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Bicom Bioresonance Therapy

Bioresonance Therapy can be used to address various ailments. It’s an effective method of restoring balance to the body. There are various bioresonance systems available such as the BICOM, e-Lybra and Inergetix-Core System/Health Navigator systems.

BICOM bioresonance devices have demonstrated their allergy effectiveness through scientific trials. As a result, 154 patients suffering from allergy symptoms were successfully treated.

It is non-invasive

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive testing and treatment system that utilizes electromagnetic frequency patterns of the body for evaluation and treatment purposes. The information gathered is fed into the BICOM device which then transforms it into therapeutic oscillations which are delivered back through applicators back to patients; natural frequencies are amplified while disharmonic ones weakened and neutralized, producing improved biophysical energy levels in their bodies and alleviating disease symptoms.

Bioresonance Therapy works by clearing away environmental toxins that interfere with cell communication and lead to disease, such as food and environmental allergies, metals, chemicals, viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungus and stress-induced radiation. A patient holds hand electrodes connected to the bioresonance machine that monitor disharmonic frequencies on his or her acupuncture meridians; BICOM interprets this data and cancels out pathological oscillations while strengthening physiological oscillations.

Once discordant frequencies have been identified, BICOM uses electromagnetic impulses to match and harmonize them – prompting rapid healing within your body, creating equilibrium between its energy and environment, restoring normal function to immune systems and ultimately leading to healthy well-being.

This non-invasive method of testing and treatment represents a revolutionary advance in energetic healing, giving people more power over their health by helping to restore energetic balance within their bodies and enhance conventional treatments. By supporting innate healing mechanisms within the body while supplementing them, this treatment allows people to take an active part in taking responsibility for their wellbeing.

Noninvasive magnetic stimulation therapy (NIMT) can be used to treat various conditions. Common examples are urogenital dysfunctions, menstrual disorders and prostatitis; low immune defenses; gastro-intestinal issues including colitis and gastritis; constipation; skin blemishes, rheumatism/bone and muscle issues/allergies/eczema/dermatitis/insomnia etc; it’s also often used to detect early stages of cancer using homeopathic remedies NIMT can even prevent progression altogether – therefore it’s wise to have yourself checked if any signs/symptoms associated with this condition appear.

It is portable

Bioresonance therapy is a holistic method that uses electromagnetic waves to detect and treat imbalances in the body’s energy fields. By activating natural self-healing mechanisms and restoring cellular balance and tissue regeneration, it serves as an alternative to conventional medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture or any other alternative form of care. Bioresonance technology employs computer scanning technology that detects imbalances before providing counteracting frequencies such as herbal supplements or physical exercises in response.

There are various systems for bio-field balancing and scanning available today, such as the BICOM system, e-Lybra, Inergetix Core System/Health Navigator, MK6 XXX Pro, MSAS Professional System and BioMeridian Energetic Balancing System (BioMeridian), miHealth Scanner/proVision Rayocomp and others. Each has its own operating system and software; to learn more please reach out directly to your practitioner.

BICOM is an electro-acupuncture machine that utilizes electromagnetic waves to treat the body. The device works on the principle that unhealthy cells and organs emit altered electromagnetic waves due to DNA damage, with proponents believing detecting such waves can diagnose disease while returning them to their original frequencies can treat illnesses such as allergies and gastrointestinal disorders. The device is also widely used for allergy relief.

Although bioresonance devices claim to help diagnose or treat disease, there is little scientific support for their use. Indeed, Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration issued Healy World Australia Pty Ltd with a fine of $26,640 for misrepresenting these devices in its marketing.

Studies of the BICOM device have been performed both on humans and animals. Results have demonstrated its ability to improve cellular response to stress and increase tissue regeneration capacity, identify parasites or pathogens, reduce inflammation, relieve pain, as well as identify and eliminate pathogens or parasites that cause illness, identify parasites that need eliminating, reduce inflammation and relieve pain – with few side effects for anyone using this tool!

It is easy to use

BICOM machine measures the frequency of energy wavelengths coming from within our bodies to diagnose disease and purportedly cure diseases by altering these wavelengths back to their regular frequencies. While some studies show positive results, most healthcare professionals agree bioresonance is an unreliable way of diagnosing or treating medical conditions; indeed, one proponent has even been sued by Federal Trade Commission due to making false cancer cure claims.

As opposed to conventional medicine, which uses drugs and vaccines to treat illnesses, bioresonance machines employ a non-invasive technique that does not harm patients. They work on the principle that healthy cells emit stronger electromagnetic waves while diseased cells emit weaker or abnormal ones – this device allows therapists to identify any changes and then correct them before their promoters believe it can even detect cancer!

Although no scientific studies exist to substantiate this claim, most scientists don’t accept that bioresonance therapy machines can help in diagnosing or treating any condition. Yet proponents believe it may work for nicotine addiction and rheumatoid arthritis treatment; there have been some placebo-controlled trials showing some success; for instance when smoking was banned in Wales 46,000 smokers pledged to quit and received bioresonance therapy treatments; although their results weren’t statistically significant it did have a beneficial impact.

Bioresonance therapy has long been touted as an effective means of relieving allergies and hyper-reactivity to chemicals, food additives and electrosmog (electro-hypersensitivity or EHS). Many practitioners claim they can heal these conditions through just one session of bioresonance; however, scientific trials have disproved such claims.

Studies were performed with the BICOM optima mobile to investigate whether its holistic bio resonance method could achieve an anti-inflammatory response among functional neutrophils by decreasing metabolic activity and producing superoxide anion radicals. It was found effective at decreasing inflammatory responses of these white blood cells – the most prevalent white blood cells.

It is effective

Bicom bioresonance therapy is an innovative form of frequency therapy used to treat various medical issues. This noninvasive therapy can eliminate toxins, aid with weight loss and even treat allergies. Electrodes measure energy wavelengths within your body and manipulates them to restore the natural frequencies that your body vibrates at. This should treat symptoms while also helping them from returning. Bioresonance therapy can be performed both at home and in clinic using an electronic device known as a bioresonance scanner. There are various models, such as Bicom, e-Lybra, Inergetix-Core System/Health Navigator and MSAS-Professional system. Unfortunately bioresonance isn’t covered under NHS services so you will need to locate a practitioner with access to such equipment.

Studies on bicom bioresonance therapy have yielded many favorable findings. Studies conducted both independently and by controlled experts demonstrate its efficacy, with results showing it’s both safe and effective. Bicom’s bioresonance therapy works by changing electromagnetic resonance within body cells to boost immunity; various studies also confirm its beneficial use for treating digestive issues like stomach pain.

Bioresonance therapy has proven itself particularly useful for treating allergy. Many patients have been relieved from their allergy symptoms using this approach and some even experienced permanent recovery. A cohort study with 1639 patients suffering from various allergy diagnoses demonstrated its efficacy; no recurrences occurred six months post treatment proving their healing. Spontaneous healing or placebo effects cannot account for such results.

In another trial, a BICOM bioresonance machine was employed to restore immune systems of mice affected by Chernobyl radioactivity to normal. This was accomplished by stimulating neutrophils – white blood cells known as inflammation mediators – stimulating them effectively resulted in significant decreases in inflammation reactions as well as improved liver enzyme levels in treated mice.
