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BICOM Therapy Near Me

Communication among body cells is at the core of health. With its bioresonance device, BICOM bioresonance device can read these signals, invert them and neutralize them with magnetic frequencies for improved wellbeing.

This helps healthy cells restore their resonance levels and eliminate symptoms. The treatment is painless, noninvasive and suitable for all animals – plus is covered by private veterinary insurance policies.


Depression is a serious yet common mood disorder that impacts how you think, feel and behave. It is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness or worthlessness that won’t go away on their own and interfere with daily activities. If these symptoms exist in you it’s essential to seek treatment as they could lead to other health complications if left untreated – psychotherapy and medication can both provide effective solutions while lifestyle modifications like getting enough restful sleep are also useful in improving symptoms of depression.

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If you are suffering from depression, it is essential that you talk to a therapist about how you’re feeling and learn coping mechanisms. Therapy sessions could include one-on-one or group therapy sessions. Studies have proven cognitive behavioral therapy as the most effective type of psychotherapy for treating depression by teaching how to challenge negative thoughts and change how one reacts to them.

Interpersonal therapy is another form of psychotherapy, and involves talking with a therapist about your relationships and dealing with family and friends. It may help if depression arises from issues in a relationship or work environment or when having suicidal thoughts arise from family conflicts; but these types of sessions must only be undertaken in collaboration with medical care professionals.

Depression can cause much pain and discomfort, so treatment is vital if it affects you. If suicidal thoughts arise, call a suicide hotline immediately or go directly to the emergency room. There are non-medical solutions for treating depression such as psychotherapy or diet changes, while meditation practices can help decrease stress levels that trigger it.


The BICOM bioresonance device is an advanced technology designed to detect imbalances in electromagnetic waves within the human body and correct them, pinpointing areas where you may feel out-of-sync with others and finding their source. Additionally, this tool can also be incredibly helpful when diagnosing chronic fatigue syndrome as the optima version can either be used at an office of a doctor or naturopathic practitioner or taken out on its own for mobile use.


BICOM bioresonance therapy can be used to effectively alleviate arthritis pain as well as treat other musculoskeletal ailments, including torn muscles and broken bones. The method works by reading electromagnetic waves to identify areas under stress before employing magnetic frequencies to neutralize them and facilitate healing at the cellular level. Furthermore, this non-invasive and side effect-free therapy treatment is suitable for both humans and animals alike.

BICOM device measures electromagnetic resonances of the body, then sends this information to a computer that generates a customized treatment plan with specific harmonising resonances. A modulation mat or applicator attached to a collar delivers these frequencies directly to patients who then benefit from receiving therapy from their therapist; their frequency can then be tailored according to each patient’s specific needs and symptoms; often with dramatic results such as reduced or eliminated pain and improved quality of life reported from users.

One 70-year-old male suffered from a knee injury which was causing significant pain and swelling, but by using the BICOM device he was able to use therapy and avoid surgery altogether – improving immune system function while rebalancing energy levels while decreasing inflammation in his knee and relieving symptoms.

Bioresonance can also help dogs suffering from health complaints. The device can detect stressors and disorders early, allowing veterinarians or naturopaths to quickly and effectively treat stress-related disorders in animals. At their initial consultation appointment, a veterinarian or veterinary naturopath will conduct an anamnesis and testing procedure which will enable them to more accurately address and prevent future health problems for your pup.

BICOM bioresonance therapy can also be used on horses suffering from respiratory diseases, allergies and arthritis. Only veterinarians, veterinary naturopaths and qualified medical personnel are authorized to use this device on horses; REGUMED(r) offers two-day mandatory courses to teach these professionals the basic handling and operating skills of this device.


Allergies are an immune system response affecting skin, airways and mucus membranes. Their symptoms range from mild to severe and may be triggered by pollen, dust mites, mold spores, pet dander or food allergens; such allergens include pollen, dust mites, mold spores, pet dander or food products. Allergic symptoms typically include itching, sneezing, runny noses and watery eyes with breathing difficulties or swellings in either throat or lung tissues being life threatening conditions.

Although the exact causes of allergies remain unknown, genetics and environment likely both play a part in their emergence. They can affect people of any age but tend to be more prevalent among children and often recur after periods of remission; symptoms may manifest instantly or hours after exposure to an allergen; antihistamine medication may help treat allergies by temporarily masking symptoms – though this does not alleviate them; tablets, eye drops, nasal sprays and ointments available as treatment may mask but not eliminate symptoms; people suffering from severe allergies should carry emergency kits containing injections of epinephrine for life-threatening reactions should they occur unexpectedly during an attack; these kits should contain injections of Epinephrine which could treat severe allergic reactions potentially life threatening situations should an allergic attack occurs.

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative noninvasive therapy used to manage symptoms associated with allergies. This technique works by monitoring electromagnetic vibrations within the body and neutralizing any irregular waves using magnetic frequencies – this approach is safe and painless and suitable for both animals and humans alike – an example being how bioresonance treatments were successfully administered to relieve a horse of chronic cough symptoms after receiving them as treatment!

Animals possess an extraordinary self-healing capacity. However, prolonged stress exposure can have adverse effects on an organism and its healing powers. The BICOM bioresonance device can detect imbalances within an animal’s body and determine their impact on health; treating by restoring energy flow balance.

The BICOM device is easy to use and can be performed in either a clinic or at home. The test procedure is painless and non-invasive; animal can stand or lie down during treatment. Results from BICOM treatments indicate that animal cells have more vitality after having undergone the therapy; furthermore, its results can aid wound and injury healing processes.


Insomnia, or difficulty falling and staying asleep, is one of the most prevalent sleep disorders. Insomnia makes it hard to get restful sleep that leaves you feeling exhausted and irritable, leading to serious health complications if left untreated for too long. Consult your physician if experiencing difficulty sleeping so they can provide appropriate treatments tailored specifically for you and your symptoms.

There are various treatments for insomnia, such as diet changes and exercise, medications, behavioral therapy and biofeedback. Non-drug methods should generally be tried first in treating chronic insomnia because they tend to improve sleep quality for most people while medications may have side effects or may not work for everyone.

Indistinia can be difficult to pinpoint, but a physical exam, review of medical history, and lifestyle evaluation may provide clues as to its cause. Your healthcare provider may recommend diagnostic tests in order to find its source.

If your doctor believes your insomnia is related to psychological issues, they may recommend cognitive behavioural therapy as a solution. This form of psychotherapy helps change negative thought patterns and behaviors that interfere with restful slumber – it can either be done face-to-face with a professional therapist or through online self-help programs.

Other treatments for insomnia may include the use of prescription and over-the-counter sedative/hypnotic drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter. While such drugs may help some individuals, long-term use may have negative side effects or lead to addiction; additionally, interactions may arise with other medications; additionally some people may even be allergic.

The BICOM optima system employs bioresonance therapy to stimulate natural healing processes within your body and promote homeostasis, relieving stress that contributes to insomnia as well as relieving pain and inflammation that often accompany it. Furthermore, this device stimulates thyroid and pituitary glands which regulate hormones that impact sleep cycles – so if you’re having difficulties sleeping contact one near you today to learn how this natural approach may help!


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