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Bio Resonance Scans Near Me

Every organ, tissue and system in your body emits electromagnetic waves (frequency) that make up your biofield. This biofield is then scanned and graphed using sophisticated equipment in order to identify imbalances and pinpoint issues.

Bioresonance signature detection technology identifies bio-resonance signatures long before medical diagnostics can identify physical symptoms, because it detects initial dysfunction that disrupts homeostasis.

AO Scan by Solex

The AO Scan is a non-invasive device that communicates with the body using subtle bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals, communicating to detect imbalances by optimizing frequencies for each area of your body and sending these back in to restore equilibrium and harmony. In essence, the device reads your body frequencies against an ideal health database to then send these regular frequencies back in again to restore equilibrium if something goes awry – while simultaneously clearing and shielding your energy field!

Vitals scan is the most sought-after AO Scan, which analyses frequencies for over 130 organs, cells, bones and chromosomes before providing a graphic report showing variances from blueprint homeostasis ranging from 1-9. This powerful technology also runs frequencies for detoxification, immune support and anti-inflammatories as well as other uses.

Body Systems scan is an in-depth and more thorough AO Scan, analyzing frequencies in over 13 systems of the body including blood, skin, organs, skeletal connective tissues, chakras meridians and endocrine systems. Additionally, this AO Scan offers frequencies to address fear anxiety depression or similar feelings.

Finally, the AO Scan provides a complete diet analysis to identify food sensitivities and nutritional deficiencies which may be contributing to health issues. Furthermore, it can provide a list of supplements and herbs specifically tailored for you that can address these imbalances.

All AO Scanner sessions can be performed remotely from the comfort of your own home using a smart phone, tablet and bone conducting headphones. Each session takes about 2 minutes and once complete you will receive an in-depth 24 page email with results as well as an easy daily plan to bring balance back into your body.

The AO Scan by Solex is an indispensable tool for anyone seeking to enhance their overall health and well-being. This device is particularly helpful when seeking answers for chronic complex health issues or unexplained symptoms that have left them frustrated with medical appointments, but you can get those same answers for much less with AO Scan.

Dietary Scan

Dietary Scan is designed for anyone seeking to improve their nutritional intake. It identifies more than 350 food and environmental sensitivities as well as imbalances in key vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids that could impede true balance for their bodies. Finally, it detects any possible toxic interferences which might prevent your body from reaching true equilibrium.

The scan can detect various health problems, such as heart blockages, allergies, hormonal imbalances, digestive issues and chronic infections by measuring electromagnetic frequencies emitted from various parts of your body. This data is then used to detect areas of imbalance or dysfunction which may require correction before becoming physical symptoms.

Bio-resonance is a noninvasive technology that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to assess an individual’s health. It works on the principle that each cell, tissue, organ and system in our bodies emits its own resonating frequency; when any one of these frequencies becomes disrupted it can have ripple effects across all systems; similar to how an orchestra becomes out-of-tune when one section doesn’t play harmoniously with others in its group.

Bio-resonance scans involve placing electrodes on the skin and having an electronic device measure the electromagnetic energy released by our bodies, then comparing these frequencies to normal signals produced by healthy cells – bio-resonance scanners can then identify areas of imbalance or dysfunction and suggest solutions.

Bioresonance scanning sessions can help detect imbalances in the body early, potentially helping prevent illness and disease from taking hold. Bio-resonance can identify issues not detected through traditional medical diagnostics – like weak immune systems. Furthermore, AO Scan by Solex can also pinpoint emotional stressors which could be contributing to any imbalances within the body.

The ZYTO Scan is an invaluable tool that can identify biological coherence and improve quality of life for individuals. Additionally, it helps individuals select nutritional supplements with significant cost-savings potential that increase energy levels significantly while saving costs significantly over time. Furthermore, its data tracking capability enables it to track results of diet changes or nutritional supplement usage over time.

Remedy Scan

If you’re having difficulty choosing supplements for your pet, Remedy Scan provides a solution. Through advanced bioenergetic testing of hair and saliva samples from pets, this advanced bioenergetic analysis detects which remedies best correspond with each sample from them and formulates an individual regimen designed to restore health and wellbeing.

The Remedy Package offers nine Remedy Scans at a deeply discounted price throughout the year, at an unprecedented value. Pet owners who wish to establish and keep up a consistent routine over time will find it ideal. This package saves hundreds of dollars.

Remedy Testing has recently expanded their real-time scan availability while improving reporting capabilities. Their new reports offer clear, user-friendly insights into an individual’s energetic wellness, making it simpler than ever for them to implement changes which support healthier lifestyles.

Now more widely accessible than ever, the Remedy Test technology enables individuals to gain insights into their wellbeing without needing costly, invasive tests or procedures.

Remedy Scan is an easy and effective solution for addressing imbalances in various areas, such as food sensitivities, hormone imbalances and emotional blockages. Utilizing herbal, homeopathic and nutritional supplements as remedies to address body imbalances. A Remedy Scan may also be purchased individually or as part of a Full Scan, Balancing Body Scan or Prenatal Scan package; typically clients follow its recommended protocol for at least 1-3 months before revisiting for another scan using Remedy Scan technology.

Full Scan

Full-body scans can help you take charge of your health by detecting cancer at treatable stages early. They’re particularly beneficial to smokers who are at increased risk of lung cancer; Ezra offers earplugs and the option of playing your favorite playlist during your scan if claustrophobia becomes an issue – the entire procedure typically takes around 60 minutes to complete.

The Full Scan operation locates and provides media identifiers for each known piece in your library, while Discover Media searches extensively to locate new media in a library.
