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Bioresonance Allergy Treatment

Allergies may often be relieved or eliminated completely with bio resonance treatment; however, not every patient will find relief.

Bio resonance therapy can be an excellent option for individuals living with allergies. Kinesiological muscle testing or allergy resonance tests with the Tensor provide bioenergetic information about allergies and sensitivities.

Anne’s cat allergy

Anne has an allergic reaction to cat fur and experiences itchy rashes with frequent sneezing episodes, as well as asthma flare-ups when exposed to cat allergens. While she currently uses medications for her breathing needs and symptoms management, Anne wishes for relief without medications so she can enjoy life fully – bio resonance therapy could provide this solution.

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Bioresonance therapy is an alternative therapy using electromagnetic frequencies to treat allergies. This noninvasive, painless process identifies substances that trigger an allergy. By desensitizing immune systems and decreasing allergic reactions, practitioners can effectively manage allergy sufferers.

This device uses vibrational frequency analysis to identify allergens that trigger responses in patients. Once identified, a therapist can then use energetic test results and experience to make decisions on amplifying or decreasing frequency, inverting it or switching up another frequency that might better suit individual patients.

Energetic tests can reveal the source of allergies. In Anne’s case, her therapist identified an imbalance in her energy field and recommended certain supplements – probiotics, digestive enzymes and omega-3 fatty acids were prescribed – in order to restore equilibrium. After multiple sessions with this approach, Anne was free of her rash and sneezing symptoms; her asthma has since been controlled without medication.


Researchers have developed an immunotherapeutic platform capable of targeting individual allergies. The platform comprises protein-lipid ultrastructures assembled in vivo that mimic virus-like surface antigenic patterns found on cat allergen Fel d 1 antigen. When combined together, biosynthetic eBioparticles (eBPs) trigger potency IgG responses without Th2 skewing and boast impressive hypoallergenicity properties.

Allergy testing is an increasingly popular way to diagnose allergies; however, some people may be afraid of the discomfort caused by having blood drawn and need another option. Bioresonance testing offers a simple and noninvasive solution; its non-invasiveness allows it to detect antibodies associated with allergy symptoms in your blood stream, while its holistic nature offers another option for diagnosis.

Maria’s white rat and mouse allergy

Maria’s allergy to white rats and mice (Latrodectus lepis), one of the most prevalent laboratory animal-induced asthmatic syndromes among humans, was successfully managed through bioresonance therapy. Her IgE levels dropped dramatically while symptoms such as wheezing and chest tightness disappeared within one year post treatment proving its success as an alternative form of bioresonance allergy treatment.

Bioresonance therapy is an all-natural form of healing without chemical or drug side effects, designed to remove harmful substances from the body and balance metabolism, helping it self-regulate and heal itself more efficiently. Bioresonance is often recommended for allergies, infections, chronic fatigue and other health conditions.

Allergens can be removed using the Bicom bio resonance device by feeding its electromagnetic vibrations of an allergen into its machine and inverting it electronically before sending back to a patient’s body in an easily absorbable form. This approach allows therapists to treat patients as whole individuals rather than simply their symptoms.

Bioresonance allergy treatment works for all allergies – animal, food, plant, cigarette smoke, dust or chemicals. There have been many success stories; such as when bar tenders couldn’t handle heavy cigarette smoke levels in their bar room; postmen experienced itchy eyes due to dust in their offices; florists and floristry workers suffered runny noses when handling flowers; carpenters would experience asthma attacks when working with preserved wood; all were able to continue working after bioresonance allergy treatment had taken effect allowing them to keep working alongside one another and they were all able to continue working normally post bioresonance allergy treatment; these people were all able to carry out their duties after receiving bioresonance allergy treatment had taken effect and continue working without interruption;

Allergy treatments with Bicom bioresonance devices have proven especially successful due to its ability to identify pathogens, bacteria, viruses, parasites and toxins present in a patient’s body. Once identified, therapists can use bioresonance machines like homeopaths do – to transmit electromagnetic vibrations associated with these organisms into the body via electromagnetic resonance therapy machines – just like homeopathy does for remedies. Research conducted showed that 83% of the participants experienced reduced or eliminated symptoms as a result of Bicom bioresonance device treatments! Results from one such study indicated very satisfactory healing.

