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Bioresonance Allergy Test

Many individuals suffer from food intolerances and allergies that cannot be diagnosed using conventional skin prick tests, yet can still be detected with commercial machines like MARS III (Bruce Copen Laboratories), Bioresonance, or Modern Allergy Testing. Commercial machines like these claim they can do just this.

Studies demonstrate the efficacy of BioResonance treatment on asthma, eczema, smoking cessation, fatigue and insomnia as well as fibromyalgia symptoms. Furthermore, evidence points towards this form of therapy helping prevent cancer by normalizing antioxidant function.


Bioresonance intolerance tests offer an alternative approach that does not involve painful needles: using hair samples for assessment of food sensitivities. They also identify imbalances in electromagnetic fields within the body and offer solutions to restore them – offering holistic solutions to aid digestive issues or even autoimmune conditions.

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The test aims to measure a person’s sensitivity to various foods and environmental substances through a computer-generated algorithm based on the frequency of his/her biological resonance, known as bicom (bioresonance) or biofeedback testing. This type of testing utilizes technology that analyzes your bio-field to give a comprehensive report about your intolerances, vitamin deficiencies, metal toxicity issues, cell activity issues as well as much more. Many scientists and doctors have recognized its accuracy.

An intolerance to certain foods can trigger digestive issues like bloating and constipation. These symptoms often appear hours or days after eating the offending food and resolve once it’s out of the diet. Common food intolerances include dairy, gluten, lactose and yeast and symptoms usually include abdominal cramping, bloating and diarrhea – in addition to gas, abdominal ache headaches fatigue as a result of consumption of these items.

Food allergies are a serious medical concern, and food sensitivity tests are an invaluable way to detect them and remove them from your diet. There are various food sensitivity tests available; some can even be purchased without visiting a physician; these typically request users to mail in hair samples and then provide digital results within weeks.


Though food intolerance tests may cause some disagreement, many find relief in following a healthy diet. Food intolerance tests can be especially useful to anyone wanting to take control of their own health, including those living with chronic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. A BICOM device uses electromagnetic signals sent into your body which then compare against food frequencies; these electromagnetic signals match naturally occurring resonance frequencies from pathogens so if your body responds positively they’ll be destroyed by your immune system.


Bioresonance intolerance tests offer an easy, painless solution to food allergy testing kits that involve pinpricking your skin – they can be performed either at a clinic or at home and will help identify which foods may be triggering reactions in you, making it simpler to eliminate them from your diet.

Bioresonance hair analysis is an holistic form of therapy considered complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). It offers insight into areas not addressed by conventional Western medical tests; plus it’s an ideal way to balance out and retrain the body for more self-regulation.

At its core, MARS III therapy works on the principle that all living organisms contain information in the form of energy that can be transmitted through hair strands to MARS III machines, which use frequency comparison to measure each item to see if its frequencies match your own frequencies and produce a comprehensive report listing your sensitive items – this may include food items, non-food items, vitamins/nutrition/gut biome/hormones/metals etc.

Based on your results, a customized treatment plan may include supplement and diet changes to reduce body toxins and enhance immune health. Bioresonance intolerance testing has proven itself effective at treating asthma, eczema, rheumatoid arthritis and stress-related conditions; its mechanism relies on decreasing sympathetic nervous system response which causes your heart rate to speed up during stressful situations and blood pressure to spike; in this instance the resultant remedy would lower these response.


Bioresonance therapy differs from traditional allergy tests in that it doesn’t involve painful skin pricks to detect antibodies causing symptoms; rather it uses an instrument known as BICOM to measure how your body responds electromagnetic waves that correspond with specific foods – this allows practitioners to identify which food sources cause problems for clients, so they can eliminate them from diets altogether.

Bioresonance testing is a type of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), taking an integrative approach to health. Used alongside conventional medical treatments and not in place of them, bioresonance analysis measures energy imbalances within the body to help identify imbalances of vitamins, minerals and amino acids as well as identify environmental irritants such as toxins and environmental irritants that might compromise overall wellness. With this information at hand, practitioners are better able to prescribe supplements or herbal remedies.

Companies offer at-home food sensitivity testing kits that claim to detect reactions to hundreds of ingredients by measuring “bioresonance” on hair samples; however, no scientific studies exist that back these claims up and Michael Marshall of the Good Thinking Society harshly criticised these tests as “scientifically illiterate and absurd”.

Aiming to restore equilibrium and educate the body, this therapy has proven itself effective against an array of conditions including allergies and intolerances; gastro-intestinal disorders; fatigue and insomnia; as well as fibromyalgia. Furthermore, it has even proven itself capable of helping with smoking cessation while suppressing active tumor genes in cancer patients.

Bioresonance therapy has also proven useful in treating rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and overtraining syndrome, the latter of which occurs when athletes fail to allow their bodies to recover fully after workouts. Bioresonance works by reducing inflammation and regulating the sympathetic nervous system – the fight or flight response. Furthermore, it boosts muscle recovery through increasing immunity while offering anti-oxidants which protect against further oxidative damage to cells in your body. Besides its efficacy and ease of use it also offers anti-oxidants which help fight free radical damage in cells as well. Not only that but bioresonance therapy offers safe and affordable services both by yourself or by professional practitioners alike – not to mention convenient since neither blood samples nor injections.


If you suffer from food intolerances, bioresonance sensitivity testing could be an ideal way to address them. This holistic method is part of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). Please keep in mind that CAM does not diagnose illness nor offer treatments; rather it uses complementary therapies in order to make you feel better.

Bioresonance testing is a form of energy work used to treat body imbalances. A machine called BICOM sends pre-programmed electromagnetic signals directly to a patient’s body based on recorded food frequencies; this allows bioresonance testing to assess their reaction in terms of digestion, mood or overall health issues. The test can detect which foods cause trouble for people’s digestion or general wellbeing.

Quantum physics underlies this process, with everything having its own natural frequency that can be detected via electromagnetic waves such as hertz. Equipment designed specifically to detect weak electrical signature frequencies of pathogens can listen out for these signature frequencies before providing them an external frequency that resonates with theirs, putting them into resonance and killing them off.

One of the more prevalent uses for this technology is in identifying food sensitivity issues. A special BICOM machine can read hair samples’ energy wavelengths to detect imbalances, then analyze this data to identify what needs to be corrected or balanced within your body.

Numerous reasons explain the rise in popularity of non-invasive hematological testing, including its noninvasive nature and being performed either at a clinic or home. This makes it an attractive choice for people seeking more holistic methods to enhance their health.

However, this type of testing has its critics. Michael Marshall of the Good Thinking Society – an organisation which promotes rational enquiry – issued a harsh verdict when bioresonance company failed to notice his dog’s hair wasn’t human’s. Marshall declared this kind of test was “scientifically illiterate and absurd”, adding “there’s no obvious rationale for finding energy frequencies in hair cut from someone’s head”. Regardless of this evidence deficit however, some swear by these tests.


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