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Bicom Resonance Therapy

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative noninvasive and drug-free therapy for allergies and chronic illnesses. This noninvasive technique restores cell communication between body cells to bolster regulatory systems and self-healing abilities within your system.

Healthy cells emit electromagnetic waves that are detectable by other parts of the body. The BICOM device reads these waves and sends altered frequency patterns back into the body in order to strengthen healthy cells and cancel out unhealthy ones.


Bioresonance therapy is non-invasive and completely without side effects. It works by rebalancing electromagnetic frequencies to help calm an overactive immune system and alleviate allergy symptoms like sneezing and skin irritation. Bioresonance therapy also addresses autoimmune diseases by correcting chemical imbalances within the body and helping people quit smoking by cancelling nicotine molecules in their system. When selecting a practitioner who uses bio-resonance equipment professionally, make sure they have experience operating the equipment. Most manufacturers provide training courses as well as lists of certified practitioners on their websites – just make sure the practitioner also has knowledge and understanding about any underlying health problems bioresonance can treat.

The BICOM device is equipped with technology to identify which electromagnetic waves are considered healthy or harmful for its user. Furthermore, the device boosts frequencies that are considered beneficial and cancels or inverts out unhealthy waves. If gluten is stressing the body’s energetic system, for example, then electromagnetic waves will be transmitted out to weaken or cancel that frequency pattern to alleviate stress on its system and assist healing efforts.

In addition, the BICOM can collect information regarding natural substances in the body that help therapists determine not only symptoms but also potential root causes of diseases. They then can use that knowledge to create a customized treatment plan for each patient.

BICOM can be used to treat an array of conditions, from allergies and asthma, inflammatory diseases and autoimmune disorders, to pregnancy complications and pediatric health conditions. It has proven highly successful when applied to treating children and pregnant women. For asthma sufferers it can rebalance energy levels, improving respiratory function while decreasing inflammation; desensitizing your body from common allergens like food, inhalants or pet dander may provide temporary relief while mitigating allergy symptoms by desensitizing.

BICOM method relies on established scientific findings from particle physics that every substance has an electromagnetic field. A therapist may collect information about this field from patients as well as substances believed to cause stress to the body, amplifying or attenuating it as necessary before transmitting it back in an adjusted form.


Bicom resonance therapy is the future of medicine, using electromagnetic waves to read your body’s cellular communication. While conventional medicines tend to treat symptoms instead of their causes, bioresonance therapy identifies and addresses root causes of health problems more effectively – for instance it can reduce chronic pain while treating allergies and autoimmune conditions effectively.

BICOM device employs specific electromagnetic wave patterns to neutralize distressed frequencies and promote the body’s natural self-healing processes. Wave patterns tailored specifically for each patient depending on their pathology are picked up by BICOM and altered before being sent back out for therapeutic effects.

Researchers studying quantum physics have discovered that all substances possess their own distinct frequency patterns that can be detected with BICOM device. This means it’s possible for it to detect information and energy contained within any substance – food, inhalants or foreign bodies alike!

Studies have also demonstrated that the BICOM device can rebalance electromagnetic frequencies to lower immune system overactivity and help alleviate symptoms as part of overall health improvement; making it an invaluable asset in treating various conditions. This makes the BICOM an invaluable addition to traditional treatments.

The BICOM device, for instance, can help people overcome allergies to various allergens – food, inhalants and topical substances alike. Furthermore, its electromagnetic frequency-balancing features are proven effective at helping individuals quit smoking by targeting imbalances caused by nicotine addiction and rebalancing electromagnetic frequencies to support recovery.

The BICOM device can also help identify the source of animal health issues, including hidden causes of disease. Utilizing both homeopathic vials as input information as well as stressors like toxins and parasites as targets, this tool identifies and addresses them through inverting frequencies via mirror circuitry which feeds back into their bodies to weaken or cancel out unhealthy signals, helping the body rebalance electromagnetic energy without harmful side effects associated with traditional medications.


Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic waves that emit electromagnetic vibrations which are symmetrical and easily read by other cells, but when diseased or stressed cells emit these vibrations in an asymmetrical pattern that makes communication between cells difficult. By uncovering and correcting disharmonious vibrations using bioresonance technology, Bioresonance can activate our bodies’ natural self-healing powers while also restoring cell communication.

Therapists assess animal’s complaints and develop therapy programs with specific harmonising resonances using the BICOM device, while they lie or stand on a modulation mat – this process is pain- and stress-free!

To identify imbalances, various substances (blood, saliva, faeces, tear fluid or creams) are placed into the input cup of the BICOM device for analysis by its automatic energy wavelengths analysis feature. This helps pinpoint their source as it determines whether there’s an energetic interference area, stress factor, inflammatory process or allergy present that needs addressing.

The BICOM device works by sending frequency patterns that resonate within our bodies back out to every cell in our bodies, helping organs, tissues and cells return to their original states of health. Bioresonance therapy has proven itself an effective means of both preventing diseases and healing them; its noninvasive nature leaves no side effects behind, with patients crediting its improvement of symptoms even those considered hopeless. Watch this video below as patients, alternative practitioners, and doctors share their experiences using the BICOM bioresonance device.


Bicom(tm) Bioresonance Therapy uses cutting-edge computerized technology that receives and processes your body’s natural energetic frequencies, then uses this information to detect any disturbing disease patterns and eliminate them, enabling your body to heal itself naturally.

Cells release electromagnetic waves constantly, which contain essential information about how our body is operating. While invisible, this electromagnetic signal provides vital insight into its functioning. Once these waves reach other cells, they are read by these healthy body’s cells so as to communicate effectively with one another. Unhealthy cells may emit different frequencies which cannot be read due to asymmetrical characteristics and so cannot communicate directly. Communication breakdown leads to chronic pain, allergies and other health problems. The BICOM Optima reads electromagnetic signals and separates them into harmonious and disharmonious components – healthy waves are amplified for further strengthening normal functions while disharmonious waves are turned upside-down and returned back into the body to minimize any negative consequences.

The BICOM Optima can analyze electromagnetic signals emitted by your body using electrodes or magnetic applicators, either directly from the skin or internally via magnetized applicators. It then produces reports to identify potential factors including cell dysfunction, food sensitivities and environmental toxins as well as suggest appropriate supplements or therapeutic techniques that might help improve your condition.

After an exercise session, it’s essential to drink plenty of water – this will help the body bind and excrete toxic substances more efficiently. Furthermore, acidic beverages like coffee and black tea may promote pathogenic yeast growth; additionally limiting dairy products may help minimize pathogenic fungal development.

A BICOM therapist will administer a four-stage treatment, including increasing and stabilizing energy levels, supporting organs for self-healing, clearing cellular strains and eliminating harmful toxins. They may also recommend bicom diagnostics – DNA lab tests which identify additional layers of harmful energies within your body – for follow up care.
