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Bioresonance Allergy Treatment

Bioresonance is a noninvasive technique with no known side effects, that utilizes weak frequency signatures from pathogens in one’s body to match and kill them off.

Bioresonance desensitisation therapy has been scientifically demonstrated to work for allergies in 79 cases with an efficiency rate of 74.77%. Additionally, it can treat intolerances related to diet, fatigue and insomnia.

How does it work?

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative form of medicine that uses electromagnetic frequencies to detect and correct imbalances within the body. It’s noninvasive, drug-free and generally considered safe; many doctors and naturopathic practitioners utilize bioresonance therapy as part of conventional medicine as it provides additional insight into energetic imbalances while supporting natural healing processes within our bodies.

Bioresonance advocates claim that unhealthy cells and organs emit altered electromagnetic energy wavelengths that can be detected with machines to diagnose disease. Furthermore, they assert that changing these waves back to their regular frequencies will cure illness.

Bioresonance devices work by employing electrodes to detect changes in frequency. Once detected, this information is sent back into the body via modulation electrode and either strengthened or weakened depending on what treatment method is required – all with the goal of creating a closed patient-machine circuit that acts to balance out organ or apparatus energy fields that may have become disturbed.

Researchers studying rheumatoid arthritis found that using bioresonance reduced its symptoms, such as pain and swelling. Another study on those experiencing stomach discomfort without diagnosis also confirmed this finding, showing how bioresonance helped their condition.

At each session, a health professional connects the patient to a machine through electrodes or handheld applicators, then reads their device for reactions to various foods and ingredients. If for instance it detects that they have food intolerance issues, modified frequencies will be sent through to help their bodies overcome it.

The device can also assess for issues like low immunity, heavy metal poisoning, metabolic dysfunctions and hormone disturbances; using its results to develop a personalized treatment plan for each patient.

Critics contend that bioresonance advocates do not present enough evidence to back their claims, due to a limited number of studies done on it. A search on Entrez Pubmed for “bioresonance cancer” yields only 30 peer-reviewed papers.


Bioresonance therapy is an innovative regulatory medicine approach that complements conventional health care and has long been practiced successfully by those suffering from both chronic and acute illnesses. It aims to balance the body, stimulate its own healing abilities, restore immunity to previous state balance. Bicom device offers various programs to treat various symptoms or diseases; their main focus lies on frequency therapy that reduces or eliminates stress-causing imbalances which could be contributing to an individual’s condition.

Electrodes are attached to a machine which “reads” energy wavelengths from cells within a patient, then manipulates their frequencies so they vibrate at their “natural” frequencies – this process is known as diagnosis.

Bioresonance therapy has long been touted as a cure for various medical ailments, particularly nicotine addiction, which it has been reported to help cure multiple times. A report on Richard and Judy in 2005 showcased two smokers attempting to quit using this method; both ultimately succeeded with only minimal symptoms after using bioresonance to break free.

Bioresonance devices have long been utilized to treat allergies; one study conducted with the BICOM verum showed an efficacy rate of 89% and cure rate of 74.7 for treating allergic skin disease such as dermatitis, urticaria and rhinitis. They’ve even been utilized to address hyper-reactivity to chemicals and foodstuffs including ElectroHypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS), believed to affect 1 out of 20 individuals worldwide.

Other claims made for the machine include its capacity to treat food intolerances like dairy and gluten, detect parasites, yeast infections and fungal infestations as well as uncover which foods are triggering reactions in patients as well as help them find alternatives that don’t trigger reactions – further research needs to be conducted here, but initial evidence points toward its efficacy in doing this job. It can also aid detoxification processes while helping overcome drug addictions.


Bioresonance uses electrodes placed on the patient’s skin that are connected to a machine that reads their energy wavelengths, then changes their frequencies in order to correct imbalances and promote healing processes within their bodies. Proponents of bioresonance believe it can assist with issues ranging from cancer and allergies.

Sensitive sensors allow this device to quickly identify and treat imbalances by sending frequencies directly to each organ in the body. According to one study, frequency therapy was found to significantly improve pain reduction, relaxation, self-healing capabilities and symptoms such as depression, pain, fatigue and indigestion – just as effectively without the adverse side effects associated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor medications (SSRI).

Studies using the BICOM optima mobile bioresonance device to examine its effects on cells have also employed it extensively, with experiments showing that treating functional neutrophils with this device leads to an insignificant reduction of basal metabolic activity and superoxide anion radical generation during their 5-day differentiation from promyelocytes to granulocytes.

Researchers have utilized the BICOM optima mobile device to assess its efficacy in helping smokers kick the habit. A randomized, placebo-controlled trial comparing its effects against those of nicotine patches found that 77.2 percent of participants who received treatment quit, while only 54.8 percent who didn’t.

Other studies have explored the effects of bioresonance therapy on the gastrointestinal tract, with experiments showing its benefits in alleviating stomach pain in those suffering from functional GI complaints despite an unknown source. Bioresonance can effectively provide relief. One such study utilized a standard bioresonance protocol on 10 treated patients and 10 controls. Another study measured activities of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase in blood lymphocytes from patients with rheumatoid arthritis before and after treatment using a standard bioresonance device. Results demonstrated that treatment improved content of nonprotein thiol groups while normalizing activities of these antioxidant enzymes within treated patient cells.


Bioresonance therapy has long been recognized for its success at treating allergies and associated ailments, particularly allergies caused by environmental sensitivity. Doctors and naturopathic practitioners widely use German-made BICOM optima devices that work according to this technique as therapy devices; scientific trials with over 2,000 patients have attested to its efficacy; many allergy cases are successfully treated without symptoms returning; in fact many even resolve permanently without needing follow-up.

Bioresonance therapy has proven itself highly effective at treating allergies, eczema and asthma – with several controlled and uncontrolled studies supporting its efficacy proving this point. Success rates far outshone conventional therapies; Paediatrician Dr Peter Schumacher conducted one such research study examining 200 children suffering from allergies where 83% had disappeared while 11% experienced improvement – an impressive result!

Bioresonance therapy has proven itself effective at relieving stomach ache caused by food intolerances such as lactose intolerance and gluten intolerance, and improving chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia by helping the body relax, improving sleep patterns and lessening weather changes sensitivity.

Another interesting finding from a study with the BICOM optima was that bioresonance treatment significantly reduces rheumatoid arthritis symptoms by decreasing inflammation levels within joints, with enzyme levels for catalase and lactic acid dropping below normal in those receiving bioresonance therapy.

Contrary to other forms of biomedical technology which stimulate physical or chemical systems, bioresonance rebalances electromagnetic and biological energy flow in the human body in order to promote self-healing process and restore health. It aims to restore physical and mental well being for each individual by creating balance among mind, body and spirit – using holistic principles combined with cutting edge contemporary technologies.