Tim’s house dust mite allergy

Tim hid indoors when the first rays of spring sunlight began streaming through birch trees; his strong allergy to birch pollen left him itchy eyes and runny nose for weeks, until one of his friends recommended bio resonance allergy treatment – two sessions were immediately effective at alleviating his symptoms of birch pollen allergy; now, he can sit outside under neighboring birch trees with friends without worry.

Numerous double-blind, placebo-controlled trials have demonstrated the success of hyperallergen immunotherapy (AIT), specifically AIT using house dust mite (HDM) sensitization as an inducer, in alleviating allergic rhinitis and asthma caused by HDM sensitization. Unfortunately, however, its exact mechanisms remain unknown – among which modulation of intestinal epithelial tight junctions is an integral component in its success. Therefore, this study investigated whether inhibiting an enzyme responsible for tight junction remodeling known as -catenin can improve AIT outcomes.

Results show that -catenin acts as a powerful inhibitor of intestinal epithelial cell responses to HDM, thus decreasing inflammation and proliferative responses such as tight junction assembly. Furthermore, it increases permeability by intestinal epithelial cells to small molecule compounds suggesting it regulates cell responses to various pharmacological agents that could serve as potential treatments for chronic digestive diseases.

Study results also demonstrated a link between high levels of serum IgE to HDM and food allergies, with IgE antibodies against dairy products, vegetables and fruits being found among patients suffering from these allergies. Therefore, it is of vital importance that we identify foods which cause food allergies and reduce consumption in order to enhance quality of life for people suffering from allergic diseases. Allergy testing can be carried out by pricking the skin with needles, but this method may not be suitable for some. Bioresonance offers an alternative painless sensitivity test method to determine food allergies. With this information in hand, people can begin eliminating offending foods from their diet and recover from symptoms more rapidly.

Hay fever

Hay fever season kicks off early each spring, when pollen counts peak and flowering plants begin blooming. Many people suffer from its symptoms – itchy eyes, blocked nose and runny nose are some of the common ones. Hayfever is caused by allergens from grasses, trees and early flowers such as ragweed – although other sources such as animal dander or feathers could also trigger it.

Bioresonance therapy is an effective, natural approach for allergies and intolerances. A skilled bioresonance practitioner goes beyond classic allergy testing by looking for more fundamental energetic disorders – food allergies or intolerances as well as therapy blocks – than inhalation allergens alone.

Bioresonance therapy is not limited to treating allergies caused by pollen or pollen-based allergies; bioresonance can also treat allergies due to other substances like metals. Sabine was experiencing terrible headaches from her silver fillings but after undergoing some bioresonance sessions, the burning sensation in her mouth subsided and she could eat without experiencing headaches anymore.

After her allergy treatment session, she received other therapies to rid herself of heavy metals from her body, such as mineral supplements and homeopathy; bioresonance therapy helped further balance her system; ultimately leading to improved health; eventually her hay fever was completely under control.

All these examples demonstrate the immense power and versatility of bio resonance therapy to treat various health problems. An analysis by a medical doctor showed that allergy sufferers could often relieve themselves of their allergy symptoms through bioresonance therapy, with more effective results than less effective treatments such as antibiotics or steroids. Some individuals suffering from chronic allergies have discovered that after just a few sessions with bioresonance therapy, their allergy was completely under control – with some even showing no reaction at all! Furthermore, bioresonance has no side effects and may be used as an alternative medication or supplement without adverse side effects – although always consult your GP prior to making any significant changes to existing medications or treatments.


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