomethacin that address inflammation pain. Furthermore, they can help alleviate neuropathic pain by activating glial cells and suppressing spinal n-methyl-d-aspartate receptor subunit GluN1 phosphorylation. Combining two frequencies (2Hz and 100Hz) may maximize pain relief by stimulating endorphins, enkephalins, serotonin, norepinephrine, and dynorphin release.


Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive alternative therapy that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to promote healing. This approach has been found effective against allergies and pain management issues as well as overall well-being issues. Bioresonance‘s principles were originally pioneered by Royal Rife during his bioenergetic medicine discoveries during the 1920s; Rife discovered that disease-causing pathogens can be eradicated with specific frequency waves that were then utilized by Bioresonance machines to identify and treat imbalances within the body.

Bioresonance uses frequency scanning technology to identify which protons and neutrons in living and dead matter vibrate at different frequencies, matching up with what the client is experiencing. If this frequency matching occurs, Bioresonance can “cancel out” negative frequencies to assist the body’s healing processes.

Bioresonance therapy differs from more invasive procedures like surgery in that it’s noninvasive and painless. An electromagnetic field produced by a machine passes gently over your body using electrodes, and then your therapist reads back the signals your body sends back to help identify sources of any issues or distress.

Bioresonance testing can identify food and environmental allergies, as well as urogenital dysfunctions and prostatitis, heavy metal poisoning and low immune defences; parasites that aren’t visible with naked eyes; it may even help balance hormone levels and improve mood.

Bioresonance therapy has also been proven effective at relieving symptoms associated with fibromyalgia, indigestion, and overtraining. According to one study, people receiving bioresonance saw quicker improvement than control group members receiving manual therapy or massage alone. Furthermore, bioresonance can identify vitamin and mineral deficiencies.


Qest4 bioenergetic testing is a noninvasive diagnostic tool used to detect imbalances in the body’s energy field. Utilizing electromagnetic signals, it analyzes over 30 categories of health and wellness such as hormones, chromosomes, diet and screening for toxicity. Furthermore, Asyra hardware uses informational signals that promote self-healing within mind-body systems allowing individuals to self-heal faster; testing for issues like fibromyalgia, cancer and allergies.

A Qest4 session typically begins with a consultation to address client needs and concerns, after which a practitioner connects the client to the machine through metal rods that transmit and receive low-level electrical signals; this process is painless and safe; then, using computerized analysis software, its computer compares body response against various organs, tissues and environmental toxins in its library database.

The software analyzes the results and produces a report that highlights imbalances. These may include nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, harmful chemicals, or emotional blockages. Furthermore, Qest4 device provides recommendations for diet considerations, detoxification processes and holistic treatments designed to restore equilibrium within the body.

The Qest4 system is easy and portable, offering intuitive user interface that makes running scans and creating energetic imprints fast and straightforward. Unlike muscle testing and kinesiology, its focus is energetic resonance rather than physical resistance readings for reliable and accurate results, while eliminating all bias from its results. Furthermore, its vast database of frequency signatures covers everything from physiology and biochemistry to emotions and affirmations; you can even set it up to incorporate your own tried and tested protocols; plus there’s worldwide support and future software updates from them all in one package deal!

Hunter Metapathia

Hunter Metapathia is a non-invasive diagnostic system based on bio-resonance that works to detect abnormalities within human bodies and provide detailed information about their cause. Furthermore, this cutting-edge technology is being utilized by healthcare providers such as Western Medicine providers, Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic practitioners, Psychiatrists, Health Spa’s/Clinics as well as Homeopathic Doctors/Nutritionists.

At each diagnostic session, patients sit comfortably while an instrument is placed over their head and shoulders to create 3D images of organs and systems, which they can review with their physician afterwards. Hunter Metapathia then pinpoints any imbalances and suggests treatments plans suited for them.

This hardware-software system, developed by the Institute of Practical Psychophysics, uses bioelectrical activity of brain neurons to produce a preset signal that can be traced throughout the body and amplified selectively using Hunter Metapathia for further decoding of information contained within it. Once decoded, this data is displayed visually as virtual organ models using colors.

This new version of the software program improves functional health assessments and research speed, tracking tumor nidus and hereditary diseases as well as finding which parts of genome medication affect. Furthermore, it can track viruses, helminthes, rickettsia and toxoplasma processes spectral processes to assist in selecting appropriate antibiotic treatments.


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