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Biocom-Optima Bioresonance Machine

Every organ of the body has a distinct energy frequency; similarly, bacteria, viruses and parasites all possess their own frequencies as well.

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive approach to holistic health and wellness that uses bioresonance technology to detect and combat toxic stressors that could potentially be contributing to disease and illness in the body.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative form of medicine. An electronic machine monitors and records energy wavelengths coming from your body to identify any imbalances and then emits counterfrequencies to restore balance by reconnecting cells and clearing away harmful substances from the system.

Bioresonance technology can detect an array of issues, from organ disorders and unhealthy stress levels to nutritional deficiencies and the build-up of heavy metals or toxic stressors in the body – something which often results in imbalanced electromagnetic fields within us and chronic fatigue.

Study results comparing manual therapy and massage alone vs. these therapies combined with bioresonance therapy demonstrated faster improvements for those receiving bioresonance therapy, likely because its balancer helps align body energies to accelerate healing processes more effectively.

Bioresonance can detect and mitigate the effect of toxic stressors by inverting their frequencies, similar to how noise-cancelling headphones work. This allows your cells to communicate naturally again, helping restore your body’s natural self-healing process.

Bioresonance combined with an Amp coil device is also effective at treating chronic sinusitis. Bioresonance helps pinpoint its specific causes, such as chronic nasal inflammation and congestion lasting more than 12 weeks; possible triggers may include mold spores, dust mites, pollen or chemicals being allergic reactions that are responsible. Bioresonance then pinpoints which substance(s) cause symptoms for you before providing treatments accordingly. It may even help alleviate stomach pain caused by hormonal imbalances.

How Does Bioresonance Therapy Work?

The Biocom-Optima bioresonance machine is an innovative quantum medicine device that transmits information via electromagnetic waves (hertz). Utilizing quantum physics principles, this innovative technique detects overloads to restore cellular balance and stimulate tissue regeneration processes for self-healing purposes.

A typical 20-minute session entails holding on to two copper hand rods while standing on a foot plate connected to the device, then standing still for another 20 minutes while it amplifies harmonious frequencies while inverting disharmonious ones like those produced by toxins, amplifying healthy organ frequencies as well as amplifying any that emitted by toxic ones; ultimately enabling your body to absorb these harmonious vibrations and start healing itself.

Patients undergoing this therapy can monitor their own electromagnetic energy fields and the results of the test on a computer screen, using this data to ascertain if they are taking too many or too few dietary supplements, whether their hormones are out of balance, their digestion is functioning optimally, stress levels are elevated etc.

Additionally, this device supposedly can detect diseased cells and organs within the body by measuring their electromagnetic oscillations, which differ from healthy cells. Multiple sellers of this unproven electronic device have been prosecuted by the Food and Drug Administration while American Cancer Society advises people against seeking treatment using such unreliable devices.

Electrodermal testing can also be used to detect allergies and asthma; however, clinical trials have demonstrated its reliability is comparable with electrodermal testing. Furthermore, it has also been marketed for treating IBS; however no research studies have demonstrated its ability to relieve symptoms in those living with IBS.

Bioresonance therapy claims it can treat depression by analyzing brainwaves. People suffering from depression are believed to produce differing electromagnetic energies compared to people without depression, and bioresonance therapy reportedly “corrects” for these discrepancies in order to restore mental health. While this sounds promising, small studies conducted and published in PLOS One reveal similar results with using low-cost questionnaires which assess symptoms and provide diagnoses as effective methods. More stringent and larger scale studies must take place before this technique can be considered as effective means of treating depression.

How Can Bioresonance Therapy Help Me?

Although bioresonance therapy practitioners claim it can cure disease, no scientific proof exists to support its efficacy. Bioresonance machines detect when unhealthy cells and organs release different electromagnetic wavelengths than healthy ones and then alter these frequencies back into a normal state – in theory this would treat illness more effectively.

The machine operates under quantum physics principles that recognize that all forms of matter emit electromagnetic waves that can be captured and measured using similar equipment. This stems from the fact that all matter has its own electrical signature frequency that vibrates at specific frequencies within itself (see this link for further explanation).

Magnetometers allow us to accurately measure magnetic fields. Furthermore, everything has an electromagnetic field which can be measured using devices called magnetometers. Information transmitted via these waves travels through water molecules that make up 60% of our bodies – these vibrations and subatomic particles ultimately affect how we function physically and psychologically.

Bioresonance therapy has long been employed as a treatment strategy, from chronic pain syndrome to cancer. One small study concluded that bioresonance therapy proved particularly helpful at relieving stomach discomfort not linked to any specific diagnosis in those diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Studies suggest that bioresonance therapy could also reduce your risk of fibromyalgia, an incurable condition marked by joint and muscle pain, as reported in one small trial. A combination of manual therapy, point massage, and bioresonance therapy was found to significantly decrease muscular pain in participants than only manual therapies alone; participants also reported having less difficulty sleeping and less sensitivity to weather changes during this trial period than their counterparts who only received manual therapies alone.

Bioresonance therapy has also been investigated in its use to manage allergies. While uncontrolled trials have demonstrated its efficacy against allergies like asthma and eczema, more research needs to be completed in order to verify these results.

How Can Bioresonance Therapy Help You?

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative form of regulatory medicine, designed to identify the source of health issues and help individuals heal naturally without pharmaceutical drugs. While traditional medication treats symptoms while having side effects, bioresonance therapy addresses problems directly by changing wavelengths directly for maximum health benefits.

Bioresonance machines listen for the weak electrical frequency signatures of pathogens and toxins in your body, and find resonance frequencies which amplify them – giving them back through an electromagnetic mat to your system where pathogens absorb them and eventually die off.

Bioresonance therapy has also proven useful for treating other conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome. According to one study, patients who underwent regular treatments of bioresonance therapy experienced less stomach discomfort than those receiving only standard therapy treatments; bioresonance therapy proved more successful than selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor medications usually prescribed to treat digestive disorders.

Bioresonance therapy may also help treat depression. According to a small study, bioresonance therapy proved more successful at relieving symptoms than medication did, possibly treating its root causes which is believed to stem from an imbalance of certain chemicals within the brain.

Bioresonance therapy can also assist with weight loss. According to one study, participants who received bioresonance therapy lost significantly more weight than those who didn’t; additionally, those receiving it were better at sticking with their diet plans – an essential factor in maintaining weight loss.

Bioresonance therapy is not only used to treat these conditions; it is also an effective means of detoxifying your body and relieving stress. One study concluded that those receiving biresonance therapy experienced decreased stress and improved mood when compared with those who didn’t receive the treatment. Biresonance can also be used for treating fibromyalgia, autoimmune diseases, allergies, asthma and smoking cessation among many other conditions.

While studies demonstrate the efficacy of bioresonance therapy, the Federal Trade Commission has successfully sued those who promote it for making unproven claims that it can cure cancer and other diseases. Regardless, some doctors still find bioresonance helpful, particularly in relieving stomach discomfort.
