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Bioresonance Bicom – Holistic Diagnosis and Treatment

Living organisms emit electromagnetic waves which carry both positive and harmful messages.

BICOM bioresonance machine reads electromagnetic waves and counteracts any problematic frequencies to restore natural energy frequency balance within the body. This noninvasive therapy may help alleviate food, inhalant, and topical allergies as well as smoking cessation and even assist post surgery healing.

What is bioresonance?

Bioresonance bicom is an electromagnetic frequency therapy used for holistic diagnosis and healing. According to its proponents, devices used in bioresonance can read energy from cells within the body and use this data to provide information about health and wellness; although science has not confirmed these claims fully yet. Many individuals report feeling better due to this therapy despite its limitations.

At each treatment session, patients lie down while a machine called the BICOM is applied to their back. This device emits frequencies which correspond with active points on their body, sending out signals that stimulate natural healing processes and spark self-healing processes – promising safe and noninvasive therapy with no side effects.

Therapists can utilize the BICOM to detect imbalances in body energy flow and identify harmful substances causing illness; its filters then use this information to eliminate such substances from a patient’s system – for instance if gluten stress was detected, its frequency is replicated back into their bodies to weaken or cancel it out.

Bioresonance therapy has long been used as a solution for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), as it is believed that its device can regulate how antioxidants function within the body and help prevent free radical damage and tissue destruction. Although no controlled studies have been conducted regarding bioresonance‘s use for RA symptoms, users who utilize bioresonance report that the therapy helps with their symptoms.

Bioresonance practitioners frequently utilize the BICOM to detect parasites and toxins in the body. With specific therapy programs available to eliminate them, bioresonance practitioners may recommend detoxifying liver, which will aid the body in detoxifying itself more easily.

BICOM can also be used to detect animal stress disorders and illnesses, and treat many animal conditions using bioresonance therapy, including digestive issues, allergies, and neurological diseases. Some veterinarians and naturopaths offer bioresonance therapy treatments; it’s wise to first consult a qualified holistic practitioner prior to starting treatments on your dog.

Why is bioresonance important?

As we all know, our bodies are composed of energy. Much like iron filings that get disarranged when they’re compressed together, each cell in our bodies have a magnetic or biomagnetic field which, when out of balance, may lead to symptoms and illness. Bioresonance therapy seeks to restore order in the biomagnetic field by matching healthy frequencies against unhealthy counterparts and cancelling them out.

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative form of healing that uses no drugs or chemicals; it’s non-invasive, safe, and offers more holistic results than conventional methods – ideal for people looking for natural approaches to health.

Bioresonance therapy has long been recognized for its ability to alleviate symptoms related to allergies, rheumatic diseases, respiratory disorders and painful syndromes. Studies conducted by global research teams demonstrate its success.

Bioresonance bicom machine detects harmful frequencies present within your body and works to eliminate them through electrode placement on skin and using its receiver function to amplify healthy frequencies while cancelling out unhealthy ones.

These therapies offer a safe way to treat conditions and expedite healing processes. However, it should not be seen as an alternative form of medical attention and when required you should always consult with medical experts first.

Bioresonance therapy is also an ideal treatment option for horses, helping ease discomfort and relieve stressors in their lives. Horses’ electromagnetic oscillations from cell tissue can have an impact on bioenergetic resonance; when this bioenergetic resonance becomes disharmony–resulting in symptoms such as lameness or respiratory issues–BICOM can restore harmony to frequencies to help your horse lead a happier, healthier lifestyle. Get in touch with our team now if you would like more information on how the BICOM can benefit your horse’s wellbeing – get in touch today for more details!

How does bioresonance work?

Bioresonance works on the principle that everything, including our bodies, emit electromagnetic frequencies that vary with time. A bioresonance device can listen to these electromagnetic frequencies to detect any imbalances and then send out frequencies to cancel out harmful frequencies that might harm your health; this allows natural healing processes to begin taking effect in your body.

Your cells and substances in your body release electromagnetic waves constantly, with some frequencies considered stressful or unhealthy for the body. Bioresonance therapy uses a Bicom device to detect such frequencies before sending counter frequencies directly to affected areas in order to help relieve stress or flush away potentially toxic substances from them.

The BICOM device can also identify the specific causes of an illness or allergy, enabling your practitioner to treat its root cause rather than simply masking its symptoms with medications and potentially risky procedures such as surgery. Taking this holistic approach could potentially reduce reliance on medications or potentially dangerous therapies like surgery.

Bioresonance has long been used as an effective solution for allergies and sensitivities, including allergy dermatitis. Bioresonance can identify specific allergens responsible and develop a customized plan to remove them from your life; additionally, bioresonance reduces overall stress levels which often contribute to allergic reactions.

Bioresonance therapy can also be an effective treatment option for many other conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis. According to research, bioresonance works by normalizing how antioxidants function within your body – potentially lessening tissue damage caused by free radicals. Furthermore, it has also proven helpful with stomach pain issues.

If you are curious to try bioresonance therapy, contact Dr. Roze BioHealth Clinics in DIFC today and set an appointment with one of our experienced therapists! Our team is committed to providing high-quality care in a welcoming and relaxing atmosphere – let us help you reach your health goals!

What are the benefits of bioresonance?

Bioresonance therapy sessions have never been associated with any reported side effects; medical insurance companies classify it as one of the safest complementary therapies. Because BICOM operates at such low frequencies, patients cannot be injured during treatment; even when connected to higher voltage sources – like laptops or mobile phones – this voltage drops before reaching its final destination in BICOM; therefore even small children may undergo this therapy without risk.

Bioresonance therapy providers must never make claims that their device can treat cancer or AIDS; such claims would not only be unethical and potentially hazardous; they could mislead vulnerable patients into delaying seeking proper medical advice – something which could prove fatal in certain instances.

At each treatment session, patients lie on a massage table fully clothed while wearing electrodes on their hands which pick up and transmit frequency patterns from their bodies to a Bicom device. Therapists then use Bicom to send out counter-frequencies designed to reset their biomagnetic field and restore its strength and stability; additional frequencies may also be released into their bodies in order to remove any toxins or stressors that have built up over time.

Bioresonance is a noninvasive procedure that may be combined with nutrition, Functional Medicine and massage as part of an integrated treatment approach. While some patients require weekly visits with the BICOM machine to restore balance to their bodies, others only require several sessions with this machine to have significant positive results.

BICOM device detects very weak electrical signature frequencies of pathogens present in a patient’s body, then plays them back at different frequencies to disrupt their vibrational motion and cause them to disintegrate so that they no longer thrive within.

Bioresonance therapy can also be an effective tool in treating other ailments, including allergies as well as urogenital dysfunctions (such as prostate and urinary tract infections), rheumatoid arthritis, low immune defenses, digestive problems like colitis, constipation and gastritis as well as bone and joint pain. A good therapist may also be able to detect parasites or viruses present within your body which can be difficult for conventional methods to identify.
