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Bio Resonance Scanning

Bioresonance scanning employs a machine to read your body’s electromagnetic frequencies and correct imbalances. Originating in Germany, this alternative therapy works by identifying discordant frequencies within your system; once identified, bioresonance machines use electromagnetic waves to cancel them out and restore your natural state.

This non-invasive method can detect nutritional deficiencies, toxins, hormone imbalances and organ function disorders. Furthermore, this assessment also helps identify food intolerances or parasites that could otherwise remain hidden from sight.

It is non-invasive

Bio Resonance Scanning is an efficient, noninvasive way of diagnosing potential health problems. The concept behind it lies on the principle that all cells, tissues and organs have vibrational frequencies which, when out of tune, disrupt body functions and even cause illness or disease. A device measures these vibrations against an exhaustive database of healthy frequencies before emitting an offsetting frequency that balances them and restores proper function.

Solex’s AO Scan bioresonance scanner can quickly identify and treat imbalances in the body’s energy field. Utilizing electromagnetic frequencies, this technique assesses organs, tissues and cells before pinpointing pathogen infections within. Bio-resonance scanning also allows early intervention before symptoms manifest themselves; furthermore it can identify whether certain symptoms might be psychosomatic while providing guidance for effective treatment strategies.

At each session, electrodes are attached to a bioresonance machine that evaluates energy wavelengths in your body and converts them to computerized images. It then measures any imbalances within frequencies in order to generate personalized frequencies through electrodes that send healthy messages directly to organs and body systems while any potentially harmful frequencies can be reduced in intensity by inverting and inverting.

Bioresonance therapy is virtually painless; most patients describe it as feeling like a mild buzz or tingle. Furthermore, the test is noninvasive and can be performed while lying down. This process takes just minutes – new patients can add it onto any appointment while existing ones can schedule a 60-minute appointment and specify that they wish to do the bioresonance test; billing can also be applied directly against extended health plans for this assessment. For more information, contact us now.

It is safe

Bio-resonance scanning is a painless, non-invasive way of detecting imbalances in your body. It works on the principle that each cell, tissue, and organ emit electromagnetic frequencies which are affected by external and internal factors like chemical, emotional, and environmental stressors; when these frequencies become altered by external or internal influences they can contribute to illness and other health concerns; by measuring your bio-resonance this machine can identify imbalances that have yet to show symptoms and prevent diseases from worsening further.

This device uses electrodes to scan your body, measuring energy wavelength frequencies. It then counteracts any problematic ones in order to restore balance and promote healthy function, compiling results on a computer for you and giving them back along with insights such as areas of high stress or weakness, food or environmental sensitivities and nutritional imbalances. Your doctor may suggest any supplements or treatments necessary.

Quantum physics provides the basis of bioresonance therapy; its core principle states that all material has an electromagnetic frequency or vibration. This includes living cells as well as foreign materials found within our bodies such as toxins. A bioresonance scanner detects these frequencies, matching them against healthy frequencies so as to cancel out unhealthy ones so as to allow the body to self-regulate and heal itself.

Not only can this machine detect pathogens in your body, it can also identify vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Furthermore, it can determine which symptoms are psychosomatic while which have valid roots – making it a must-have tool for anyone taking an proactive approach to their own healthcare.

Bioresonance testing is a quick and painless procedure that only requires a short amount of your time. However, it should be understood that bioresonance should not replace traditional medical care but instead is meant as a diagnostic tool that complements other tests or procedures used to address specific conditions or symptoms. Bioresonance is particularly useful at identifying issues early in their course where intervention offers maximum success rate.

It is effective

Bioresonance scanning is a safe and efficient way to detect imbalances in your body before they manifest as symptoms. This technology works by measuring electromagnetic frequencies emitted by different parts of your body and then comparing these electromagnetic frequency emissions against frequency patterns of standard diseases, food toxins, health, nutritional or stress indicators stored in databases. This enables bioresonance scanners to identify underlying problems so you can take steps to rectify them before they become serious.

Painless and non-invasive, bioresonance scans take only minutes to complete and provide accurate results that are then cross-referenced with your medical history, diet, stress levels and medication to give a customized plan for improving overall wellness. Not only can your bioresonance scan reveal imbalances but it can also identify any vitamin or mineral deficiencies, helping you make informed decisions regarding diet and supplements.

While evidence supporting bioresonance devices is limited, many individuals claim it helps them quit smoking, lose weight and overcome certain autoimmune disorders. One 2014 study concluded that 77.2 percent of smokers receiving bioresonance therapy successfully quit compared with 54.8 percent from the control group.

The device works by attaching electrodes to your skin, which are connected to a machine that “reads” energy wavelengths of your body. Once identified, these wavelengths can then be altered so as to allow cells to vibrate at their natural frequency – purportedly treating your condition. This system relies on quantum physics’ theory that all substances possess unique electromagnetic signatures with some frequencies being healthy while others being harmful; by manipulating or shifting those signatures accordingly by machine you can boost or invert them for improved results.

Bio resonance scan machines can identify early symptoms of cancer, allergies and other health conditions as well as detect the emotional state of people at any time and provide an indication as to whether their chakras are balanced. It should be noted however, that this procedure should not replace seeing a qualified healthcare practitioner for diagnosis purposes.

It is affordable

Bioresonance is a noninvasive electromagnetic wave technique used to detect imbalances within the body. Also referred to as nonlinear scanning or MORA therapy (MOrell + Rasche), Bioresonance works on the principle that electromagnetic waves have the power to impact disease at its cellular level – making this technology suitable for diagnosing and treating various health issues.

At an AO scan session, your practitioner will use a device known as a BICOM to measure electromagnetic frequencies within your body’s tissues. When sending electromagnetic frequencies towards specific tissues, these will return as electromagnetic spectrums sent back by your scanner – in healthy bodies these should match perfectly; otherwise any variations would indicate energetic imbalance in that particular tissue.

BICOM devices can help identify issues that contribute to stress in the body. It can identify food sensitivities, environmental allergies, nutritional imbalances and hormone imbalances as potential sources. They may even help remove toxins and parasites that might be hiding within.

These devices can also help identify and treat autoimmune disorders. Furthermore, these devices can detect infections, parasites (worms or viruses), resistance to antibiotics as well as resistance in bacteria or viruses – providing practitioners with valuable insight into which treatments will prove most successful for each individual case.

There are various affordable bioresonance machines on the market. One popular example is the BICOM, which can cost approximately $500. Other noninvasive health-related instruments may also be purchased for less than $100 and come equipped with software enabling users to create personalized bioresonance sessions – typically sold by independent practitioners or online retailers.
