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Bicom Bioresonance Therapy

Bicom bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to rebalance electromagnetic fields to help reduce inflammation associated with autoimmune disease, alleviate symptoms, and promote healing at a cellular level.

This treatment is non-invasive and highly effective at relieving allergies in horses & other animals.

Biophysical therapy

Biophysical therapy is a cause-oriented treatment approach that assists patients in reaching the core of their problem. Utilizing revolutionary computerized technology that receives and processes the body’s natural energetic frequencies, Biophysical therapy uses computer algorithms to sort out disturbances within disease patterns to allow your body to heal itself more efficiently. Furthermore, its painless bioresonance method eliminates serious side effects without ever becoming an obstacle in healing itself.

Health depends on how cells communicate within our bodies. Healthy cells produce electromagnetic waves that are symmetrical and easily read by other cells within the body, but when affected by illness they emit asymmetrical waves which are hard for other cells to understand – leading to chronic pain or allergies among other symptoms.

An imbalance in a cell’s electromagnetic field can also disrupt nerve, circulation and detoxification systems resulting in the accumulation of toxins and waste products within cells resulting in various disorders. Biophysical therapy addresses such imbalances through using thermal packs and painless currents of biological electricity; the treatment has proven highly successful for treating diseases like arthritis and chronic pain.

The BICOM optima is a portable device that enables therapists to conduct sessions at any location without the need for additional PC software or installation. It provides greater flexibility for home visits; built-in power supply and large LCD display; compatible with most external applicators – the BICOM optima comes in various models to meet users’ individual requirements.

Biophysical methods are novel and integrative emerging tools used in clinical practice. Their benefits have been documented for general pain management [83], particularly articular pain and low back pain [85][86] as well as minor anxiety and depressive disorders such as psoriasis and minor anxiety disorders [87][88] and minor anxiety/depressive disorders. It is thought that biophysical methods exert their clinical effects through resonance effects where therapeutically delivered electromagnetic signals resonate with endogenous or exogenous electromagnetic signals present within tissues, organs or organisms [16].


Lifting your hand to greet a friend, or raising your knee on the Stairmaster are actions under your own control. However, other body functions, like skin temperature and blood pressure regulation are dictated by your nervous system involuntarily. Biofeedback offers one way of learning control over these involuntary functions through your nervous system – just make sure that before beginning this practice that you consult your healthcare provider first! Although biofeedback should generally be safe to try it’s wise to consult first with your health care provider first!

Biofeedback uses sensors connected to your skin that measure and give feedback about what’s happening within your body, providing real-time monitoring and feedback about what’s occurring within. This technique can help relax you, while also relieving symptoms associated with migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, urinary incontinence as well as improving sleep and performance – in some cases even decreasing or eliminating medication altogether!

Biofeedback may seem like an unconventional option to traditional treatment, but research demonstrates its efficacy. Biofeedback may relieve pain and anxiety while increasing effectiveness and minimizing side effects from medications; it may even help you quit smoking! If considering biofeedback as part of your regimen, ask your health care provider for an referral to a practitioner and check with your insurance company as to whether coverage applies.

BICOM mobile VET provides preloaded therapy programs designed to address a variety of complaints. Each therapy program can be divided according to type, intensity and duration. Furthermore, individuals can customize the mobile VET to meet their individual needs. This allows the therapist to select appropriate treatment methods for each case. Furthermore, the BICOM mobile VET can detect and test for numerous pathological and physiological information components vital for cell communication and self-healing processes of organisms; such as substances or electromagnetic information in wave form that can be picked up via special applicators located on its surface and fed into it.

Resonance test

Resonance test is an innovative and noninvasive way of testing and treating imbalances within the body. Using a device which analyzes energy wavelengths and releases back any beneficial ones back into a person, resonance testing helps alleviate stress symptoms while treating multiple disorders simultaneously. It has proven its worth as a reliable diagnostic and therapeutic approach.

Resonance testing allows therapists to examine the body’s chemical and biological balance in order to uncover causes of disease, restore natural equilibrium and identify solutions for chronic illnesses or any issues with body functioning such as lack of minerals, electrosmog or any electromagnetic influences that could negatively affect it. Therapists may also utilize resonance test as a technique for testing materials or devices against our energy field for compatibility.

BICOM bioresonance method is an innovative treatment concept that quickly and precisely uncovers hidden causes of illness, consolidating these findings into a therapy program before transmitting to BICOM device for modulating specific wave patterns to eliminate distressful or stressful information from within your body and restore overall wellness to your organism.

Bioresonance therapy can be used to treat an array of conditions, from allergies and autoimmune diseases to digestive disorders and musculoskeletal issues. Numerous clinical studies have validated its efficacy. Furthermore, the BICOM device can even help people quit smoking by targeting energetic imbalances which cause cravings.

Resonance testing and therapy with the BICOM device is kind to patients; sessions are painless and stress-free. It’s essential that each session ends with enough water intake afterward; additionally, this device is suitable for all animals including cats and dogs.

Veterinarians and naturopathic practitioners have used the BICOM device for years, and have seen its positive impacts on animal patients. One such horse suffering from persistent cough received several sessions of bioresonance treatment; once completed, his cough vanished completely! So impressed was she by these results that she decided to incorporate the BICOM device into her practice.


BICOM can be used as a complementary treatment to address allergies, chronic pain, gastrointestinal disorders and musculoskeletal issues in animals. Furthermore, its healing powers can improve their health while helping prevent disease – just a few sessions can restore your natural balance quickly and completely.

The BICOM Bioresonance Method is a holistic natural healing approach which employs electromagnetic oscillations to restore balance in the body’s causal disharmonies. As an easy and non-invasive treatment option, this therapy method makes an excellent option for horses. Treatment sessions leave horses completely relaxed; often dozing peacefully afterward due to the device sending electromagnetic vibrations back into their body which correct unhealthy cell vibrations; additionally it’s an ideal method of treating nervous system conditions which often contributes to common ailments among animals.

Allergy tests are an indispensable component of modern veterinary practice, and are frequently recommended for animals suffering from respiratory conditions like asthma, hay fever, rhinitis, sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose and itchy skin. An allergy test allows veterinarians to determine whether an animal is allergic to certain substances causing these issues – providing quick, simple and accurate answers about where the problem lies. These tests are quick, simple and accurate enough for use on any species of animal imaginable!

BICOM mobile VET goes beyond testing for toxins to also identify and address chronic deficiencies or excesses in mineral, electrolyte balances, trace elements, toxic substances and pH value balances for animals. Resonance testing allows users to detect sources of stress such as bodily liquids or secretions which then allow therapists to remove these disturbances to restore energy balance throughout their organisms.

BICOM device features several pre-configured therapy programs organized according to frequency, amplification and duration that make finding appropriate therapies easy for veterinarians. Furthermore, its mobile VET version can create individual therapy programs upon request.
