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BICOM Mobile Bioresonance Device For Horses

Bioresonance machines measure energy wavelengths emitted by the body. According to proponents, measuring these waves can detect disease while changing them back can treat it.

However, the MHRA has issued warnings against unproven claims of medical benefits and has taken legal action against several vendors of electrical devices who made deceptive claims about them.


Symptoms are our bodies’ way of alerting us that something is amiss, be it as simple as an upset stomach or as complex as chronic disease. They may manifest physically or emotionally and can often be difficult to pinpoint; but with knowledge comes ease in understanding and treating symptoms more effectively – with many natural and noninvasive techniques like bioresonance therapy available as potential solutions.

Bioresonance technology is founded on the theory that everything oscillates and vibrates, translating this movement into frequencies which can be measured. All substances, living and nonliving alike, possess their own frequency spectrum associated with them – this includes bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, parasites, mould, environmental toxins, electromagnetic smog, geopathic stress as well as essential vitamins and minerals.

Bioresonance devices read energy wavelengths and frequencies that radiate out from our bodies to identify imbalances and detect imbalances within them, then use specific frequencies to balance out energetic fields in our bodies to heal patients – this process is known as bioresonance therapy, considered holistic medicine. Bioresonance has proven its efficacy for various health issues including fibromyalgia, asthma and autoimmune disorders – as well as helping people quit smoking or recover after intensive physical exercise.

One study demonstrated that patients treated with bioresonance devices experienced decreased symptoms of depression after five weeks, more effectively than traditional therapies such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

However, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has cautioned that bioresonance benefits claims may be misleading and should be qualified. A company should not make unwarranted statements that their device treats multiple conditions at once, including fibromyalgia or asthma; nor make claims that its device is scientifically validated or clinically proven medical device.

The AMP coil device is a type of bioresonance machine that assists your body in operating at its ideal energy frequency. It can help treat various health concerns, such as high stress levels, high blood pressure and autoimmune disorders; restore energy levels within your body while improving sleep; boost immunity while relieving chronic pain – these benefits make the device highly versatile!


Bioresonance devices claim to be able to diagnose diseases and medical conditions through electromagnetic frequencies that resonate within their cells, with electromagnetic frequencies intended to disrupt harmful vibrations and help the body heal itself. Although some studies demonstrate the efficacy of bioresonance therapy for certain conditions, it should not be seen as a replacement treatment option.

Bioresonance therapy uses electrodes placed on the skin to measure energy wavelengths emitted by cells of the body and then read by a computer to identify patterns in frequency patterns emitted by these cells. Practitioners then manipulate these frequencies in order to treat imbalances within the body – as evidenced in studies using bioresonance devices for treating tobacco addiction, helping 77.2 percent of participants quit smoking as opposed to 16.1 percent in placebo groups; other research has also suggested it can assist with asthma, stomach pain and allergies – however more controlled trials need be conducted before any conclusions can be confirmed.

Regumed offers a selection of bioresonance devices, such as the BICOM optima and mobil, which have been approved as class IIa medical devices and can help restore balance and promote healing with conventional therapies. Furthermore, these devices can provide information about energetic interference areas, inflammation processes and nutritional imbalances that might exist within an individual’s system.

The BICOM system not only identifies imbalances, but it also analyzes their relationships. Once imbalances have been isolated, electromagnetic impulses at precise ranges are sent out from its machine to harmonize discordant frequencies so as to aid the body’s recovery quickly and restore its natural state.

Bioresonance therapy has also proven its worth on pets, producing positive results. One terminally ill retriever that had not responded to other treatments was completely healed after seven sessions of bioresonance therapy administered by veterinarian Dirk Schrader. Bioresonance can be effective against many disease patterns; its application particularly useful when conventional medicine can’t treat an issue.


Bioresonance therapy was pioneered by Rayonex founder Paul Schmidt and uses frequencies to stimulate an organism’s self-regulating mechanisms. It works on the principle that all cells vibrate rhythmically within an interlinked environment of wave patterns, each serving an essential purpose in vital life processes. When something goes awry with these dynamics, illness results; bioresonance offers subtle signals and energies to correct imbalances while also offering noninvasive ways of monitoring patient health.

Bioresonance therapy works by searching for substances’ resonant frequencies to match what’s happening inside their bodies, then sending this information back out in order to aid healing and treat root cause conditions rather than just symptoms. This holistic approach addresses root cause diseases rather than simply treating symptoms.

Bioresonance therapy is often utilized as a natural solution for allergies. Bioresonance can identify allergen resonant frequencies and harmonize them with the patient’s energy system to create balance in his/her system. Furthermore, detoxifying can help flush away aggravating factors from your system as an alternative treatment option that’s much safer than conventional medicines – all while being completely natural!

In 2018, the Advertising Standards Agency reviewed complaints filed against a clinic that claimed its bioresonance device could treat numerous conditions, including weight and digestive issues; bloating; heart conditions; arthritis; back pains; skin issues such as rashes; psoriasis; acne; asthma; hay fever; sinus; headaches; migraine; depression anxiety fatigue etc. They maintained this was valid because their device was CE Marked but the ASA held this not be sufficient evidence of its efficacy.

Regumed’s BICOM optima bioresonance device has been in use for 35 years and can now be found in over 90 countries worldwide. As one of the most advanced bioresonance devices on the market, its medical applications extend far beyond bioresonance therapy alone. Based on an unproven theory that electromagnetic oscillations produced by damaged organs and cancerous cells differ from healthy ones; its technology detects these differences before cancelling them out through destructive wave interference.


BICOM Mobile VET Bioresonance Device utilizes natural physical oscillations to address causal disharmonies within an animal’s body. The treatment is completely painless and stress-free for the animal, helping it relax while activating its self-healing powers. Results often become evident within several treatments; many horse owners are amazed at just how quickly and effortlessly this therapy helps their horses recover from various ailments.

All substances, both living and inanimate, vibrate at various frequencies measured in Hertz. This vibratory activity can be measured using the BICOM Bioresonance device which detects vibrations of living substances as measured by Hertz frequencies, then compares these vibrations against body energy frequencies to find an resonant match – this allows BICOM Bioresonance device to send out signals to affected body areas to counterbalance imbalanced vibrations with healing effects based on quantum mechanics principles and resonance laws.

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive, holistic healing modality gaining worldwide acceptance. This non-invasive holistic healing modality can be used to manage chronic diseases and treat various conditions including allergies, asthma and autoimmune disorders; additionally it can improve overall health by balancing out energy systems in the body.

Global Healthcare Trends: Increased consumer interest in alternative therapies combined with rising demand for noninvasive and natural treatments can drive the Bioresonance Therapy Machine Market forward. Furthermore, increased research and clinical trials will only serve to validate this technology further and increase acceptance among both healthcare professionals and patients.

As population levels increase worldwide, more people require healthcare services. As this trend occurs, demand for advanced medical devices like the BICOM bioresonance therapy device increases accordingly.

The global Bioresonance Therapy Machine Market can be divided up by region, emphasizing their influence in shaping adoption and growth rates for this therapeutic technology. North America boasts high prevalence rates of chronic diseases as well as an expanding wellness industry, leading to demand for alternative therapies like bioresonance therapy machines. Europe also features established healthcare infrastructure as well as propensities towards holistic approaches that could foster further expansion for this therapy therapy.
