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Bio Resonance Frequency

Every organ, tissue and system in the body has an inherent frequency that resonates naturally; stress, drugs and bad habits can alter this resonating frequency to cause breakdown of its systems and an overall worsening of health.

Proponents claim that bio resonance frequency machines can detect abnormal frequencies and return them back to their original states, which would supposedly cure disease. Unfortunately, research on this method remains limited.

Reducing Stress

Bio resonance frequency therapy is an innovative natural approach proven to relieve stress. It uses electromagnetic frequencies to restore internal body balance. Bio resonance frequency can assist with pain management and stress relief by targeting specific frequencies associated with these issues. Frequency and resonance play a pivotal role in managing stress responses as well as encouraging healthy cell regeneration processes within our bodies.

Every living organism produces electromagnetic waves with its own specific vibrational frequency, which are transmitted and received via various mechanisms such as electrostatic interactions. Our nervous system then uses these signals to create energetic resonance within our cells and tissues – disruption may prevent this process, leading to disease or sickness in cells and tissues of our body.

Under stress, cell vibrations become disrupted and bioresonance frequency can shift dramatically, creating imbalances. These may stem from emotional trauma, poor diet or chemical exposure – all sources which bioresonance therapy can assist with alleviating so that the body works at its optimum level and enhances self-healing capacities.

Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies that travel through the tissues of the body. Once returned, they are analysed by a machine that can identify which frequency has returned and identify what could be causing it. When this has been identified, counter-frequencies are released that cancel out unwanted frequencies, helping your body reset its biomagnetic field and find equilibrium again.

Bio resonance frequency therapy has been demonstrated to not only alleviate stress symptoms, but also to boost immunity and support healthy cell regeneration. Furthermore, this non-invasive therapy does not lead to inflammation associated with chronic pain conditions – thus helping individuals better cope with their conditions. Unlike many traditional pain management techniques that come with side effects – so bio resonance frequency should not cause any negative impact for anyone using it.


Bio resonance frequency therapy is an alternative therapy using electromagnetic frequencies to sync up with your natural energy and promote healing. The idea behind bio resonance frequency treatment is that all living organisms emit energies in waves, and these can be altered for beneficial outcomes. Furthermore, diseased cells and organisms produce different energies from healthy ones – thus bio resonance frequency seeks to balance out such differences by using electromagnetic frequencies.

Like musical notes, cells in our bodies vibrate or oscillate at regular intervals and produce an overall harmony or resonance that we feel. An example is when harmonic chords feature overtones not directly produced from notes played within their key; rather they come about due to multiple harmonies oscillating synchronistically in perfect mathematical relation with one another.

Bioresonance involves attaching electrodes to your skin and hooking them up to a machine that “reads” electromagnetic frequencies being released by your cells, using this pattern of electromagnetic frequencies that emit from them to diagnose health problems and treat diseases.

Royal Rife, the pioneer of bioresonance, discovered he could kill pathogens using electric pulses with frequencies matching their natural frequencies. Today this same principle is used in modern machines to assist patients in attaining wellness by stimulating organs responsible for detoxification such as livers and kidneys while eliminating toxins from the body, alleviating smoking related symptoms or allergies as well.


Insomnia is a chronic sleep condition characterized by difficulty falling or staying asleep, frequent awakenings during the night, inability to fall back asleep when you’re tired, interference with daytime functions and can even contribute to anxiety, depression or other mental illnesses.

People experience various types of insomnia for various reasons. It may result from physical illness, pain or discomfort, medication side-effects, an underlying mental health condition or other external forces; and chronic insomnia that lasts weeks or months can even worsen its impact. Short-term insomnia usually resolves itself after stressful events are over; but chronic cases remain ongoing and require ongoing treatments in order to recover fully.

Stress, an irregular sleep schedule and poor sleeping habits are among the primary causes of insomnia, as well as psychological or medical conditions such as depression or anxiety that cause recurring nightmares or disturb your normal sleeping cycle so much that it wakes you too early in the morning. Physical ailments like back or arthritis pain may make sleeping hard to come by; taking certain medications long term or at high doses may also contribute to insomnia.

If you suspect insomnia, a visit to your physician will typically include questions about lifestyle and work history to establish why it may be affecting your ability to sleep well. They will conduct a physical exam as well as potentially recommend an overnight sleep study where researchers monitor your movements during sleep.

Scientists don’t fully understand what causes insomnia, but they know it can involve unwanted arousals during sleep and an increase in hormones like cortisol production. Other possible factors for insomnia can include family history, age and gender considerations and depression or anxiety that accompany it.

Pain Relief

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative and safe solution for pain. By harnessing electromagnetic energy to stimulate self-healing in our bodies, our system identifies and corrects unhealthy frequency patterns in cells to restore balance to energy systems of the body. Massage therapy can be an excellent alternative to surgery for conditions such as back pain. Furthermore, it may help relieve symptoms associated with chronic and acute diseases. Therapy is founded on the idea that humans produce low-level electromagnetic vibrations called internal statics with various frequencies; healthy individuals typically describe these waves as physiological and harmonious. However, when exposed to pathogenic agents or diseases such as cancer or HIV/AIDS, new electromagnetic vibrations known as disharmonic waves arise within it which disrupt the physiological balance and interfere with its self-regulator system. These distortions interfere with human wellness.

All substances, both living and inanimate, including every part of our bodies have energetic resonance frequencies measured in Hertz. The BICOM machine measures vibration frequencies in each part of your body to identify whether it is healthy. If an unhealthy resonance exists it can then recognize and correct it by inverting its frequency – eliminating disease symptoms while revitalizing natural healing abilities.

An analysis of your body with a BICOM device will enable you to identify the root causes of health issues. Many imbalances that contribute to our ailments are interlinked in ways we are unaware. When discordant frequencies are identified, bio resonance frequency transmits electromagnetic impulses at specific wavelengths in order to harmonize them – this allows the body to heal itself more rapidly naturally.

The BICOM device can detect and treat various toxins such as parasites, bacteria, molds and viruses; detect harmful environmental stressors like heavy metals, radiation, Wi-Fi signals and chemicals found in food and water; as well as help reduce stress related symptoms like allergies and asthma; our therapists may suggest lifestyle or dietary modifications in order for you to fully benefit from this treatment.
