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Bicom-Optima Bioresonance Machine

The Bicom-Optima bioresonance machine utilizes quantum medicine to rebalance your energy frequencies. Studies in quantum physics and biology have proven that healthy cells communicate through electromagnetic frequencies.

Royal Rife pioneered bioresonance, discovering that microorganisms could be destroyed by vibrating at their resonant frequency. Bioresonance Therapy (BT), however, identifies discordant frequencies in order to transmit electromagnetic impulses in order to match and neutralize them so as to help restore natural balance in the body.

What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance falls under the holistic therapy umbrella and is founded upon quantum physics. While this area of science may appear complicated at first glance, in simple terms it demonstrates how all forms of matter emit both waves and particles – including living cells and their components – as well as having its own specific characteristic frequency or vibration that can be detected and measured.

There are numerous machines on the market which claim to be capable of reading the electromagnetic vibrations within your body and organs, from cheap and nasty equipment popular during Hulda Regher Clark and Royal Rife’s works to more sophisticated computerized machines created in Eastern countries like Russia and Ukraine.

The basic idea behind bioresonance machine therapy is that all living organisms – as well as nonliving matter like viruses, bacteria and pollen – emit specific patterns of energy frequencies which can be detected by human bodies. Unhealthy cells or tissues emit different signatures which are recognized by bioresonance machines which then supposedly adjust these wave frequencies back into their regular states – purporting this as treating disease while strengthening the body’s natural healing capabilities.

Bioresonance devices use electrodes on patients to detect these ‘energy signatures’ and transmit that data directly to a computer for analysis, providing insight into body’s energy wavelengths and frequencies that can then be utilized to counteract bad frequencies, helping restore equilibrium between health and healing, thus aiding self-healing processes and self-healing efforts.

To make a diagnosis, electrodes are attached to a bioresonance device such as Bicom-Optima that reads energy frequencies of cells, tissues and organs from patients and compares them against a database of known disease frequencies – this is supposed to be how diseases such as cancer can be identified – but in reality there is no scientific proof that bioresonance has any benefit in terms of diagnosing or treating disease; furthermore some proponents have made outrageous claims which landed them in trouble with Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Bioresonance Machines

Bioresonance machines have recently become a trend. Proponents claim their equipment can detect disease-causing substances while also helping the body’s natural energy flow to return.

According to quantum physics, every substance and organism emits electromagnetic waves with unique frequencies. Sensors on this machine detect these waves and compare them against a database of known pathologies frequencies; it then highlights any deviations from normal as well as pinpointing where any disease-causing substances might exist.

The machine’s technology then purports to alter electromagnetic waves so that body cells resonate at healthy frequencies – purportedly curing any associated diseases in theory.

Studies of bioresonance therapy‘s efficacy have produced mixed results. One 2014 study compared people who received one bioresonance session to those receiving only placebo treatments; researchers discovered that those in the bioresonance group were more likely to quit smoking than their control counterparts; but were unable to ascertain whether the success was attributable to bioresonance therapy itself or simply placebo effects.

Healy claims to be capable of communicating directly with cellular energy and transmitting specific frequencies that help realign physical, emotional, and energetic imbalances within your body. Furthermore, it claims to assist with dissolving blockages that prevent you from reaching your goals and dreams.

Healy’s website asserts that his device can diagnose and treat illnesses at their earliest stages, saving time compared to traditional medical approaches of visiting a general practitioner, getting tests conducted, and then being referred to a specialist. Professor Edzard Ernst asserts that Healy Device relies upon pseudoscientific language and does not comply with Australian consumer protection standards for biofeedback devices. Formerly, an Australian device called the BICOM was on sale, and from 2014-2018 Friends of Science in Medicine filed complaints against its manufacturer and distributors. Following these investigations by Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), ruling in 2019 that these claims about functionality made false or misleading claims about them.

Bioresonance Therapy

Bioresonance therapy uses electrodes placed on the body to detect any imbalances and compare these with an extensive library of frequencies to find frequency patterns that resonate together and are associated with symptoms or diseases. A machine analyzes these signals and divides them into physiological and pathogenic signals; amplifying any weak physiological ones while inverting bad ones accordingly – all this without pain! It works with your body’s natural energy flow to balance out its energies and promote self-healing.

Bioresonance therapy offers an alternative method of diagnosing difficult-to-treat conditions like chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, allergies and psychosomatic disorders; in addition, it can enhance treatment techniques like lymphatic drainage or deep tissue massage that are usually ineffective against these illnesses.

Treatment can be used alone or as an adjunct to other health programs, such as weight loss or smoking cessation. Furthermore, it’s an invaluable form of preventive medicine, as it can detect imbalances in your energy before they turn into diseases.

Bioresonance testing can reveal which foods are either good or harmful for you. By eliminating unhealthy options and providing your immune system with what it needs to thrive, a bioresonance test can be invaluable in creating healthier living.

Bioresonance tests can also be used to pinpoint sources of inflammation in the body, including chemicals or heavy metals. You may also get an idea of which food causes you the most discomfort – so you can avoid those foods altogether and potentially lower the risk of arthritis or asthma! Taking control of your health and wellbeing through bioresonance is the perfect way!

Bioresonance Treatments

Some bioresonance machines are designed to listen to and read electromagnetic frequencies emitted by different parts of your body, monitoring electromagnetic signals for any signs of allergies or viruses and emitting counter frequencies which reset its biomagnetic field, making your biomagnetic field stronger and healthier than before.

Bioresonance machines can also be incredibly helpful for early diagnosis of disease – an invaluable asset in preventative medicine. By monitoring frequencies from different parts of your body – organs, cells and systems alike – such as checking organ frequencies against the frequency readings from other areas such as organs. They can even identify discrepancies between what’s healthy and not; for example if liver cells are healthy but gallbladder is out of balance.

All living and nonliving substances vibrate at specific frequencies measured in Hertz. A bioresonance machine records all these frequencies to identify what’s wrong with your body by listening for signals coming from it and matching up these frequencies with its database to find an exact match, helping identify illness caused by viral, bacterial or parasitic infection; or parasites or fungus infections.

As well as diagnosing problems, bioresonance machines can also be used for treatment. For instance, they may help relieve symptoms associated with fibromyalgia – for instance a Russian study comparing bioresonance therapy to manual and point massage treatments showed more significant improvements in muscle pain reduction among those receiving both treatments combined. Bioresonance therapy can also be used to treat chronic sinusitis by identifying allergies (molds, pollen or bacteria) which cause nasal inflammation and mucus build-up;

Bioresonance is an alternative therapy based on quantum physics principles which assert that everything in our universe, including us, is made up of energy. Some claim it to be a miraculous medical device capable of curing cancer, rheumatism and chronic insomnia – yet the ASA has mandated that any claims for health benefits made in Bioresonance advertisements must be supported with clinical studies that have been peer reviewed without references to homeopathy or acupuncture.
