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Bioresonance Allergy Test – How to Increase Your Allergy Test Accuracy

Bioresonance therapy offers an effective and painless alternative to allergy testing (prick test), by measuring electromagnetic waves emitted by our cells.

Before taking an energy field and frequency pattern test, it is advisable to drink plenty of water and avoid allergens in order to help stabilize the energy field and ensure accurate frequency patterns. This will also aid in stabilizing energy fields and increasing accuracy.


Allergies are a complex issue that affects your immune system’s response to foreign substances that enter your body, whether they are food items, environmental pollutants, or medications. Overreaction by the immune system to foreign substances like foods, environmental pollutants and medications can lead to inflammation, swelling and other discomforting symptoms which significantly lower quality of life. While certain allergies can be detected through blood tests, others cannot – making it hard for individuals to pinpoint exactly which foods or other substances could be contributing to symptoms they’re experiencing.

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Allergy testing can be accomplished through various means, from traditional skin prick tests and blood analysis, to bioresonance allergy testing – an innovative noninvasive technology which uses electromagnetic waves to measure how your body responds to various allergens – providing practitioners with information to help pinpoint which foods cause intolerances in their patients.

The BICOM optima bioresonance machine measures electromagnetic energy from your body and compares it with foods you’ve consumed, which enables it to identify over 975 food intolerances and allergies and identify root causes quickly and noninvasively. Results typically become available within days and it is recommended to drink plenty of water prior to an energy test for maximum accuracy and to stabilize frequency patterns for greater precision.

If you’re concerned that your infant might be developing allergies, bioresonance can scan their hair strands to check for sensitivities. This method is especially convenient for parents who don’t wish for needle or blood tests for their little one; however, results do not constitute medical diagnosis and must be interpreted with caution.


Although alternative medicines do not yet have sufficient evidence for their effectiveness, bioresonance therapy is being increasingly utilized by athletes to enhance their performance. Four members of the Swedish Cross Country Skiing team have used BICOM optima bioresonance system for recovery after injuries and to improve overall physical fitness.

While these tests aren’t clinically validated, they may help detect intolerances to certain foods and substances, including stress and recent eating habits. Therefore, working closely with healthcare professionals is key in creating an effective plan to address any imbalances present.

Food Intolerances

Food intolerances may be confused with food allergies as both conditions may produce uncomfortable symptoms similar to each other. But the difference lies in having an IgE reaction compared to having intolerances which don’t. Food intolerances are more prevalent and could be the result of poor gut health, changes to your microbiome due to illness or medications and pregnancy; symptoms associated with intolerance include bloating, digestive discomfort and mood shifts.

Food intolerances aren’t usually caused by an allergic reaction; most food intolerances do not involve immune system reactions and, thus, are unlikely to pose as great of risks as food allergies. Lactose, fructose, caffeine and gluten are some of the more commonly affected substances; psychological factors may also play a part in leading people towards intolerances; for example fears surrounding certain foods or believing they will make you sick can trigger food intolerances.

Bioresonance food sensitivity testing can quickly identify which foods you’re sensitive to and is an ideal alternative to blood tests. Utilizing the BICOM machine, electromagnetic waves from your body are compared with frequencies found in foods, drinks and environmental sources to identify up to 975 potential allergens found within foods, drinks or environments. Results usually arrive within days.

This method can help to identify various sensitivities and is especially useful for infants as it avoids painful prick tests. Babies can be especially susceptible to food allergies and become distressed from being poked with needles during traditional allergy tests.

Bioresonance therapy can also be used to identify food intolerances, treat other conditions like fibromyalgia, IBS and asthma, smoking cessation with 72% success, cancer by suppressing active tumour genes as well as improving muscle pain in those suffering fibromyalgia by 72% improvement. Clinical studies have also proven its efficacy when used as part of smoking cessation therapy; smoking cessation rates of over 72% success is reported with bioresonance therapy as part of cancer treatments as well as some evidence it improves muscular pain for these conditions as well.


An anaphylaxis attack can produce severe symptoms like difficulty breathing and loss of consciousness, prompting healthcare providers to recommend bioresonance allergy tests as a means to identify allergens triggering anaphylaxis so they can provide advice on avoidance and prevention measures. It’s also wise to keep an epinephrine pen or autoinjector nearby in case a reaction does occur so immediate treatment can begin immediately.

Traditional food allergy testing typically involves pricking the skin to check for antibodies associated with allergic reactions. Many individuals prefer less-invasive alternatives like bioresonance testing; this process utilizes hair samples to determine any levels of sensitivity quickly and deliver results within days – perfect for budget conscious consumers!

The BICOM bioresonance device emits electromagnetic waves similar to what our bodies would release when reacting to an allergen, then analyzes this feedback data to identify any allergies causing symptoms in you.

While this technology may not provide definitive scientific proof of its effectiveness, there have been plenty of anecdotal reports of its success from users such as members of the Swedish cross country skiing team who have used it to assist their recovery from injuries and boost performance before competitions.

Common signs of an allergic reaction include rashes, hives and shortness of breath. Anaphylaxis can also occur suddenly and lead to face and throat swelling as a serious complication.

Anaphylaxis can be fatal without prompt treatment, so anyone experiencing symptoms should call emergency services immediately while remaining calm and sitting down until assistance arrives. In order to be prepared in case an anaphylactic episode does occur, keep epinephrine and antihistamine in an emergency kit handy, and inform healthcare providers of any allergies or intolerances they might have.

Bioresonance allergy tests offer more reliable and cost-effective alternative to traditional allergy testing methods; their results remain unaffected by diet or stress, making it an excellent way to detect over 975 potential allergens at once – ideal for people who may have multiple sensitivities or allergies.


Bioresonance testing is a holistic practice used to detect imbalances in our electromagnetic fields and identify food intolerances, aid weight loss and even help reverse certain illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis. It works by monitoring cell vibrations compared with frequencies stored within its database – which also can be used to detect nutritional deficiencies and measure vitamin absorption within our bodies.

Bioresonance analysis can be performed on many substances, such as food, drink, metals and vitamins; however, hair samples from patients are most often tested since this provides an indication of internal organ health as well as their general wellbeing.

Testing typically lasts around 10 minutes, with the majority of your session dedicated to discussing results with your practitioner. It is completely noninvasive and painless; however, please note that such an examination should not be undertaken if you possess a pacemaker, have severe bleeding disorders in the past, an intolerance for electromagnetic exposure (EE), epilepsy or are in your first trimester of pregnancy.

Bioresonance testing may not work for every patient, but studies have proven its efficacy in treating various health conditions. It can supplement other wellness procedures, like blood analysis or live or dry blood analysis, in providing further insight into someone’s overall wellbeing. Furthermore, bioresonance can identify any stressors causing problems for an individual and help create a wellness plan that can be followed in the future in order to avoid potential issues before they become more severe.


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