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Bio Resonance Healing

Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to restore equilibrium to the body, helping alleviate allergies, intolerances and addictions while also uncovering nutritional imbalances and toxins that exist within. Sessions can take place both locally and remotely.

Alternative treatments operate under the theory that healthy organs emit different energy waves than diseased ones, which can then be read by a machine to alter those energies.

It is a natural therapy

Bio Resonance Therapy is an electromagnetic frequency-based healing approach that uses electromagnetic frequencies to aid the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Based on the theory that everything has an electromagnetic frequency – including humans! – as well as vibration theory, Bio Resonance Therapy uses technology to scan your body and surroundings to find any imbalances which might contribute to health problems.

Aromatherapy is a non-invasive healing modality that uses aromas as natural healing remedies for various health issues, including allergies, intolerances, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, cellular dysfunction and postural issues. While it remains controversial within medical circles, many individuals report improved health after receiving this therapy treatment.

BRT draws upon principles from homeopathy, which suggest that small doses of substances can stimulate the body’s natural healing response. Furthermore, quantum physics dictates that everything in existence shares an energetic resonance that affects all other things – all which comprise BRT’s unique healing approach.

At your session, your practitioner will use a device known as a BioScan to assess and identify imbalances and warning signs within your body. It can detect areas of high stress or weakness as well as nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities and any other barriers preventing balance from being achieved in its entirety.

After reviewing your scan results, your therapist will recommend treatments to address underlying imbalances within your body, such as diet changes, supplements or natural remedies. They may also instruct you on basic self-healing techniques.

When selecting a bio-resonance practitioner, be sure to select one who has experience treating the issue you want addressed. Many practitioners also combine bio-resonance with other therapeutic skills, like Applied Kinesiology – this can make a huge difference when selecting your practitioner as it will depend on their skill. It is also wise to ensure they offer in-house training programs and certification – you may find this information on their website or by inquiring directly.

It is non-invasive

Bio resonance healing is a noninvasive therapy method designed to restore equilibrium within your body by counteracting negative frequencies with beneficial ones and replacing bad frequencies with healthy ones, all through electromagnetic frequencies that fall safely within Earth’s magnetic field. Bio resonance healing may be useful in treating asthma, fibromyalgia and other chronic illnesses.

Proponents of this technique believe that each organ emits energy in the form of measurable wavelengths that are detected by a machine and compared against healthy energy frequencies; any deviation indicates illness; the machine then transmits frequencies designed to resonate with imbalanced wavelengths in order to heal them.

Not only is non-invasive therapy free from side effects, it is also non-invasive. Unfortunately, results may take time to manifest. Patients may feel some discomfort as their system adjusts to new frequencies; this should not be used as an excuse to discontinue treatment.

Bio Resonance Therapy may provide both physical and psychological health benefits. Its holistic approach combines scientific disciplines such as quantum physics, traditional Chinese medicine and homeopathy for maximum wellness.

German technology is employed in this therapy to adjust energy patterns within the body and help promote healing. The basic premise is that all substances, including healthy cells, emit frequencies which can be detected by a computer and compared with a database of healthy frequencies; deviations indicate imbalance or disease and are transmitted back by way of frequencies designed to correct those distortions and promote healing.

This treatment seeks to rebalance and re-educal your body by eliminating toxins, relieving stress, and strengthening immunity. It may treat allergies, food sensitivities, digestive disorders, hormonal imbalances and other signs of toxicity; additionally it may address fatigue and insomnia related to age-related health conditions.

It is safe

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive and painless therapy using electromagnetic vibrations to scan your body. It reads the frequencies of individual body cells to identify any imbalances and disruptions, then purports to treat them. Bioresonance has proven itself beneficial in treating various conditions including fibromyalgia and asthma; additionally it can assist with injuries recovery, quitting smoking or overall improving health and wellness.

Bio resonance therapy is founded on the belief that all matter emits electromagnetic frequencies which can be detected and measured with special machines. Proponents claim that factors like stress, toxins, and pathogens can alter natural frequencies within our bodies leading to illness and disease.

Bioresonance sessions use electrodes positioned on your body and connected to a machine which reads your energy wavelengths from cell vibrations. Once detected, this machine then manipulates these frequencies until all your cells vibrate at their natural frequency – according to proponents this therapy may help treat various symptoms and diseases including cancer.

Although some small studies suggest bioresonance may be effective, healthcare professionals do not advise using it as a replacement for other evidence-based treatments. Furthermore, advertising for bioresonance has been banned in certain countries. Yet many people use bioresonance to enhance their wellbeing with no reported side effects.

Bio Resonance Therapy draws its inspiration from various scientific and holistic fields, such as quantum physics and traditional Chinese medicine. The main concept behind it is that all matter has its own vibrational frequency which is determined by various factors including stress, infections, toxins and emotional disturbances. Bio Resonance Therapy seeks to detect any toxic stressors within your system and remove them – similar to noise-cancelling headphones working – so your cells can communicate properly again while your natural healing processes can resume their functions more fully.

It is effective

Bio resonance healing is an effective solution for many ailments. By harmonizing natural frequencies within the body and stimulating its cellular regenerative system to heal itself, bio resonance therapy helps relieve stress on the body while improving immunity function and treating allergies, food intolerances, or addictions without side effects; children as well as adults may use this noninvasive and safe therapy approach.

At each session, electrodes are attached to a machine that measures energy wavelengths coming from the body and uses this data to alter them accordingly. After manipulating bad frequencies using electromagnetic field therapy machines, good frequencies are then fed back into your body so it can use them to heal itself – this therapy has proven successful against allergies, insomnia and chronic gastrointestinal conditions among other illnesses.

Bio resonance healing may only have limited evidence supporting its benefits; however, some studies demonstrate its efficacy. One such study discovered it to be effective in relieving unexplained stomach pain while another concluded it reduced fibromyalgia symptoms. Bio resonance therapy can also be useful in treating chronic conditions like hepatitis, osteoarthritis and cancer.

BICOM device is an advanced electromagnetic therapy machine, measuring biomagnetic fields and frequencies in your body to identify their cause and provide relief. Often used with acupuncture as well, this form of electromagnetic therapy relies on George Goodheart, an American chiropractor who developed Applied Kinesiology (AK), using muscle testing to pinpoint points on your body needing attention – usually acupuncture points or acupressure points – before an experienced therapist adjusts BICOM device accordingly to address these issues.

The machine sends electromagnetic vibrations to the body’s acupuncture and acupressure points, known as meridians systems, and these vibrations travel along them into cells to repair damaged tissues and ease pain relief. Resonant waves produced by this vibration may even break down tumor and cancer cell walls to allow their removal from the body.
