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Bio Resonance Healing

Bioresonance systems use electromagnetic vibrations to rebalance the body holistically, dissolving energetic imbalances that may contribute to disease on many different levels.

Physical scientists have established that each organ has its own natural harmonic frequency. These frequencies have been compared to vibrations produced when iron filings are spread over paper sheets.

The Basics

Bio resonance healing is an innovative, painless and fast way to detect imbalances or disturbances in the body’s energetic system. Also referred to as Electro Dermal Testing (EDT) or bio-energetic therapy, bio resonance works on the principle that everything vibrates at different frequencies; by detecting unhealthy ones the bio resonance equipment can counteract them by reinstating healthy ones allowing your body to heal itself at a cellular level naturally.

Every organ, tissue and cell in the body has a specific vibrational frequency which can become unbalanced through injuries, illnesses, diet or stress. Bio resonance aims to restore all these frequencies back into balance so as to facilitate healing processes within the body that could ultimately lead to spontaneous regression.

At your session, you will be fully clothed, sitting or lying on a treatment table and connected to the machine in some way – usually by wrist and ankle bands or probes – so the practitioner can run their scan – this usually takes about half an hour – before discussing its findings in your report (note that bio-resonance machines do not diagnose diseases nor replace doctors).

Equipment uses low-frequency signals to send low-frequency signals into your body, which are then received as responses from cells emitting frequencies relating to their health status and then compared against predetermined standards. It is believed that when original frequencies of organs or body cells become lost due to disease symptoms arising, therapists use different frequency settings in order to return your body back into balance and therefore remove symptoms altogether.

Bioresonance machines come in all sorts of varieties, varying in sophistication and accuracy. Some work using Rife frequencies while others have more complex algorithms or take multidimensional approaches. It may be beneficial to find a practitioner experienced with different bio-resonance machines who will understand its subtleties for optimal results in you.

How It Works

Bio resonance healing is an energy medicine modality. Using electronic equipment, this form of healing uses electromagnetic frequencies to scan your body’s energies and identify imbalances before sending back appropriate frequencies to restore equilibrium. You could think about bio resonance healing like those magnets you used in school: when you cover paper with one and scatter iron filings over it, the pattern forms depending on its strength – just as machines work by emitting electromagnetic frequencies that detect unhealthy ones before counteracting them.

Bio resonance therapy has many proven applications for relieving many medical ailments, from gastrointestinal issues (like gas, reflux and ulcers) to fatigue and chronic rheumatic pain. Bio resonance treatments work because they target imbalances at a cellular level in your body to encourage healing from within.

An initial Bio-Resonance session begins with an extensive diagnostic and consultation using FDA-approved equipment known as the BioScan. This helps identify areas of high stress, food and environmental sensitivities, nutritional imbalances and any toxins preventing your body from reaching its natural state of equilibrium.

Information gathered is used to design a personalized treatment program tailored specifically for you and intended to address imbalances found within your body. Sessions last around an hour; afterward a report with results (not medical diagnosis!) and recommended therapies is created.

Once discordant frequencies have been identified, a therapist will use an amp coil device to send electromagnetic signals at precise ranges that match and harmonize these frequencies. This treatment stimulates the body back towards healthy oscillation. A skilled practitioner is needed to interpret results effectively for maximum benefit for clients.


Bioresonance therapy is an electromagnetic form of therapy which taps into the energy field of the body to treat allergies, digestive issues and other conditions. Bioresonance works to restore balance within energy functions within the body while supporting self-healing by eliminating barriers such as toxins, heavy metals, infections food sensitivities or nutritional deficiencies preventing self-healing processes from taking place effectively.

Bio resonance healing works on the assumption that every living thing, including humans, produces electromagnetic frequencies. Using special technology, these frequencies can be detected and compared against a database of healthy frequencies to detect unhealthy ones in your body and create a device which emits one that resonates with and cancels out them, ultimately aiding healing.

Bioresonance therapy is often employed as part of treatment for serious diseases to help restore energy levels, strengthen immunity, and alleviate emotional symptoms such as stress or depression.

Additionally, this therapy can be used to address chronic pain and hormonal imbalances as well as detoxify naturally by eliminating toxins and heavy metals from the body. Furthermore, this form of healing has also been known to relieve stress as well as reduce symptoms related to asthma or inflammatory bowel disease.

Instead of the harsh side effects associated with pharmaceutical drugs, bioresonance therapy poses few if any adverse reactions. Before embarking upon any alternative form of medicine such as this one, be sure to discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider first.

While bioresonance therapy lacks scientific proof of effectiveness, some patients have reported positive outcomes. Although not a replacement for traditional medicine, bioresonance can serve as an excellent complementary approach for overall wellness.

Are you curious to discover more about bio resonance healing? Reach out to Aria Integrative Health Denver now, so we can arrange an appointment and help. Our experienced practitioners specialize in holistic care for many diseases, offering high quality services in an atmosphere of relaxation and comfort.

Side Effects

Bio resonance readings compare results against an ideal healthy pattern to identify any areas of imbalance, with frequencies then helping correct these by harmonizing and cancelling out vibrations that disrupt your natural resonance – this method being completely non-invasive and safe.

This machine emits an electromagnetic frequency which travels throughout the patient’s body and is picked up by electrodes attached to their skin. From there, the device distinguishes between harmonic and disharmonic oscillations before identifying their source based on what it learns from electrodes attached to skin. Finally, to counteract negative vibrations it emits another frequency to cancel them out before transmitting electromagnetic frequencies back through electrodes back to patient.

Electrodes must remain as free from mechanical devices (smartphones, jewelry clips or watches) as possible during and following sessions, and before and after cleaning with alcohol. Once connected to the machine, bioresonance scanning begins as an analysis method for health assessments.

Small studies have demonstrated the efficacy of bio resonance therapy to identify potential stressors and balance energy levels within the body – possibly helping reduce inflammation and improve symptoms of pain while at the same time detoxifying, relieving anxiety and depression symptoms. People using bio resonance therapy also report experiencing its benefits as pain management, detoxification or anxiety relief treatments.

Keep in mind that alternative medicine should never replace conventional medical treatments, and only those without any known contraindications should consider it as an option. MHRA have not authorized these devices for diagnosis or treatment of adverse medical conditions and any claims about them need to be supported by credible clinical evidence.
