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Bio Resonance Near Me

Bioresonance testing is an unproven treatment based on the claim that diseased cells and organs emit altered electromagnetic wavelengths that can be detected with an electrical device. Proponents believe restoring these to their natural frequencies will cure disease.

This equipment analyzes your body to assess which frequencies should be used to help restore balance to it, then prints a homeopathic remedy on its digital screen to restore health to your organism.


BioScan is an advanced testing procedure designed to identify imbalances in your energy channels and eliminate them before they cause bigger problems. It does so by pinpointing hidden stressors that might be making you weak, tired or imbalanced and taking preventive action against them before any bigger problems emerge.

Electrodermal screening allows practitioners to assess your body’s response to various irritants and stressors by placing a small electrode on your skin that passes a low-voltage electric current through it, then compares your response against frequencies in a database of substances known to cause symptoms. If a substance triggers an imbalance in energy flow, your practitioner will devise a treatment protocol to reduce or eliminate your symptoms so you can return to being your best self.

BioScan begins its process with the Meridian Stress Assessment (MSA). This examination covers major groups of acupuncture points known as meridians within the body. Next, energy impulses flowing between these meridians are evaluated for any blockages that might result in pain, illness, or weakness.

Once MSA has identified the cause of your symptoms, it will move into its next step – BioScan SRT (Stress Reduction Treatment). It sends energy signals through your body’s energy pathways in order to relieve your stressors and restore balance to your system. Furthermore, this treatment also changes how your body responds to such stresses in future so they won’t affect you so negatively.

The BioScan SRT is safe and effective for people of all ages, featuring no needles or shots. Furthermore, its noninvasive nature means it takes no time or money to complete. Furthermore, its affordability provides insight into your overall health status while helping identify early signs of disease for easier treatment – usually more difficult in its earlier stages.


Biofeedback is a mind-body treatment designed to alleviate stress and pain. It uses feedback to teach patients to control body functions such as their heart rate and muscle tension through feedback loops, helping them learn how to regulate these. Furthermore, it improves relaxation which may help manage migraines, ADHD and high blood pressure more effectively. Electrodes or finger sensors connected to areas of the arms or hands monitor physiological responses such as breathing rate, skin temperature, sweating levels and muscle activity – then displays this data via graphs and sounds on a computer screen; usually with trained biofeedback therapist guiding the process.

Biofeedback sessions encourage patients to utilize breathing techniques and relaxation exercises to decrease stress levels and bring their nervous systems into balance – helping you take greater control of symptoms. Therapy services may be provided at physical therapy clinics, medical centers, hospitals or psychology practices – some health insurance plans cover it; it’s advisable to check beforehand.

Researchers do not fully understand how biofeedback works, but do know it promotes relaxation and can aid with conditions associated with stress like high blood pressure and anxiety, as well as improving function in muscles and nerves involved with chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis or shingles.

Biofeedback typically uses electromyography and electrical monitoring to assess how your muscles contract and relax over time. A trained biofeedback therapist can show you how to use various tools such as visual displays of heartbeat or tablet apps that show results of paced breathing to gain control over these responses and increase mindfulness.

Some may experience immediate benefits from biofeedback, while for others it may take several sessions before its calming effects are noticed. Therapists typically suggest scheduling 10-20 weekly sessions. It’s also important to continue practicing these skills outside of therapy sessions as well.

Electrodermal Screening

Electrodermal Screening (EDS) is a noninvasive way of measuring your body’s energy. This technique works by sending a low voltage electrical current from one probe held in your hand to another placed on various parts of the body – which you cannot feel) which corresponds with acupuncture points – with this result recorded on a galvanometer that ranges from zero to one hundred; EAV claims it can detect imbalances in energy pathways within the meridian, food sensitivities, allergies, infections as well as organ weakness as well as nutritional deficiencies.

Modern biophysics shows us that all 50 trillion cells in our bodies are controlled by electrical impulses between cells and our environment, known as bio resonance sessions. A practitioner can use a computerized device to measure your meridians energy by monitoring resistance to electrical conductivity at specific acupuncture points and skin resistance measurements.

Bio resonance begins by discussing one’s health history with their practitioner. Once settled in a quiet room and in contact with a computerized probe that measures electromagnetic fields at various acupuncture points on hand and foot to produce readings on a galvanometer; these readings are then compared with standard indicators that correlate to specific organs or symptoms and results are evaluated for accuracy.

Electrodermal screening offers an efficient, rapid method for identifying any sensitivities to various substances, which may prove particularly helpful if conventional allergy testing doesn’t give enough relief. One study concluded that electrodermal scanning distinguished sensitized individuals to aeroallergens better than RAST, intra dermal allergy skin testing or food rechallenge testing (see Study below).

Useful for helping determine the optimal supplements, herbs, or homeopathic remedies to take for you, this test identifies how a substance resonates with your body’s vibratory energy and can provide an invaluable way to find natural solutions to health issues.

Bioenergetic Testing

Bioenergetic testing is a noninvasive procedure that uses your hair sample to assess your energetic resonance. Originated by German physician in the 1940s, bioenergetic testing operates at the intersection of electrical engineering, digital technology, and quantum physics.

Based on the theory that all living things, including your body and its organs, have their own electromagnetic energy fields that produce unique frequencies which can be measured using this method, this system measures these electromagnetic energy fields to produce precise measurements.

Muscle testing (kinesiology) or acupuncture use stimulation points to unblock energy pathways within your body – these methods of bioenergetic therapy can be done anywhere!

The QEST4 system is a computerized instrument designed to measure your body’s resonance with specific frequency signatures, as well as pre-screen balancing frequencies that could correct imbalances that have been identified. It’s an invaluable way to identify areas under stress, and provide remedies that support healing of your body.

Bioenergetic testing can reveal imbalances related to organs and nutrition, food sensitivities, emotions, toxins, hormone imbalances and much more. Furthermore, heavy metals, molds, viral, bacterial or chemical toxins could also be contributing factors, thereby contributing to health concerns such as fibromyalgia, joint pain allergies asthma headaches etc.

Your results will be compared with an ideal energy of your cellular structure and reveal which areas may be experiencing stress. After this assessment is complete, we’ll create an individual plan designed to balance bio-energy and improve overall well-being!

Bioenergetic testing’s benefits can be seen across all areas of your life, from strengthening immunity to improving mental clarity. The aim is to identify patterns that are impeding optimal wellness in order to remove blockages and achieve deeper levels of wellbeing. Many clients report improvements in symptoms such as eczema, chronic fatigue, allergies, joint pain, weight gain or loss, digestive issues and hormone imbalances after receiving their test results and following recommended balancing protocols – often immediately and ongoing as you work your way through them.
