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Biofeedback and David Franklin

David Franklin joined 90 environmentalists for The Global Walk for a Livable World, an annual trek across America where they spoke at schools, media outlets and politicians – performing music as part of this endeavour.

He has released several albums of folk-pop and instrumental music. In 2015, Playing With Shadows featured fretless bassist Michael Manring on ten tracks.

Psychedelic Facilitation

Psychedelic facilitation refers to the practice of providing assistance and support for people taking psychedelic drugs such as LSD or psilocybin. The goal is to create an environment in which an individual feels safe and supported; facilitators use harm reduction philosophies to guide their clients through this process, as well as preparation and integration psychotherapy services for clients.

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Colorado requires that facilitators of psychedelics meet certain requirements to obtain a license, including successfully completing an approved course of study and training programs designed to teach safe use and use of these substances as well as how to build communities which foster healing and transformation.

The program is open to a range of professionals, such as social workers and nurses interested in using psychedelics in their work. It is free and designed to train learners as facilitators of psychedelic experiences for themselves or within communities they support. Furthermore, an extensive library of educational resources are also provided as support.

As demand for psychedelic therapy grows, so too does the need for highly trained facilitators of such experiences. Our program offers a research-backed, wisdom-rich and somatically informed approach to facilitate such experiences while emphasizing client autonomy and respecting individual beliefs.


The Psychoedelic Medicine Certificate Program is a 13-month learning journey designed to equip individuals to become professional psychedelic facilitators. Offered throughout the United States and including online courses as well as live sessions with faculty members, this intensive learning journey also features practicum and fieldwork experiences as part of its program curriculum.

Franklin became intrigued with environmental issues in 1990 and joined a group of 90 activists on The Global Walk for a Livable World – an extensive year-long hike around the nation during which he gave talks at schools and media outlets about environmental concerns while performing music throughout his travels, producing several singer-songwriter albums along the way.

Tina Trujillo is an associate professor in education at UC Berkeley where she researches the politics of education as it pertains to democracy, equality, and well-being. Additionally, she serves as faculty director of the Psychedelic Facilitation Certificate Program as well as conducting ethnographic research that explores how psychedelic therapy tools may aid us in reconciling our relationships with nature.

Music Therapy

Music therapy is an innovative form of psychotherapy that utilizes various types of music to assist mental wellbeing. Studies have proven its efficacy at alleviating depressive symptoms, increasing positive emotions, and building social skills. Furthermore, music can assist in the regulation of internal systems like blood pressure and heart rate as well as serving as a form of communication and self-expression for those unable to articulate themselves verbally.

David Franklin has an extensive musical history, beginning as a college drummer before transitioning into rock band keyboardist status. Additionally, Franklin was also an established vocal folk-pop singer-songwriter with several albums including Traditional Christmas melodies recorded under his name. Additionally, Franklin experimented with avant-garde projects incorporating “found sounds” such as vacuum cleaners, door closing mechanisms, computer printers etc. as part of avant-garde projects; moreover he uses different instruments in unconventional ways by tuning them differently, recording backwards or creating effects with them all together; an accomplished multi-instrumentalist who enjoys using different instruments in unconventional ways such as tuning them differently or recording backwards for instance!

He has collaborated with choreographers to compose instrumental music for modern dance performances and films. His passion lies with working across cultures; he loves working with musicians from around the globe on collaborative creative projects. He continues to record new and eclectic instrumental music for contemporary dance performance and film as well as yoga classes and meditation.

Music therapists will tailor music therapy sessions according to an individual’s specific needs and goals using various musical genres and techniques, such as cognitive behavioral music therapy (CBMT). CBMT uses music to reinforce positive behaviors while moderating negative ones.

Music therapy’s benefits go well beyond relieving mood; studies suggest its rhythmic nature can also aid motor coordination, perceptual function and learning – not to mention reduce anxiety, stress and promote healing. Furthermore, low frequency vibrations such as those produced by music are believed to help treat conditions like Parkinson’s and fibromyalgia.

