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Bio Resonance Frequency

Recent discoveries in quantum physics reveal that all matter vibrates; viruses, bacteria, fungi, pollen and other substances all possess energetic frequencies with individual signatures that reflect their unique vibrational signature.

Bioresonance therapy uses electrodes to detect energy wavelengths and counteract them, helping your body rebalance itself and boost its self-healing abilities.

It is a form of therapy

Bio resonance frequency therapy works on the principle that everything in our bodies vibrates at different frequencies. Human beings possess healthy frequencies, while others can indicate out of balance conditions in our systems. Bio resonance frequency treatment aims to restore these healthy frequencies while simultaneously activating our natural self-healing mechanisms and improving cell signaling – noninvasively and safely! Electrical frequencies stimulate electro-molecules within your body to promote better cellular signaling while activating natural self-healing mechanisms and speed up cellular healing processes within.

At your session, you will lie on a bed while electrodes are connected to your body. These electrodes will detect both harmonic and disharmonic oscillations produced by your body as well as disharmonic vibrations caused by disease; after which a device sends back combinations of frequencies which cancel out harmful ones and bring your body back into a healthier state.

Bio resonance frequency treatments typically last one hour and are painless. After experiencing one of these sessions, you will feel revitalized and balanced afterwards; furthermore, bio resonance frequency can also help treat conditions like allergies, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia. Based on bio-physics and quantum mechanics principles, it has been successfully used since 1970 with clinical, physical and organic research teams worldwide conducting trials to demonstrate its efficacy for various ailments.

Royal Rife pioneered bioresonance. He found that pathogens could be killed with electric pulses tuned to match their natural frequencies, and organs stimulated by doing the same. Today, bioresonance therapy is a popular alternative therapy that uses tapping into one’s energy field to detect imbalances and then rectify them.

To diagnose your issue, a trained bioresonance therapist will apply electrodes to your body and connect them to a Bicom machine. Once connected, this machine will scan your entire body and identify frequencies which are out-of-whack; once identified, specific frequencies will be used against these unhealthy waves to restore energy balance and restore optimal energy levels in your system.

It is a natural therapy

Bio resonance frequency therapy is becoming more and more popular. Using a machine, bio resonance frequency uses energy waves generated from your body and modifies them to treat conditions such as cancer without side effects or any invasive procedures. Unfortunately, research on its efficacy remains limited.

Bioresonance therapy works on the principle that all substances, both living and inanimate, emit electromagnetic waves at specific frequencies measured in Hertz. Bioresonance devices detect these waves and match them to those emitted by unhealthy cells like viruses and cancer cells; then emitting counterbalancing frequencies to restore balance to help the body restore itself through healing itself.

Bioresonance scanning detects disharmonic frequencies of cells within our bodies by using radio-like transmitters and receivers that resonate at specific frequencies, so when one resonates disharmonically it interferes with communication processes and prevents proper function. Bioresonance can even identify bugs and parasites by scanning their resonance signature; furthermore it can identify signs of dysfunction early on before traditional medical diagnostic methods do.

Though bioresonance machines should not be seen as cures for disease, some people have reported positive experiences. One study discovered that bioresonance was more effective than placebo at helping smokers quit. Although its effects are still being researched and studied extensively by health professionals, most do not advise their use as therapy.

Bioresonance should never be used as a replacement for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment; however it has become a popular alternative among patients looking for noninvasive procedures with no risks involved and those looking for stress reduction and quicker healing processes. Bioresonance therapy works to restore your body’s natural self-healing processes while simultaneously harmonizing vibrational frequencies within its systems to promote healing across its organs.

It is a non-invasive therapy

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative noninvasive alternative treatment method, that works by balancing energy fields within your body to promote healing. It draws upon various scientific and holistic disciplines – quantum physics and traditional Chinese medicine among them – in its approach. Bioresonance theory asserts that all matter emits electromagnetic frequencies which can be detected using special devices; these frequencies then help identify any imbalances and address them accordingly.

This treatment relies on the concept that all cells and organs, as well as pathogens, emit electromagnetic waves with their own individual frequency. These frequencies can then be measured and compared against healthy cell frequencies for comparison. A machine then sends out its optimal frequency directly to any required organ or cell within your body in order to aid its healing processes. It is believed this allows your body to heal itself more efficiently.

Beginning a session, earphones are worn around the head and connected to a computer that “reads” energy waves from your body. After being assessed, any harmful patterns identified will emit counterbalancing frequencies to restore equilibrium to your electromagnetic field – all while being completely safe and easily done remotely.

Bio resonance frequency works to detect toxins through its use as an effective detection method. All substances, whether living or nonliving, possess their own individual resonant frequency which resembles that of a tuning fork note, and this frequency may be altered by bacteria or viruses in our environment. Bioresonance therapy allows healthcare practitioners to detect such potential threats before they become serious health concerns.

Bioresonance therapy has the ability to assist with various conditions, from allergies and digestive disorders, to helping people quit smoking – in fact, one 2014 study comparing bioresonance to placebos for this purpose found that 77.2 percent of participants in the bioresonance group successfully quit after just one week of treatment!

Bioresonance is a safe, noninvasive therapy that can be done from home. This noninvasive method of diagnosing early signs of dysfunction before medical diagnostics arrive at any conclusions. Furthermore, Bioresonance serves as an invaluable way to detoxify and strengthen immunity as well as identify causes of illness within our bodies and restore balance back into them.

It is a holistic therapy

Bioresonance therapy is an holistic practice that uses electromagnetic frequencies to restore balance in the body. This non-invasive therapy can be used to diagnose and treat various conditions, including anxiety and chronic fatigue, while speeding up healing time by clearing away stressors that contribute to illness.

Proponents of holistic therapy assert that all matter, including humans, emit electromagnetic wavelengths or frequencies that can be detected using a machine which “reads” your cells’ energy. Once identified, any unhealthy frequencies can be addressed through manipulation to restore balance in your body.

Each cell and tissue in our bodies has an oscillation spectrum with an associated magnetic frequency that is easily measured. When this energy is disrupted by injury, diet or emotional disturbances it can interfere with normal biological function resulting in disease symptoms. Franz Morell discovered in the early 1990s that meridians (defined by acupuncture points) possess individual organ-specific concentrations of resonant frequencies which correlate directly with each organ.

Bioresonance therapy entails attaching electrodes to the skin and connecting them to a machine which measures energy wavelengths from cells within your body. Once connected, this machine detects unhealthy frequencies as well as resonant frequencies which it then corrects for health purposes.

At a bioresonance session, electrodes may remain connected for an hour or more depending on your practitioner’s approach. The therapy is non-painful and safe for people of all ages; in fact, some studies have demonstrated its efficacy at helping quit smoking and lose weight.

Notably, holistic therapies such as yoga are unregulated by either the American Society for Acupuncture and Physiotherapy or College of Acupuncture & Pharmacy (ASA/CAP), so any claims about diagnosing medical conditions or treating diseases must be supported with clinical evidence gathered through independent scientific research. Furthermore, any claims suggesting such treatments will prevent or cure serious illness should be disregarded; anyone experiencing serious illness should seek professional medical advice from licensed healthcare provider immediately.
