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Bio Resonance Testing Machine

Every cell, organ and system in your body produces vibrational frequencies which can be detected with a BICOM device and altered to treat disease.

Bio Resonance Testing involves providing hair or saliva samples to a machine which analyzes energy wavelengths generated from your body and reads those waves to identify any warning signs, nutritional imbalances, food intolerances or toxic build-up that might indicate potential issues with health and wellness.

What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance is an alternative medicine practice which employs machines to measure energy waves emitted by the body and their frequencies, with advocates believing that these waves can help diagnose disease while returning them back to normal frequencies will treat illness.

Electrodes are adhered to your skin, connected to an electronic machine that measures electromagnetic vibrations that your cells release, then reading these waves with electrodes connected. The machine supposedly finds harmful frequencies produced by viruses or cancer cells and cancels them out with its own electromagnetic waves; additionally, this therapy may help break addictions such as smoking by clearing away nicotine molecules in your body.

Bio resonance testing machines work similarly to how magnets do: when held against paper, iron filings on its surface arrange themselves according to the magnetic pattern of the magnet – this is how BICOM optima mobile works!

Your body is an electromagnetic entity, and its energy frequency determines whether you feel healthy or sick. Any interference to this cellular energy leads to imbalances and symptoms such as fatigue or pain; bioresonance scans use special frequencies to detect disruptions and identify the stressors responsible.

Heavy metals, other toxins and high levels of stress are often at the source of imbalanced energy in our bodies. With the BICOM optima mobile scanner, this issue can be identified and then treated through recommended treatment plans to restore equilibrium to your life.

How Does Bioresonance Work?

The bio resonance testing machine utilizes electrodes to detect electromagnetic frequencies produced by your body. These frequencies can help identify imbalances and disturbances within your bioenergy field (or biomagnetic field), and to treat conditions caused by them. After detecting imbalances or disturbances in this way, counter-frequencies are then released which help reset cells back to their natural healthy frequencies – these counter frequencies may target specific organs or substances like heavy metals, chemicals or allergens which might be contributing to symptoms that arise in an individual.

Bioresonance works on the principle that everything around us consists of energy. You yourself have your own magnetic field which, when out of balance, can contribute to symptoms like chronic headaches. Bioresonance‘s goal is to restore equilibrium to this field and balance is restored through bioresonance treatments.

People experiencing health issues such as chronic pain or an ongoing infection often find relief through bioresonance therapies. A study on fibromyalgia patients, for instance, demonstrated how bioresonance improved healing compared to non-users of bioresonance treatment. Other research shows how bioresonance can also help you quit smoking or alleviate symptoms related to autoimmune diseases, allergies or asthma.

While research into complementary medicine is limited, anecdotes from people claiming that it has helped cure their conditions can be found online. However, it should be remembered that these individuals were never assessed by healthcare professionals and any claims being made were not supported by evidence.

As such, it’s wise to exercise extreme caution and only seek treatment from licensed practitioners who have received training in using this technology. This is particularly important if paying out-of-pocket as being treated by healthcare providers who make unverifiable claims about bioresonance can delay seeking professional medical advice – this can be particularly dangerous when dealing with serious health issues like cancer. For this reason alone it’s wise to always visit Quantum Functional Medicine who have received comprehensive bioresonance treatment training from qualified providers like ourselves at Quantum Functional Medicine have experienced practitioners trained in using bioresonance treatments.

How Can Bioresonance Help Me?

Bioresonance scans use bioresonance technology to detect toxic stressors causing imbalance within the body. BICOM therapy then helps relieve these stressful factors by reinforcing healthy signals while diminishing pathogenic ones – which ultimately restores natural self-healing mechanisms within your system. Unlike medication-based procedures, the process claims not to be painful making it suitable for both children as well as adults and sensitive patients.

Bioresonance machines use electromagnetic vibrations expelled from patient cells to detect frequencies associated with illness or change, including DNA disruption and changes. Proponents claim these machines can detect changes in frequency and help restore it back to its usual state – helping treat disease more efficiently.

At each session, your therapist places small brass cylinders on your skin and uses a computer to read what is registering with your body – similar to how kinesiology or muscle testing work but more fastidious and accurate.

According to research, imbalances within the body may be caused by environmental or lifestyle stressors such as toxins or poor diet. Stressful situations interfere with healthy cell communication, leading them to send out negative signals which ultimately create an environment conducive to illness – something the bioresonance device claims it can detect.

Bioresonance works on this premise and many alternative health practitioners endorse its use, while many medical professionals remain wary. There is no clinical evidence showing its ability to diagnose or treat illness; some even suspect bioresonance may just be an elaborate scam.

Bioresonance scans should never replace blood tests or other forms of medical diagnostics, and should only be conducted by qualified practitioners. That being said, many have reported seeing positive effects from using a bioresonance scanner in terms of reduced chronic pain levels, improved sleep quality and energy levels as well as relief from symptoms associated with fibromyalgia or asthma.

Are Bioresonance Tests Safe?

Bioresonance testing is a safe, noninvasive way of discovering food sensitivities. Bioresonance machines work by transmitting electromagnetic waves directly onto the skin, then recording any responses they see there. Similar to muscle testing or kinesiology but more rapid and computerised; most people feel nothing during a test; though in rare instances you may feel some sort of buzz or tingle sensation during this process.

Bioresonance tests should not be seen as medical solutions and cannot diagnose or treat illness; however, they are an invaluable way of discovering the source of any health issues and taking steps towards improving wellness.

Bioresonance testing can also help identify optimal supplements and cosmetics to create a personalized wellness complex, which can then be loaded into Life Balance for use to treat imbalances detected through testing.

Bioresonance therapy (BRT) works on the principle that every cell emits its own frequency; when your body is healthy, these frequencies match each other perfectly; but when experiencing health issues like stress, their frequencies change; this device helps restore their natural wavelengths for healing purposes.

Life Expert is an innovative bioresonance scanning device that evaluates 47 organs and systems within your body in just one minute, offering you an individual assessment of your health as well as uncovering any weak points contributing to chronic illnesses.

This assessment is open to everyone – you don’t have to be an established patient to make use of this service – just book a 60-minute new patient appointment and select bioresonance scan as one of their services. Just fill out and return intake and consent forms in advance via email before coming in, with payment made as part of an extended wellness plan.
