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BICOM Bioresonance Price

Bioresonance therapy is a holistic natural healing method that balances causal disharmonies through electromagnetic oscillation. The therapy is safe and painless for animals; any initial discomfort should pass within hours.

Utilizing Rife frequencies, it addresses allergies to multiple allergens while simultaneously decreasing inflammation processes. Furthermore, this therapy aids smoking cessation by balancing electromagnetic frequencies.


Cost of bioresonance therapy will vary based on individual circumstances; however, it tends to be significantly less than other treatment methods. Many practitioners offer packages which include an estimated number of sessions needed and other services provided, resulting in substantial savings when compared with paying per session individually.

Bioresonance therapy has been around for over three decades and works on the principle that every cell or organ of our bodies emits electromagnetic oscillations which can be picked up by BICOM devices manufactured by German company Regumed (which currently boasts over 19,000 units in use worldwide).

Electromagnetic interactions play a pivotal role in transmitting information between cells within our bodies, just as chemical processes occuring at receptor proteins and bio membranes do. With the BICOM system, electromagnetic wave patterns can be modulated to eliminate disturbing or stressful information in our organism – thus unleashing natural self-regulation capabilities within ourselves as well as supporting healing powers within ourselves.

This method can be utilized to treat a range of ailments and conditions, from allergies to asthma and chronic fatigue to fibromyalgia. Furthermore, this treatment method may also address autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis or Crohn’s disease and provide relief of symptoms as well as increase quality of life for those living with these diseases.

Regumed introduced their latest in this line of products called the BICOM Optima in late 2010. Equipped with its own computer and offering more functions than earlier models, therapists are now able to set up constitutional support treatments directly onto bioresonance channels for use with the device. Both versions are approved medical devices of class IIa with identical therapeutic functions.


BICOM bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to address health concerns by stimulating the body’s natural healing processes. It has proven highly successful at helping treat conditions such as allergies, pain and infection as well as strengthening immunity systems, relieving stress levels and improving overall well-being.

Non-invasive and painless therapy with few side effects. Based on quantum physics theory, its effectiveness lies in measuring electromagnetic fields surrounding body cells before transmitting specific frequencies through them that restore balance to their energy and thus, health to them.

Clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance devices for mitigating allergen sensitivities and alleviating symptoms associated with allergic reactions, including sneezing and itching. Furthermore, bioresonance devices can decrease inflammation while improving your immune system’s response to potentially inflammaging substances.

Furthermore, exercise can increase antioxidant levels in the blood, neutralizing free radicals that cause damage to tissues in your body and increasing antibody production that’s vital in fighting disease.

Bioresonance therapy may help alleviate the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis by normalizing how your immune system responds to anti-inflammatory drugs taken for the condition. Studies have confirmed this approach as an effective means of relieving symptoms; however, it should not be seen as a cure.

Bioresonance therapy may also reduce cancer risks by decreasing inflammation in the body. It does this by activating tumor suppressor genes and lessening overactive cells that could potentially promote tumor growth; bioresonance therapy has even been proven effective at treating chronic inflammatory conditions like atopic dermatitis.

Though bioresonance therapy has yet to gain recognition by mainstream medicine, it remains an accepted treatment in alternative practices. For optimal results and safety reasons it should always be practiced under supervision by an experienced veterinarian; for best results consult a specialist and be mindful that not everyone finds bioresonance suitable. It would also be wise to check with your private veterinary insurance provider as many cover this cost in Germany alone!

Side effects

BICOM bioresonance device is an electromagnetic wave-based diagnostic and therapeutic device intended to rebalance body energy functions and promote self-healing, with claims that it’s both safe and painless. Based on the theory that organs, tissues, and specific areas have their own characteristic patterns of frequency; any deviation can be taken as an indication of disease or imbalance.

This device is intended to detect distortions and then play back an accurate frequency. This is achieved using a mirror circuit which reverses waves emitted by unhealthy particles into reverse waves that enter our bodies; cancelling out negative ones while unblocking stagnations. Furthermore, stimulating natural immunity against pathogens while activating healing processes increases healing processes within us all.

Although the BICOM bioresonance device cannot cure diseases, it can ease symptoms and relieve stress. It can especially aid allergy sufferers by helping reverse their allergic responses; reduce inflammatory response in those living with rheumatoid arthritis; reverse side effects from chemotherapy treatment or other treatments; as well as help reverse effects associated with other forms of treatment such as radiation.

Bioresonance therapy has demonstrated its efficacy despite lacking scientific proof; it has proven helpful in treating various conditions. However, it should be remembered that bioresonance isn’t meant as a replacement for conventional medical approaches. Complementary therapies work alongside conventional forms of care to support immune health and increase antioxidant levels within the body. Furthermore, it can prevent tumor formation while stimulating genes that limit cancerous cell growth. Bioresonance therapy has also been successfully applied to treating animals, specifically horses. Veterinarians and naturopaths utilize this device for treating chronic ailments in horses such as persistent coughing. A horse that was suffering from this issue received bioresonance sessions and soon was completely free from disease – this method being considered safe and painless by both humans and animals alike, making it a good solution for those worried about side effects associated with conventional medicines.

Insurance coverage

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative noninvasive solution to help your dog heal from various ailments. Due to its cost effectiveness and convenience, it has become an attractive alternative therapy option among pet owners. Before considering this course of treatment for yourself or your animal, however, it is essential that you understand all associated expenses so that it’s financially possible for you.

The BICOM bioresonance method is an holistic natural healing procedure that uses electromagnetic oscillations to harmonize and balance body systems. The painless and stress-free therapy allows you to identify health deficits early on and treat them promptly; in this way, the mobile VET facilitates both disease prevention and cure.

Each living organism vibrates harmoniously when healthy and disharmoniously when diseased. By employing various noninvasive techniques, vibrational frequencies can be measured to provide useful information about organs, tissues and cells in an animal. With the BICOM bioresonance device, frequency patterns transmitted directly to affected body parts can activate self-regulating reactions that stimulate self-healing powers within them without side effects – and without the stress or pain experienced by their animal counterparts.

During a treatment session, a therapist applies appropriate applicators to areas affected by disease on an animal patient’s body. Therapy programs displayed on a device display can then be selected according to each problem at hand; additionally, sessions can be modified midway by changing treatment parameters as necessary.

A typical bioresonance therapy session typically lasts 20 to 30 minutes; however, the exact length and frequency may depend upon each individual’s clinical picture. A standard therapeutic regimen consists of two to three treatments; in certain instances additional appointments may be necessary due to severity of symptoms or any potential blockages in therapy.

Since BICOM bioresonance falls outside the traditional realm of medicine, statutory health insurance typically does not cover it; however, some private health insurers do allow some bioresonance treatment as part of their coverage options; it would therefore be wise to speak with your vet regarding possible coverage of alternative therapies such as bioresonance.