Other methods of music therapy include improvisational and Nordoff-Robbins therapies. Improvisational music therapy draws on Zoltan Kodaly’s teachings, using rhythm, notation, sequence and movement to assist patients learn and heal based on rhythm, notation sequence and movement based on his teachings – demonstrated to improve intonation rhythm literacy perceptual function concept formation while improving perceptual function perceptual function and concept formation per se. Nordoff-Robbins music therapy on the other hand uses structured, personalized interventions tailored towards emotional expression interpersonal relationships as well as self-expression among those receiving treatments for anxiety/depression etc.


Human bodies consist of many interlinked physiological functions that contribute to overall wellbeing, including heart rate, skin temperature, muscle tension and brainwave activity. Biofeedback is an approach used to harness these functions for improved performance and health according to the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback; typically utilized to treat anxiety disorders but also beneficial in relieving urinary incontinence or chronic pain conditions.

Biofeedback works on the basic principle that it helps people learn to control their physical reactions with practice and patience. Sensors monitor various body functions and give real-time feedback in the form of graphs, charts and sounds that show you results immediately after practicing to change responses – something essential to overall well-being. Furthermore, you’ll discover ways to better manage stress levels which is an invaluable skill that should be practiced more regularly to increase overall wellness.

Biofeedback may not work for every condition, but it may still prove effective as an adjunct therapy or supplement to other forms of treatment. Studies indicate it can significantly decrease migraine headaches and tension-type headaches as well as reduce blood pressure by decreasing medication need for treating hypertension. It may even work for urinary incontinence issues as well as anal pain related to over-contractions in muscles of the anus.

If biofeedback may help your condition, start by seeking advice from your physician and inquiring with your insurance company about whether this type of therapy is covered. Your therapist will review your medical history and current medications prior to beginning sessions as well as any previous therapies you’ve tried before beginning sessions.

Biofeedback typically involves approximately 10 sessions; for certain conditions, such as high blood pressure, however, 20 or more may be needed before any results become noticeable. You can find a qualified therapist in numerous places including physical therapy clinics, medical centers and hospitals.


David Franklin is an eclectic multi-instrumentalist who has successfully navigated several genres, spanning rock and folk-pop to avant-garde and new age music. He often finds rhythm patterns and melodies within everyday objects such as vacuum cleaners or printers; using these “found” sounds for his compositions directly or as inspiration. When playing piano, guitar, or synthesizer, his compositions often go beyond simply playing notes in traditional tuning or backwards recording to produce truly innovative musical experiences.

Franklin recently unveiled his eighth recording project – an instrumental album entitled Playing With Shadows that includes guitars, flutes, keyboards and percussion, along with piano. Franklin can also be heard singing some tracks – this eighth release following six vocal folk-pop projects.

Franklin recently collaborated with a dance troupe in San Francisco, creating and performing instrumental music to accompany dance performances. Additionally, he recently returned from Italy where he gave two performances and composed and recorded several new songs as well as remixed or reworked versions of some tunes from Shadowlands album that have been remixed and remixed into new albums and compilations.

David has always relied on music as a form of healing throughout his career. He has created many folk-pop and experimental albums, touring extensively with renowned singer-songwriter Bob Dylan as well as performing alongside Michael Manring and the Turtle Island String Quartet.

During the early 1990s, he joined 90 other environmentalists for The Global Walk for a Livable World and participated in walking across the United States to raise awareness about environmental issues. While on his walk he performed music and spoke at schools and media outlets; later he earned a master’s degree in counseling before becoming licensed marriage and family therapist specializing in treating teenagers.

Bioresonance therapy has also won him over, after seeing how the device helped his wife manage Addisons disease. Now he supplies Bicom Optima devices worldwide as well as training them how to utilize this equipment effectively.


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