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BICOM Bioresonance Machine

The BICOM bioresonance machine is an innovative computerized technology that measures your body’s natural energetic frequencies to detect disease patterns and remove them.

Healthy cells emit electromagnetic waves with symmetrical frequencies, which can be detected by other cells throughout the body. Unhealthy cells emit asymmetrical electromagnetic waves which can stress out other parts of the body and potentially lead to diseases.

Why is Bioresonance Therapy so Effective?

Bioresonance therapy is a drug-free and noninvasive complementary treatment method. All cells emit electromagnetic vibrations which, during illness or injury, may become disharmonious; using the BICOM machine to read these vibrations to identify any sources of imbalance; the device then transmits complimentary electromagnetic vibrations back into the body to restore harmony and improve health.

Bioresonance Therapy can be used to identify and treat an array of conditions and diseases, such as fibromyalgia, cancer, asthma, allergies, digestive issues and sleep issues. Furthermore, athletes often turn to this form of therapy in order to recover from overtraining syndrome; which manifests itself by high blood pressure and heart rate while simultaneously relaxing their sympathetic nervous system’s “fight or flight” response system.

Bioresonance devices work by measuring the frequency of energy waves produced by your body and comparing this information with that found in diseased cells and organs to identify illness. Bioresonance enthusiasts claim these machines can detect illness while also healing it by resetting damaged DNA back to its original frequency.

After conducting an initial anamnesis discussion wherein your symptoms and potential illnesses are noted by your therapist, various applicators are placed on your head, hands, feet, organs or reflex zones while sitting or lying down. The BICOM machine reads all this data sent back by these applicators before using internal filters to transform and amplify healthy oscillation patterns while attenuating any harmful ones.

Through applicators, this information is sent back to your body through reinforcement of healthy signals and countering pathogenic ones. Your therapist can adjust the intensity of these signals depending on what goals they wish to attain.

Bioresonance therapy is painless, without known side effects or risks to patients. Some may experience temporary worsening of their symptoms after each session – usually this is an indicator that treatment is working! Furthermore, all devices used are CE certified ensuring safe operation by both adults and children alike. Furthermore, the BICOM device operates at extremely low frequencies so there’s no danger or discomfort caused to its user.

How does Bioresonance Therapy Work?

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive and gentle therapy which utilizes electrodes placed on your skin that connect to an electromagnetic frequency machine that emits electromagnetic frequencies. When you put electrodes on, this machine reads their return signal as an indicator of your body’s energy state; when everything is harmonious, the return signal should be strong and clear; otherwise if something disturbs that energy balance, weak or muted returns are reported back. Based on its readings, specific frequencies can then be applied in order to “cancel out” negative frequencies to restore harmony back into balance within.

As noted above, the BICOM bioresonance machine can identify and treat many different health issues in both people and horses. The device offers numerous applications including allergy testing and treatment, autoimmune disorders, smoking cessation and stress management – and bioresonance is an extremely popular therapy to reduce allergies by desensitizing to allergens that trigger symptoms – this being one of the primary benefits offered by this bioresonance device.

The bioresonance machine works by collecting information about your body from vials placed inside it and reading this with internal filters of BICOM machine, which then read the disease oscillations identified. Based on that analysis, therapeutic oscillations are amplified back into your system while any sick or disturbing waves are reduced and cancelled out – similar to how mirror circuits at amusement parks twist your image in fun ways.

This process helps the body reduce its toxin and stress load, enabling it to self-regulate. That is why the BICOM bioresonance machine can be considered energy and information medicine machine.

The BICOM device is intended to be used by trained veterinarians, veterinary naturopaths, and instructed medical personnel. Prior to being allowed to use the device, each participant must attend a two-day training course in which they learn the fundamentals of how to handle and operate it correctly for various ailments in humans and horses alike. Our trainers will also teach how to apply bioresonance machine for various ailments in both species so that therapists can use information recorded by BICOM to form effective treatments for their clients’ patients.

What are the Benefits of Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy has the power to alleviate symptoms associated with various health conditions, such as fibromyalgia, overtraining/exhaustion, arthritis and unexplained stomach pain. Furthermore, it treats their root cause in order to restore balance and a sense of wellbeing. Since bioresonance therapy is a non-invasive treatment it makes it ideal for anyone looking for natural alternatives to medication with no downtime associated with this process which can typically be completed quickly depending on which condition needs treating.

Applicators are applied to organ areas or reflex zones on organs while sitting or lying down, and connected to a BICOM device which collects information from their electromagnetic field and its resonance vibrations. Once connected, this device records frequency patterns to separate harmonic from disharmonious frequencies – with harmonic frequencies sent back into the body to strengthen normal functions while disharmonious frequencies inverted back to reduce their negative impact on body functions.

The BICOM device can also identify the frequencies of any substances present in your body – whether living or nonliving – which can be measured in Hertz. If any frequencies match with harmful organisms in your system, bioresonance therapy could be used to eliminate them through bioresonance therapy; this technique builds upon Hulda Regher Clark and Royal Rife’s work while being much more advanced and sophisticated.

Bioresonance therapy not only removes toxins, but it can also restore energy flow to the body and boost its self-healing capabilities. The BICOM device can reveal any imbalances which may be responsible for any symptoms being experienced; for example, testing with this device could indicate deficiencies or overproductions of minerals or electrolytes which then need supplementation or other forms of treatment to address.

What are the Side Effects of Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance Therapy is a noninvasive and safe form of therapy used to detect and correct imbalances within the body, supporting its natural ability to self-heal.

Bioresonance does have its limitations; for instance, severe psychological traumas and genetic predisposition, such as cancer. Unfortunately, bioresonance cannot treat all diseases or conditions that arise.

Dependent upon the condition being treated, bioresonance sessions typically last one hour each. After their session has concluded, patients are encouraged to drink plenty of water and rest effectively in order to flush away any toxins released during bioresonance and support natural cell healing processes in their bodies.

Bioresonance therapy is an extremely relaxing experience. Clients lie on a massage table while receiving electromagnetic vibrations from BICOM device back into the body through electromagnetic resonance therapy, creating electromagnetic pulses to release tension from tissues in their bodies. Some may experience minor discomfort during the procedure but this should subside shortly after finishing a session.

Once the BICOM device gathers frequency patterns from your body, it separates them into harmonious and disharmonious components. Healthy waves are then sent back into your system to aid normal function; unhealthy waves are “inverted” before being returned so as to reduce their negative effect on cell energy communication systems.

Studies conducted under both controlled and uncontrolled conditions have confirmed the benefits of bioresonance to treat asthma, eczema and stomach pain; bioresonance therapy may also help address allergies of various kinds.

Unlike other allergy tests, the BICOM Optima device is 100% safe with no negative side effects. Powered by a 12-volt battery that is de-regulated to 12volt before reaching the machine, children can safely undergo bioresonance treatment without fear of injury or harm.
