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Bio-Resonance Health Scanning

Each living cell and organ has an inherent oscillation frequency. Disease, diet, stress and other factors may alter these frequencies causing disease or alteration.

Electrodes placed on the skin are connected to a machine that reads energy wavelengths to detect disease. Proponents claim that altering these wavelengths back to their original frequencies cures diseases.

What is a Bioresonance Scan?

Bio-resonance is a form of alternative medicine that uses advanced technology to scan the body and identify imbalances. It works on the principle that every organ, tissue and cell in our bodies emit electromagnetic waves or frequencies; when under stress these frequencies may change. Bio-resonance systems can identify these distorted frequencies and counteract them in order to restore balance for wellness.

At a bioresonance scan, electrodes are applied to your skin and attached to a machine that measures energy wavelengths emitted by your body. Once complete, this machine then detects your vibrational frequency – similar to tuning an orchestra before performing.

An holistic health practitioner then reviews the scan results and provides recommendations to restore balance and optimal functioning, such as nutritional supplements, specific exercises, detoxification protocols, dietary modifications or herbal remedies.

Research on bioresonance as it relates to treating medical conditions is limited, yet some studies show positive outcomes. While bioresonance should never replace traditional medical treatments, as some researchers claim, bioresonance should never be seen as an alternative treatment option.

Studies on bioresonance conducted on animals suggest its efficacy for treating various ailments, including allergies, inflammatory diseases such as rheumatism and arthritis, low immune defenses and allergies. Additional research suggests it may assist with treating urogenital disorders such as cystitis and prostatitis as well as respiratory problems like asthma and chronic bronchitis.

Bioresonance may help people stop smoking and reduce stress levels, though such studies have yet to be replicated and have had their research called into question by critics. Thus, the American Cancer Society encourages cancer patients seeking traditional, evidence-based treatments as the preferred choice.

How Does a Bioresonance Scan Work?

Bioresonance works on the principle that everything in your body is energy. Utilizing similar techniques used in school with magnets and iron filings, your body has its own magnetic field known as the biomagnetic field which, when out of balance, may lead to symptoms like pain, illness or fatigue. Bioresonance uses energy to detect imbalances before using specific frequencies to counteract them for optimal biomagnetic field equilibrium restoration.

During a scan, electrodes will be applied to your skin and then a machine emits safe electromagnetic waves, traveling throughout your entire body to identify any unhealthy energy frequencies present. This non-invasive procedure.

Bioresonance health scan results are used to analyze multiple aspects of your health including medical history, diet, medications and stress levels to help identify areas requiring attention in your health. The process typically takes 60 minutes.

If a test indicates low stomach acid, for instance, it could mean that you’re not digesting foods and supplements properly. A bioresonance scan could then be used to address the issue and ensure your body absorbs all the vitamins and minerals it is taking in.

Bioresonance scans can also be utilized to detect parasites within the body. This can be extremely helpful, as it allows healthcare providers to detect whether a patient may be suffering from parasites that don’t necessarily show physical signs such as diarrhea.

Bioresonance advocates claim the technique has numerous positive health effects; however, these claims have yet to be supported by credible scientific research or studies. Furthermore, controlled clinical trials which would enable scientists to compare bioresonance treatments against placebo have never been conducted.

Furthermore, some of the information gained from bioresonance treatments may be inaccurate due to human body’s intricate energy exchanges; nevertheless, many still believe in its efficacy and are willing to undergo bioresonance treatment.

What Can I Expect from a Bioresonance Scan?

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive therapy that works on the electromagnetic and biochemical balance in your body to promote self-healing and reduce symptoms such as fatigue or insomnia that don’t have conventional medical explanations, providing a more holistic understanding of health and wellness needs.

The Bicom-Optima device sends and receives electromagnetic signals through electrodes or pads placed on your body, to detect imbalances. Once identified, it then sends back electromagnetic frequencies that work against these imbalances to restore health and equilibrium back into your system.

This machine can also help identify pathogenic infections causing various symptoms. Furthermore, it can assist you with understanding which of your symptoms are physical in origin while others could be psychological so as to make more appropriate treatment decisions. Lastly, it can identify any deficiencies such as vitamins or minerals and recommend supplements accordingly.

After your full analysis is completed, we will go over your results with you and discuss them thoroughly. This provides an ideal opportunity for any queries to be addressed directly by us.

As soon as your scan is complete, we will create a personalized health plan tailored specifically to you and outline steps needed to restore energy and equilibrium to your body. This may include nutritional supplements, individually prescribed homeopathic tinctures or lifestyle adjustments.

If you would like to book a bioresonance scan with us, please fill out the form below. If you are not an existing patient, we suggest making an appointment for 60 minutes as new patient so your bioresonance test can be included within that visit and have ample time to review its results. In your notes section of your booking please indicate whether or not you would like us to include bioresonance scanning; for new patients this will be considered an extended health visit; established patients will simply add the additional costs to their cost.

Can I Have a Bioresonance Scan?

Bioresonance is a noninvasive, painless and safe way of gathering information about the energetic balance in your body. It offers insight into nutritional deficiencies, toxin exposures and hormone imbalances and provides more.

Scientists studying quantum physics have made breakthroughs that demonstrate that all matter emits electromagnetic waves and frequencies, from human cells, tissues and organs to viruses, bacteria, pollen and toxins – which emit their own unique frequency signature that can be identified using advanced technology and used to spot potential health problems before symptoms appear.

The human body has an amazing capacity to heal itself from various conditions, yet can become overwhelmed by stressors like those found in modern living, such as Wi-Fi radiation, cell phone usage and electrical overloads – as well as chemicals in water and food supplies – weakening its natural ability to regenerate and self-heal, leading to disease, imbalance or pain.

An energy scan using hair and saliva samples can reveal some of the stresses in our bodies by analyzing their frequencies and patterns. Results may reveal whether there are bioenergetic sensitivities to certain foods, imbalances in hormones, nutritional deficiencies or energetic matches with resonating toxins; or the body has any bioenergetic sensitivities related to them.

Results can also help uncover the cause of a particular condition by providing insight into what energetically is going on at a physiological level, and helping shift it toward more harmonious states. While this process may take more time than taking pills alone, its purpose is to allow your body to gently make these adjustments so it can regain equilibrium more gradually.

Bioresonance advocates argue that it can reduce inflammation, detoxify the body, enhance immune function and foster overall wellness by dispelling energy blockages. Some studies back these claims up; other research indicates otherwise. It may help with digestive issues, pain and depression; however it should not replace medical diagnosis or treatment in any way; always consult a qualified healthcare provider when having any health concerns or questions about yourself or someone you love.
