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Bio Resonance Device

Bio Resonance Device uses electromagnetic waves to identify any energy imbalances in your body and treat them gently and non-invasively.

This theory states that cells and organs damaged by DNA damage emit different electromagnetic frequencies than healthy ones; electrical devices claim to detect such frequency deviations, then adjust back towards normal frequencies.

What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance is a noninvasive electromagnetic signal therapy used to diagnose imbalances within the body. This involves attaching electrodes to the skin which connect with electromagnetic waves emitted by an emitting machine, sending frequencies. A machine then recognises each returning signal that returns, and this device is programmed to identify what it means; such returns have been claimed to identify viruses, cancers and diseases – in addition to toxicities – as well as cure addictions like smoking by blocking nicotine molecules in your system.

At a treatment session, you can simply relax as the machine ‘plays’ healing frequencies back into your body. According to theory, this helps cells reconnect with one another and restores natural energy flow within your system; additionally, detoxing may remove harmful substances like parasites, toxins or heavy metals from your system.

The BICOM device claims to help reset the body’s biomagnetic field, which may become affected by stress, inflammation and diet. Furthermore, this tool may serve as a helpful allergy testing aid by helping identify allergens which do not resonate well with its user and could cause allergic reactions.

Practitioners believe bioresonance can be used to diagnose an array of conditions, from weight and digestive issues to heart ailments and arthritis. Furthermore, practitioners assert it can detect and eliminate parasites, viruses, bacteria and fungi in your system.

Unfortunately, claims regarding bioresonance can often be unproven. In 2018, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) upheld a complaint against a clinic which advertised bioresonance as a treatment option for treating fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and other ailments – without providing evidence supporting such claims.

Belief in these unproven claims can pose a threat to people’s wellbeing as it could delay them seeking appropriate medical advice – potentially life-threatening in cases of tumor growth – while full bioresonance treatments could cost hundreds or even thousands of pounds.

How does Bioresonance work?

Bioresonance may seem far-fetched, but its concept is grounded in science: just like how piano strings vibrate when struck by tuning forks of similar frequency, cells within your body vibrate when exposed to allergens or viruses that emit specific frequencies that can be measured using bioresonance equipment. Bioresonance works to correct them to restore health.

Bioresonance sessions typically last an hour. Electrodes are placed on a patient’s skin and connected to the Bicom device, which measures energy wavelengths emitted by their bodies compared with healthy cell wavelengths in order to diagnose disease.

Bioresonance devices work by inverting electromagnetic waves emitted by harmful substances, purportedly neutralising them and helping improve body’s natural functions. Bioresonance can potentially provide relief for food and environmental allergies (topical dermatitis, eczema and asthma), chronic diseases (in particular cystitis, prostatitis and low immune defenses), liver disorders and digestive issues like colitis or constipation; also respiratory ailments like sinusitis bronchitis asthma pre and post surgical pain as well as weight issues etc.

Notably, bioresonance does not provide scientific evidence that supports its claims of effectiveness for treating any of the conditions listed in its advertisements. Indeed, in 2019 alone the Advertising Standards Agency considered a complaint alleging that bioresonance failed to diagnose any of the health conditions listed on its adverts.

Although bioresonance therapy may seem controversial, some have asserted there is plenty of anecdotal evidence supporting its efficacy. One trial comparing bioresonance therapy to placebo found it significantly increased the number of smokers who managed to quit successfully; but Professor Ernst cautions against drawing definitive conclusions based solely on anecdotal reports; furthermore he cautions that any claims by unregulated practitioners could be fraudulent.

What are the benefits of Bioresonance therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive electromagnetic frequency-based solution to many health conditions, from allergies and stress relief to healing the body naturally. By balancing body energy functions and stimulating self-healing mechanisms, Bioresonance can make an invaluable addition to a healthy lifestyle.

Bioresonance therapy‘s most frequently noted benefits include pain relief, reduction of inflammatory conditions, and enhanced digestive function. Furthermore, Bioresonance can also help alleviate psychological stress by decreasing cortisol levels and improving sleep quality.

Bioresonance therapy also can assist with detoxification by targeting imbalances in the body to eliminate toxins and heavy metals from our systems, leading to overall improved health and wellbeing.

Bioresonance therapy can also be used to treat various skin conditions, including rashes and eczema. Bioresonance helps balance body energy levels while decreasing oxidative stress associated with these skin issues. Furthermore, this therapy may be utilized for other chronic medical issues like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome or even autoimmune diseases.

A German clinical study demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance therapy for treating psychosomatic illnesses and gastrointestinal conditions, including significantly decreasing symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.

Bioresonance therapy has long been used to address respiratory conditions like asthma and bronchitis. Additionally, this form of therapy can be employed to address hormonal imbalances like premenstrual cramps or hot flushes; finally it may also be employed as part of treating inflammatory conditions like arthritis.

Bioresonance therapy offers numerous advantages, with pain-free sessions typically lasting 20-40 minutes and the patient being free to simply relax during treatment. Therefore, Bioresonance therapy makes a fantastic choice for individuals seeking safe and effective alternative therapies that can address various health concerns without causing discomfort or side effects.

Are Bioresonance devices safe?

Bioresonance devices are pieces of equipment that adhere electrodes to the body and create a resonance, detecting unhealthy cell frequencies such as viruses or cancer and cancelling them out – like noise-cancelling headphones do – in order to restore healthy cell communication, helping the body heal itself. Bioresonance devices may also identify allergies and aid with detoxification processes.

However, there is no clinical evidence to show that Bioresonance can effectively diagnose or treat medical conditions. A number of studies have concluded that bioresonance devices and electrodermal testing do not accurately identify allergy causes or symptoms (7); furthermore, trials evaluating its use as a form of diagnosis or treatment of Atopic Eczema failed to find any tangible benefits (9).

Bioresonance device sellers frequently make astonishing claims, such as that it can diagnose diseases and prescribe medications; these claims, however, are considered illegal under Australian law as they lack scientific backing or clinical data (10).

Bioresonance therapy entails holding onto copper hand rods while placing their feet on a foot-plate attached to a Bioresonance device, which then amplifies harmonious frequencies while neutralizing any disharmonious ones, including those released by toxins. This non-invasive therapy process provides lasting and pain-free results.

Bioresonance has also been promoted as a way of relieving addictions such as smoking cigarettes. The belief is that Bioresonance can help the body break this habit by cancelling out electromagnetic frequencies produced by nicotine molecules (11); one manufacturer claims their machine can cure phobias by inverting frequency of objects associated with fear (12); however there have been no clinical trials demonstrating its efficacy, nor any visible outcomes (12).

The TGA has initiated a sector-wide compliance activity for bioresonance and similar devices advertised to consumers, which involves writing letters to practitioner peak bodies and sponsors who market or sponsor this alternative medicine form to highlight compliance issues and encourage them to take measures against risks. This is an essential step towards protecting consumers from being misled or duped into buying these devices with false or misleading claims about health benefits.
