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Bioresonance According to Paul Schmidt

Schmidt provides an in-depth introduction to bioresonance with this comprehensive book that introduces its holistic approach. It covers an array of causes for imbalance, such as food intolerances, geopathic stress and electropollution.

This book also covers Schmidt’s Rayometer and Rayocomp analysis and harmonisation systems, available through Health Leads of Carmarthen for practitioners and naturopaths to use.

What is bioresonance?

Bioresonance is a holistic physical method using electromagnetic frequencies to treat the body. This noninvasive therapy employs electrodes placed on the skin that send signals reading your biomagnetic field, then emitting frequencies matching those found within each cell in your body – these match frequencies then transmitted directly back through which cells resonate in turn, providing balance to biochemical and electromagnetic states within your body and encouraging self-healing.

German engineer Paul Schmidt developed his groundbreaking method upon discovering that everything vibrates at specific frequencies. Additionally, each living cell possesses its own frequency spectrum. Schmidt discovered that various diseases and disorders result from energy perturbations disrupting the normal biomagnetic field within our bodies.

As a result, his machines were able to identify disturbances and amplify them, so affected cells could return to their natural biomagnetic fields and restore equilibrium – much like how tuning forks work to tune piano strings.

Modern bioresonance machines not only detect disturbances to your body’s equilibrium, but can also emit counterfrequencies to restore it. This helps neutralise any negative frequency vibrations caused by toxins or pathogens in the system.

These frequencies can be generated by the BICOM-Optima and used to stimulate your body’s natural healing processes. When participating in bioresonance therapy, you’ll experience a pleasant tingling sensation as your body releases any accumulated toxins it had been holding onto. As your symptoms become reduced or disappear entirely as a result of treatment, this serves as proof that bioresonance therapy works.

Bioresonance therapy is an excellent solution for patients seeking alternative or complementary approaches to healthcare, or who want to avoid invasive procedures or medications altogether. However, it should be remembered that bioresonance should not replace medical advice; in case of serious illness it should still be seen by a physician immediately for diagnosis and treatment.

Bioresonance treatments carry with them the risk of making people believe they’ve been healed when in fact further medical advice may be necessary for other issues – which could prove especially dangerous in cases of life-threatening illnesses.

How does bioresonance work?

Every living organism possesses a biomagnetic field which serves to reflect its overall state of health and wellbeing. When there are imbalances within an organism’s biomagnetic field, electromagnetic waves emitted from its body become weak or distorted, creating imbalances. Bioresonance therapy by Paul Schmidt works to restore balance within this electromagnetic wave field to enable healing from within.

Schmidt’s discovery that all organisms are affected by frequencies or oscillations was the cornerstone of his bioenergetic approach to health and wellness. He created a machine capable of reading these energies and sending them back into balance via non-invasive, painless treatment that is completely natural – perfect for food and environmental allergies, prostatic dysfunction (prostate and urinary bladder dysfunctions), low immunity defenses, digestive problems, arthritis or bone pain, fibromyalgia as well as sleep disorders.

Bioresonance not only treats physical symptoms, but it is also effective at relieving emotional concerns such as stress and anxiety. By harmonizing energy fields within the body, bioresonance promotes a calm and clear state of being.

Bioresonance differs from orthodox medicine by being noninvasive and natural; it can be used for conditions ranging from allergies to fibromyalgia and even helping people quit smoking. Furthermore, bioresonance may reduce geopathic stress levels and electromagnetic pollution.

Bioresonance offers many advantages for treating imbalances, and one of its greatest strengths lies in pinpointing their sources and how to remedy them. Bioresonance scans reveal specific substances which should be avoided, whether harmful chemicals or unhealthy foods; providing an ideal complement to other holistic practices like acupuncture, homeopathy and massage therapy.

Bioresonance may be the ideal solution to enhance your health or simply take an proactive approach to maintaining it, according to Paul Schmidt. To learn more about its potential benefits for yourself, connect with a homeopathy practitioner experienced in bioenergetics who can interpret your bioresonance scan results and interpret its interpretation by Paul Schmidt himself. Bioresonance should be combined with homeopathic remedies for an all-inclusive healing experience.

What are the applications of bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt?

Bioresonance, according to Paul Schmidt, is a holistic treatment method based on the idea that our health can be affected by many different external influences – geopathic stress, electromagnetic pollution, an unhealthy diet and acid-alkaline imbalance among others. Bioresonance scanning uses electromagnetic frequencies to detect imbalances within our bodies and help counteract negative influences affecting health.

Your practitioner will use a BICOM machine, which emits electromagnetic signals directly to the cells in your body and detects any unhealthy resonance levels or imbalances within it. By sending frequencies that cancel out those unhealthy resonance levels, BICOM helps restore balance back into your system, creating a safe, noninvasive and effective method for diagnosing imbalances within your system.

As well as neutralizing external influences, this technique can also detect food sensitivities which could be detrimental to your health. It provides an alternative to allergy testing which requires taking blood samples through finger pricking; making it particularly suitable for children or those who fear needles. Furthermore, BICOM can detect vitamin and mineral deficiencies and recommend supplements to correct imbalances in these areas.

BICOM can detect any toxins present in your body and assist with detoxification programs to remove them. Additionally, this machine can identify any root causes of health problems including heavy metals, bacteria, yeast or parasites; and also test hair and saliva samples for bioenergetic imbalances due to chemical and heavy metal contamination.

BICOM is currently the most widely used bioresonance device in Europe, used by over 5700 naturopaths and therapists offering treatment with it in Germany alone. Designed for both professional and home use, with Rayonex targeted towards professional therapists while Rayocomp home users. PS 1000 Polar 4.0 devices give users more bespoke options for each session tailored specifically to each patient based on individual needs and priorities while still adhering to basic principles of bioresonance therapy; making BICOM truly revolutionary healthcare tool!

How can bioresonance help me?

If you have been exploring alternative medicine, bioresonance therapy may have come up. This noninvasive therapy may help treat various health conditions by working off of electromagnetic waves emitted by each cell within your body; electronic devices can detect them and diagnose imbalances in energy fields that indicate any problems with healing processes in the body; counterfrequencies are then generated to restore equilibrium to these fields and promote healing.

Paul Schmidt states that bioresonance therapy can be utilized to treat an array of ailments, including allergies, chronic pain, digestive problems and stress-related disorders. Furthermore, it may even help monitor cancer treatments or medical conditions such as high blood pressure. Though no scientific proof exists to support its use in medicine or healthcare systems worldwide, many people report positive experiences using it.

Bioresonance therapy works on the principle that diseased organs and cells produce altered electromagnetic waves, which are detected by bioresonance machines which use electronic devices to change these waves back into normal. Bioresonance therapies have often been promoted as potential cures for cancer or other serious illness; however, scientific proof has never been provided of their efficacy.

Royal Rife pioneered bioresonance, discovering that pathogens could be killed with electrical pulses with frequencies equal to their natural frequencies, which then stimulate organs within the body in a similar fashion. Furthermore, bioresonance could also detect heavy metals or chemicals in your system and identify nutritional deficiencies as well as health problems that need treating.

To properly use a bioresonance machine, you will need to be prepared for an extensive session with a therapist. They will place electrodes on your body which are connected to a Bicom device; it then analyzes your cells’ frequencies to identify any unhealthy ones – your therapist can then use these frequencies to correct imbalances within your body.
