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Bio Resonance Testing Near Me

Bioresonance testing is an exceptionally precise form of diagnostic evaluation that can detect conditions within your body. By reading energy wavelengths that your body produces, bioresonance can assess any imbalances and modify any harmful or unhealthy frequencies to bring your balance back into harmony.

German technology that recognizes unhealthy frequencies and alters them to enhance a person’s health can treat symptoms including fatigue, gastrointestinal issues, rheumatoid arthritis and even smoking cessation.

Non-Invasive Testing

Noninvasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) utilizes maternal blood samples during the first trimester to analyze fetal DNA that circulates in their mother’s blood stream during gestation, to estimate whether a fetus is at increased or decreased risk for certain genetic abnormalities such as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome and Patau syndrome; it can also detect Turner’s syndrome and Triple X syndrome.

NIPT works by analyzing fragments of DNA found floating freely in the bloodstream, known as cell-free DNA (cfDNA), from broken down cells within your body – these include not only those belonging to fetuses but also red and white blood cells and even red blood stem cells. NIPT detects these fragments and assesses whether there is risk that certain genetic abnormalities exist in an embryo fetus.

Before choosing whether or not to undergo a noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) test, women are strongly encouraged to discuss their options and consult a genetic counselor. The purpose of such tests is to decrease the number of invasive diagnostic tests such as amniocentesis and CVS performed when an SAFE test result indicates an elevated chance for chromosomal disorders; however, for definitive answers concerning any potential issues with your baby’s genetic makeup invasive diagnostic testing is the only sure way.

NIPT tests typically result in an invasive diagnostic procedure called amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS), in which a needle is inserted into the amniotic sac that surrounds your baby to collect samples of its cells for further analysis. Although these procedures carry some risk, those opting for one after a high-chance screening result may feel they require certainty of diagnosis to help guide their choices moving forward.

Bio-resonance testing is an innovative holistic approach to health and wellness that uses advanced technology to measure electromagnetic frequencies of your body, then analyzes this data with trained practitioners who are able to help identify imbalances or dysfunction within your physical, emotional, and energetic health. A bio-resonance evaluation may reveal hidden causes for chronic illnesses and diseases such as food sensitivities, emotions, stress hormone imbalances, toxicity issues or more.


BioScan is an innovative diagnostic tool that uses cutting-edge technology to assess energy imbalances within the body. MRI, CT and ultrasound scans often miss warning signs associated with energy imbalances; BioScan allows non-invasive diagnosis for more thorough assessment as well as helping determine which nutrients might improve overall body performance.

BioScan SRT technology works on the principle that all substances, living or not, possess a measurable energetic frequency. To detect weaknesses or imbalances within your body’s response to frequencies emitted by BioScan SRT system emitters, emitting frequencies with known stressors to measure response from you body then compare this information against database of stressors to identify weak points, excess strain or imbalance areas.

These details will then be used to develop a personalized wellness plan designed to address the source of your symptoms. Our goal is to restore energy balance within your body and restore proper functioning; this process may prove invaluable for those experiencing unexplained symptoms or chronic health conditions that traditional medicine cannot adequately treat.

BioScan SRT sessions typically last 8-10 minutes and are painless and safe for children of all ages. A practitioner places a small electrode on your skin and sends a small electric current through your body; then the device records how your body responds to electromagnetic energy from different substances; it then compares this data against an extensive library of known stressors that cause symptoms.

The results are displayed on a computer screen and interpreted by a practitioner, providing insight into any imbalances such as nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities and environmental allergies, hormone imbalances or toxic build-up in your system, or which herbs and supplements your energy field prefers to absorb.

This cutting-edge and ground-breaking technique cannot be found anywhere else in medical testing, making its results extremely helpful in pinpointing root causes missed by conventional forms of diagnosis such as MRI and CT scans. Such issues could be the root of depression, fibromyalgia, headaches, allergies, gastrointestinal issues inflammation high blood pressure immune system disturbance viruses cancer.


Stressors, toxins and imbalances leave their mark in your energy field, which can be detected using our bio resonance testing machine. This noninvasive machine reads vibrational frequencies of organs, tissues and cells in your body – these frequencies being measured in Hertz; healthy cells resonate at different frequencies than unhealthy ones – this principle forms the basis of bioresonance therapy (also referred to as electrodermal screening or bioenergetic medicine).

Bioresonance technology is a noninvasive test designed to identify and treat the root causes of illness. It pinpoints communication breakdowns among your cells due to environmental, chemical or emotional stressors and then reverses any unhealthy frequency patterns so that the body can break down toxins faster so it can heal itself.

Bioresonance machines monitor your energy fields and compare them to various foods, vitamins, chemicals, metals, viruses and bacteria found in various foods and drinks, metals and viruses; thus enabling us to identify almost all diseases and energetic imbalances within your body – from parasites and fungus, immune system disorders, hormone imbalances and heavy metal toxicity levels to cell degeneration and more.

Royal Rife is considered to be the creator of bioresonance, discovering that electric pulses with natural resonance could kill pathogens. He later applied this same principle to revitalize organs and restore health – something bioresonance machines do on a much larger scale by testing multiple parameters simultaneously.

Bioresonance readings demonstrate that all living things give off an electromagnetic energy signature known as their biosignature, which is then compared with frequencies associated with foods, drinks, chemicals, vitamins, and minerals to assess how they react in your body – this process includes identifying food intolerances as well as molds/fungus/allergens in order to establish reaction levels within it.

This non-invasive, painless and accurate test is an invaluable way to identify imbalances and restore them back into balance. It has proven helpful with conditions like fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue and more; plus it aids detoxification and weight loss! The popularity of alternative medicine continues to expand as more people discover its numerous advantages.


Bioresonance Therapy, also known as electrodermal screening, bio-energetic therapy or energy medicine, uses equipment to detect imbalances within your body. The machine reads frequencies (or wavelengths) that your cells emit and can adjust harmful frequencies into more beneficial ones – helping balance out your holistic wellness while also revealing problems that haven’t shown up yet on standard medical tests.

The Lecher Instrument, originally from Germany, uses resonance phenomena to detect electromagnetic waves given off by all particles of matter and detect, amplify and graph them for later decoding by practitioners into treatments programs to address physical, biochemical, emotional or spiritual causes of illness.

Bioresonance testers should provide comprehensive explanations and interpretations of test results, while providing specific advice based on your individual needs. Many offer remote sessions, sending equipment directly to your home or office and having you connect via phone or Skype before discussing treatments on-site; this service is ideal if distance or other factors prevent you from visiting their office in person.

Make sure the practitioner you select has been certified to use the type of bio-resonance system you’re interested in testing. Manufacturers of such systems often host training courses and list certified practitioners on their websites; or alternatively check with TGA to ensure their license allows for testing the device you need tested.

A typical session at a practitioner’s clinic typically involves you being fully clothed, either sitting or lying down and being connected to equipment by wearing wrist and ankle bands or holding onto probes. Sessions may last anywhere between half an hour and two hours, depending on your individual needs, and when finished the practitioner will provide you with a report detailing your results along with a treatment program recommendation and potential dietary modifications.
