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BICOM Optima and Mobile VET

BICOM optima and mobile VET offer preloaded therapy programs for various ailments, and its handling may be delegated to qualified medical personnel such as veterinarians or naturopaths.

The BICOM device makes it possible to identify tension in the body through resonance testing using a skin punch, and interprets these results according to therapeutic guidance.

What is bioresonance?

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative medicine practice which utilizes a device to measure frequency of energy wavelengths in the body, with proponents claiming this therapy can diagnose and treat various diseases. Unfortunately, however, no solid scientific evidence exists to support its benefits for one’s wellbeing.

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BICOM bioresonance device is a medical-technological instrument belonging to the field of “energy and information medicine”, providing an alternative method for treatment alongside homeopathy, acupuncture etc. Underlying this approach lies the belief that every living being requires three essential components for life: Matter, Energy and Information.

All substances, whether alive or not, emit electromagnetic frequencies that can be detected with the BICOM device. These frequencies are then compared with the resonant frequency of the biofield of an individual who is healthy; any substance with higher resonance than this threshold can be considered harmful stressors that could contribute to disease and illness. If pathogens exist within your body and their frequencies exceed this threshold threshold, using BICOM bioresonance devices you can listen out for these frequencies to detect their presence as well as identify weak electromagnetic signatures which resonates externally against them using resonance frequencies that resonate directly against them to kill off bacteria or viruses quickly.

This procedure is often employed to treat allergies such as hay fever. Additionally, it can also address other ailments like inflammatory bowel disease, migraines, low immune system function issues, digestive difficulties and digestive problems as well as rheumatism as well as hormonal imbalances (premenstrual pains/hot flushes/menstrual irregularities/prostate disorders).


Some veterinary practices provide bioresonance therapy to dogs and other animals. By using the BICOM therapist finder, you can quickly locate practitioners offering this service in your area. Treatment sessions for pets typically last 30-60 minutes per session and many pet insurances cover this cost; to learn more, it is best to contact the clinic or practitioner offering it directly for their fees or what may be covered by insurance coverage. Devices used for bioresonance therapy must also be CE marked before being sold on the market.

How does bioresonance work?

Bioresonance therapy operates under the theory that all living organisms, including humans, animals and plants – including themselves – emit energy frequencies detectable by devices like the BICOM optima device. These energy frequencies, or vibrations known as biophotons, are detected by devices like this one and used to determine which frequencies might be out of balance due to various conditions or stress; then helping restore natural vibration patterns for relief from symptoms of various conditions or stressors.

Bioresonance sessions involve placing electrodes on a patient and connecting them to a machine that reads biophoton wavelengths and manipulates them so they vibrate at their natural frequency, according to BICOM machine‘s makers. According to their statement, this process “returns cellular resonance back to normal, helping your body eliminate pathogens, relieve inflammation, support the immune system and aid with detoxification”.

Bioresonance therapy helps rebalance electromagnetic and biochemical processes within the body, aiding self-healing. Bioresonance can be particularly useful for treating inflammations (such as cystitis, prostatitis and chronic inflammation of the digestive tract) and allergies; additionally it may assist with asthmatic attacks or respiratory conditions like chronic bronchitis.

According to the manufacturer of the BICOM machine, bioresonance treatment is also effective at helping people quit smoking and treating chronic pain syndromes. While studies on these claims remain limited, one research project compared bioresonance device success vs placebo for quitting smoking treatments; 77.2 percent of those treated with the bioresonance device successfully quit compared to 54.8 percent using a placebo solution.

Current offerings of the BICOM machine in Germany include numerous veterinarians and many animal health insurance plans covering its costs. Though safe, pregnant women or children should avoid its use. It should also be remembered that bioresonance test results do not rely on scientific evidence and should not replace conventional medical treatments; furthermore bioresonance cannot treat life-threatening conditions like cancer.

How much does bioresonance cost?

Bioresonance therapy is a proven, efficient treatment designed to address various conditions. It works by sending low-frequency electromagnetic signals that are absorbed by cells in your body and converted to electrical energy that causes faster cell vibrations – this process provides pain relief while simultaneously speeding healing throughout your system. Bioresonance therapy has become popular as an option for chronic pain relief as well as migraine, fibromyalgia, back problems and anxiety, depression or stress disorders treatment options.

Bioresonance therapy stands out from other diagnostic techniques as being completely non-invasive, without needing medication for its application. With no adverse side effects associated with it and painless treatments that can even take place right in your own home.

Bioresonance services from various clinics and alternative practitioners often come in packages, which can save patients money. These packages usually cover the number of sessions necessary as well as any specialty services necessary to achieve optimal results. Package prices can range widely depending on provider but it’s essential that they offer something suitable to both your needs and budget.

REGUMED(r) offers two versions of its BICOM bioresonance device, the BICOM optima(r) and optima(r) mobil. Both models are certified medical devices of class IIa, providing access to therapeutic functions of equal intensity. While optima(r) may be ideal for clinicians treating exclusively within their practice setting, optima(r) mobil offers more flexible treatment location selection – making it the go-to device for those traveling frequently or offering home visits.

Germany is home to many doctors and naturopathic practitioners offering BICOM(r) bioresonance. Private health insurance plans often accept this treatment and will cover some costs for bioresonance tests or treatments; please speak to your individual veterinarian or alternative practitioner for more details or for help locating one in your region via our international sales partners.

Where can I get a bicom machine?

BICOM devices are medical devices and must be purchased from an authorized practitioner. Their purpose is to separate harmonious from disharmonious signals, generate specific frequencies for therapy purposes and store computer programs with preset values derived from expert practitioners’ research for easy selection with the touch of a button. Additional modules and accessories can be fitted onto the device for specific applications – the BICOM(r) mobile VET set has been specifically designed to fit on a trolley for easy transportability when mobile use becomes necessary – please reach out and we would be more than happy to advise you personally and individually! Please reach out and we would love to advise you further!


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