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BICOM Optima For Sale

The BICOM Optima is a certified medical device with multiple therapeutic purposes. Utilizing bioresonance techniques, this holistic device works effectively to activate our bodies’ self-healing capacities.

Utilising the BICOM Optima mobile bioresonance device during the five-day differentiation of HL-60 cells into functional neutrophils was shown to significantly decrease basal cell metabolism and superoxide anion radical production; this was evidenced in five independent experiments with statistical evaluation.

BICOM Optima is a bioresonance device

The BICOM Optima is the latest device for bioresonance therapy in human and animal medicine. As a fully computerised system, it offers more therapeutic functions than previous models. An on-screen therapy manual displays where electrodes should be placed; its operation requires only laptop use; additionally it features constitutional support treatments as well as low deep frequency ranges that may reduce stressors.

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Bioresonance therapy employs electromagnetic waves to balance and align energy fields within an organism, creating a new equilibrium of energies while stimulating self-healing processes in the body. It’s completely harmless and painless – perfect as either an alternative therapy approach or as part of conventional therapies’ treatments plans.

Although conventional medicine has seen tremendous advancement over the last century, complementary and alternative techniques such as bioresonance therapy remain necessary to maintaining and improving health. One such complementary and alternative technique that may prove helpful in doing this is the holistic bioresonance method – used to increase well-being while increasing success rate when treating illness; additionally it may identify and treat disease causes.

Preclinical experimental work conducted with cultured connective tissue fibroblasts using the BICOM optima mobile bioresonance device demonstrated significant benefits at the experimental cellular level, such as enhanced vitality of cells and quicker wound healing processes; these results validate earlier research findings from human studies conducted after bioresonance interventions.


Though not scientifically recognized and classified as alternative medicine, bioresonance therapy can be an effective complementary therapy method for many conditions. Furthermore, its safe for humans and animals alike and can even be utilized by veterinarians or naturopaths.

Veterinarians and naturopaths who specialize in equine medicine employ the BICOM device to diagnose and treat horses for various aliments. It detects any imbalances in energy balance as well as organic symptoms that could indicate illness caused by external influences such as stress or exercise; then uses that information to correct such imbalances while stimulating natural self-healing capacities of horses.

BICOM Optima is a medical device

BICOM Optima is a medical device intended to detect imbalances within the body and restore energy flow, using holistic bio resonance methods to read electromagnetic signals and alter them in positive ways. This process helps prevent or decrease various disorders. Furthermore, this device can test for various substances like vitamins and minerals in addition to providing testing services for acupuncture treatments or other forms of therapy.

Regumed GmbH in Germany has just unveiled the BICOM Optima as the latest advancement in bioresonance technology, providing comprehensive diagnostic and therapy devices capable of providing information about organs, tissues and specific reflex zones of an organism’s state as well as sending healing frequencies directly into these parts of the body to correct asymmetry and restore balance.

A BICOM Optima device can be used to treat animals as well as humans, with many veterinarians and naturopathic practitioners already incorporating this treatment option into their practices. As it helps activate and restore natural self-healing powers in our bodies, BICOM can become part of their arsenals of tools for treating both conditions.

At its core lies a special software that reads electromagnetic signals and transmits them directly to affected parts of the body, thus improving immunity in humans and animals alike. This has proven especially valuable in combating chronic illnesses such as allergies or inflammations that otherwise would linger over time.

In this study, HL-60 cells were transformed into functional neutrophils by treating them with the BICOM Optima on three consecutive days during their differentiation process from promyelocytes to neutrophils. Cell cultures were exposed to program chain “pathogene Ai” for 180 minutes each time; the results demonstrated significant decreases in basal metabolic activity as well as generation of superoxide anion radicals which suggests anti-inflammatory properties of this device.

The BICOM Optima offers multiple programs, is easy to operate, and includes search mode and an alternating frequency function that quickly responds to imbalances in energy fields caused by stress, electrosmog exposure or incompatibilities with substances. Furthermore, an acupuncture module allows the user to check for and eliminate disruptions with natural energy flow within their body.

BICOM Optima is a therapy device

BICOM Optima is an electromagnetic therapy device that utilizes electromagnetic wavelengths to stimulate your body’s natural healing processes, helping reduce physical discomfort, strengthen immunity, neutralize sensitivities and even aid weight loss. As this non-invasive therapy is safe for use on children and adults alike – no special preparation required or risks to worry about with energy wavelengths produced by BICOM Optima! – its energy waves produce by this device are completely safe with no side effects whatsoever!

Bioresonance treatment stands in stark contrast to traditional Western medicine in that it uses holistic and natural healing approaches for diagnosis and therapy. Based on quantum physics, this special diagnostic and therapeutic technique works on electromagnetic and biochemical balance within the body by modulating specific frequency patterns within organs, tissues and reflex zones. A bioresonance device can test for symptoms related to them while providing information regarding their causes.

The BICOM optima is an advanced medical device with numerous features designed for therapists who want to provide patients with superior care. Manufactured in Germany by Regumed, and certified as class IIa medical device. Used alone or combined with other modalities for treating complex conditions. Also easy to operate and portable version available for travel or home visits.

All BICOM devices are designed to work seamlessly with an array of accessories. Some are essential for proper functioning while others enable more specialized treatments to take place. A full catalogue is available online at BICOM Optima store.

BICOM models have been upgraded with all of the latest developments in Bioresonance Therapy, such as low deep frequency range of 1-25Hz to treat neurological conditions and an extended DMI mode with alternating frequencies. Furthermore, there is now an additional input channel to facilitate constitutional support treatments.

The BICOM Optima is currently undergoing clinical trials in the UK to assess its performance in treating allergic rhino-conjunctivitis. The trial includes a controlled observational open-label trial with routine therapy provided in physician offices; data will be documented and statistically analysed.

BICOM Optima is a mobile device

The mobile BICOM Optima can be used in both treatment rooms and patients’ homes, weighing under 13 kg with its trolley case storing all accessories. It comes equipped with EAP testing capabilities as well as Multisoft pilot software to print results.

The BICOM Optima is the latest breakthrough in bioresonance therapy and offers many advantages over older models. More computerized than its predecessors, this bioresonance device features an on-screen therapy manual that shows where electrodes should be placed. Furthermore, users may entrust diagnostic processes to other trained personnel; our international BICOM experts offer training opportunities specifically for this purpose.

Recent studies demonstrated the BICOM Optima’s efficacy at treating mild to moderate allergic conditions and complications, including allergic rhinitis and its symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy watery eyes, itching of throat or face or other related problems.

The BICOM Optima can be purchased with or without the BICOM chip library, and offers many additional options, including a programmable frequency generator. Ideal for treating multiple patients simultaneously over extended periods, as well as home visits by naturopathic practitioners traveling extensively or providing home visits, it requires no installation or setup for easy transportability and usage.


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