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Bioresonance Bio-Energetics Bio-Energetics Bio-Energetics Bio-Energetics Bio-Energetics Bio-Energetic

Bioresonance machines like Sensitiv Imago allow us to test for food intolerances and allergies as well as health problems. By helping harmonise your body’s frequencies by detecting and correcting bad frequency patterns, bioresonance machines help restore balance within your system and harmonize its frequencies.

Covid sufferers are being offered unproven remedies at private clinics, including acupuncture, homeopathy and bioresonance therapy.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative noninvasive method that uses electromagnetic frequencies to balance your bioresonance. This helps restore internal equilibrium and enhances natural healing processes in your body; making bioresonance an invaluable approach towards holistic wellness.

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Electrodermal testing (also referred to as electrodermal testing, bio-energetic therapy (BIT), vibrational medicine or electromagnetic medicine) operates on the belief that various biological frequencies can be used to identify imbalances and restore health. This noninvasive and natural treatment has proven highly successful at treating various conditions.

Alternative medicine (AOM) has long been utilized as an adjunct treatment to more serious ailments, including cancer and autoimmune disorders; however, many practitioners and celebrities such as Noel Edmonds crediting this natural, noninvasive method with helping him survive prostate cancer. AOM may help rebalance your body and may provide an opportunity for lasting wellness benefits.

This technology is founded in quantum physics and uses electromagnetic waves (hertz). This device can analyse your body’s bioenergetic systems, identify imbalances and treat them, as well as stimulate tissue regeneration capabilities and boost immunity.


A bioenergetic scan provides insight into your bioenergetic system’s performance, such as minor stressors, chronic weaknesses of systems, food sensitivities, hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies and energetic matches to toxins resonating with you. A bioresonance test can detect numerous physical, emotional and mental conditions including fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, depression gastrointestinal issues thyroid problems as well as more.

An amp coil device used in a session aims to restore your body to its ideal energy frequency, which may have been compromised due to exposure to heavy metals or other toxins, high levels of stress, poor diet or lifestyle choices, environmental pollution or pollution-induced stress. By employing pulsed electromagnetic fields that remove interference signals and help detoxify your system.

Bioresonance therapy is an all-natural alternative to drugs and invasive procedures; however, healthcare insurance providers do not cover it due to how it competes with pharmaceutical industry revenue streams. Bioresonance is still relatively new within medical circles as an approach that is holistic in nature and non-invasive in practice.

How can Bioresonance help me?

Bioresonance Therapy has long been recognized for its ability to assist with various conditions and may be combined with more traditional forms of treatment for maximum effectiveness. As it provides noninvasive pain relief, and natural solutions, Bioresonance therapy stands as an excellent noninvasive choice to offer relief and holistic solutions.

Alternative treatments work on the theory that damaged cells or organs produce altered electromagnetic waves, which are then detected by a machine and read out wavelengths that identify specific diseases. Once detected, this device can adjust energy frequencies back into their original states so as to promote natural healing of the body.

Individuals each possess their own distinct frequency profile that can be affected by various elements such as toxins, EMF pollution (eSmog), geopathic stress, viruses, bacteria, parasites or heavy metals. Once detected by the Bioresonance machine these unhealthy frequencies can be cancelled out by sending out an inverse oscillation pattern to counteract that frequency and help rid yourself of toxin while also rebalancing electromagnetic fields in your body.

Bioresonance therapy can also provide emotional stability and mental clarity by harmonizing energy fields within our bodies, making this practice especially helpful for those suffering from anxiety, depression or addictions such as alcohol or drugs.

Food intolerances, stomach pain, urogenital disorders, fatigue and insomnia may all benefit from this form of therapy; however, this approach cannot detect or treat more serious psychological trauma as this requires deeper healing and understanding.

Bioresonance has been scientifically demonstrated to be effective in many cases through scientific testing and patient testimonials, making it an increasingly popular treatment option in complementary medicine and one we encourage you to explore further. If you would like more information about this groundbreaking technology and its possible applications for you, don’t hesitate to get in touch – we would be more than happy to provide further info and arrange your own session with one of our qualified practitioners!

What happens during a Bioresonance session?

Bioresonance therapy (also referred to as electrodermal testing, bio-energetic medicine or vibrational medicine) is an innovative technique used for diagnosing and curing various illnesses. Using electromagnetic frequencies, Bioresonance Therapy harmonizes bioresonance within your body restoring balance which promotes rapid healing through self-healing processes.

Bio-resonance therapy makes use of electromagnetic waves (hertz) produced by your body and the BICOM optima device that detects them, to “read” these energy wavelengths. Once detected, this machine amplifies healthy frequencies while canceling out potentially disease-causing ones; helping eliminate disease-causing molecules while supporting your innate healing processes and supporting overall wellness.

The BICOM device contains over 2000 different programs that address a range of conditions and health issues, from chronic disease to major allergies like hay fever or digestive concerns like reflux, food intolerances, IBS cystitis peptic ulcers asthma or even chronic fatigue syndrome. Furthermore, its programs may help relieve stress insomnia depression.

A Bioresonance Machine, commonly referred to as BICOM, takes place in a relaxing setting with clients holding two copper hand rods while their feet rest on a footplate connected to it. As part of each session, BICOM amplifies harmonious frequencies while inverting disharmonious ones emitted by toxins – these frequencies will then be sent back through hand rods and footplate back into their bodies via hand rods and foot plate, eliminating them and helping the body rebalance itself – helping the body heal itself over time.

People searching for alternative treatments or ways to achieve optimal health and wellbeing often turn to the BICOM bioresonance treatment as part of a comprehensive healthcare plan. A holistic practitioner may suggest combining other natural therapies, like acupuncture or homeopathy, along with bioresonance treatment from BICOM bioresonance devices like this device.

Bioresonance therapy has become an increasingly popular tool among high profile individuals for treating various ailments ranging from autoimmune conditions to cancer. Gwyneth Paltrow used the BICOM device to help treat her Lyme disease, while TV presenter Noel Edmonds credits it as saving his life after prostate cancer surgery by relieving chemotherapy-related side effects.

What can I expect after a Bioresonance session?

Bioresonance therapy amplifies harmonious frequencies back into your body, restoring communication between healthy cells and organs. It’s noninvasive, with no known side effects, making it suitable for people of all ages – particularly useful in rebalancing digestive systems, aiding detoxification processes, alleviating food and environmental allergies, treating urogenital conditions like cystitis, prostatitis, hepatitis, rheumatism as well as respiratory conditions like bronchitis asthma as well as eliminating heavy metal poisoning among other conditions.

Geopathic stress resulting from digital devices, mobile phone masts and airport security checks disrupting normal communication between cells causing diseases or health issues to surface; by inverting disruptive frequencies of toxic stressors such as geopathic stress. Once again your cells can communicate freely restoring equilibrium to your body’s system while supporting natural self-healing capabilities of your own body.

Your therapist will assess your entire physical condition, not just symptoms you present with, to identify what’s causing imbalance in your energetic system and offer personalized advice based on Bicom device readings.

Your therapist may suggest herbal or homeopathic medicines that will assist your recovery. Based on bioresonance test results and symptoms assessment, as well as other factors, they will recommend which are most suitable. They can then issue you a prescription which your pharmacy will process and supply.

Bioresonance therapy falls under alternative medicine and as such isn’t covered by state health insurance plans, although certain private insurers offer partial coverage – please check directly with your provider to ascertain its rates and reimbursement options for such therapy treatments.


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