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Bioresonance Blood Test

Bioresonance testing utilizes a strand of hair to detect stressors within your body that resonate. These may include food intolerances, emotions, toxins or hormone imbalances.

Bioresonance remains an unproven science; these electronic devices rely on the assumption that diseased organs emit different electromagnetic waves than healthy ones and they claim to cancel out diseased signals by means of destructive wave interference.

What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance therapy is an holistic form of diagnosis and treatment that uses electromagnetic frequencies to scan the body, identifying different stressors at various levels within it and offering an overall assessment of client health and wellbeing. Bioresonance uses an innovative machine known as BICOM which detects imbalances by identifying vibrational patterns of pathogens within our bodies before sending them back at higher frequencies to kill them off completely.

Every substance, living or inanimate, emits an energetic signature that can be detected using this technology. Each vibrational signature has a frequency wavelength measured in Hertz; living things tend to vibrate at higher rates than inanimate objects so this device allows us to listen in on these vibrations to discover what may be contributing to imbalance.

The BICOM can detect healthy cells’ vibrational patterns and return them with increased intensity to the body, helping balance your energy. Bioresonance therapy has been successfully used to treat various ailments including allergies, chronic infections, urogenital disorders and menstrual symptoms like PMS or hot flushes.

Although some may be skeptical of bioresonance, holistic practitioners generally accept it. There have been both controlled and uncontrolled studies conducted on its benefits, which include weight loss, chronic diseases, and improved immunity.

What is the Bioresonance Scan?

Bioresonance scanning utilizes a handheld device to measure electromagnetic waves emitted by your body, offering insights into physical, emotional and energetic imbalances. It is noninvasive and painless; although you may feel what some describe as a slight buzz during the scan.

The AO Scan, available to both new and existing patients, provides an in-home assessment of your body’s energy. Based on the theory that all substances emit electromagnetic frequencies or vibrations which can be measured for insight into overall health and wellness. This assessment includes a full report detailing your bioenergetic health; uncovering nutritional deficiencies, imbalanced hormones, toxin exposure as well as any energetic matches with toxic substances and more.

Researchers conducted one study comparing bioresonance therapy for smoking cessation with placebo treatment and found that 77.2 percent of participants using bioresonance quit after just five weeks versus 54.8 percent in the control group. Other research has also demonstrated its benefits with regards to other issues, such as stomach pain not caused by medical condition – however research into bioresonance therapy remains limited.

Can I Have a Bioresonance Scan?

Bioresonance can assist with identifying infections present in the body and provide effective treatments. Furthermore, it can determine which symptoms stem from infections versus psychosomatic causes; additionally it can identify vitamin and mineral deficiencies for holistic healing approaches.

Stress relief with herbal treatments may also be used to rebalance your body, particularly if there is significant anxiety and stress in your life. By helping to lower inflammation levels in the body and ease inflammation and pain symptoms.

One study demonstrated that people receiving bioresonance therapy along with manual therapy and point massage for their fibromyalgia found more relief than those not receiving this form of treatment. Bioresonance can also help with stomach pain reduction, overtraining syndrome in athletes, food sensitivities as well as allergen identification.

This procedure is non-invasive and only requires a hair sample to perform. After bioenergetically scanning it against over 6400 substances including bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, vitamins, and minerals a practitioner interprets the results and interprets their interpretation accordingly. An average session takes 60 minutes giving plenty of time for discussion with their practitioner as well as time for them to interpret any diagnoses that the report highlights – this report should not serve as a replacement for seeking professional medical advice based on any condition highlighted by your test report.

Can I Have a Bioresonance Scan With Dr. Erica?

Bioresonance can be an extremely valuable addition to our holistic health practice, but it should never serve as an alternative diagnosis or replacement service. Instead, bioresonance helps you better understand your body’s imbalances while creating an action plan to correct them.

Bioresonance can help identify foods that cause inflammation in your system so you can focus on eating only those which provide maximum benefit to your diet. Furthermore, it can provide insights into whether low stomach acid is contributing to digestive problems.

Bioresonance hair testing provides non-invasive, safe information about your health without any unwanted side effects or unpleasant surprises. It does this through measuring bioresonance between individual strands of hair.

An EKG can also help detect whether your immune system is working too hard and whether parasites have invaded your body, as well as providing insight into whether there are any essential nutrients you are getting from food as well as possible allergies or sensitivities to specific foods.

Unfortunately, conventional medicine doesn’t acknowledge bioresonance; however, research has shown it to achieve amazing results. For instance, bioresonance has helped one woman quit smoking and another overcome severe stomach pain; additionally it has proven its worth treating overtraining and mitigating stress-induced injuries.

Can I Have a Bioresonance Scan Without Dr. Erica?

Bioresonance testing methods remain controversial among scientists, but have gained ground in alternative health circles. Studies have demonstrated how bioresonance therapy has assisted individuals in quitting smoking, treating stomach pain and overtraining athletes among other problems – all completely noninvasive tests which require just a hair sample to run.

Naturopathic doctors who employ this test claim they have seen it assist patients when conventional medicine has failed. One naturopath in Vermont named Travis Elliott shared multiple accounts about how his clients’ medical problems were alleviated through an analysis on one drop of blood.

He asserts that the test, without FDA or research approval or validation, can detect and analyze electromagnetic frequencies within a patient’s body in order to pinpoint and treat potential dysfunction.

This test operates under the principle that living organisms release energy in the form of resonance waves. Machines then measure these waves and compare their frequencies with items which can be tested for, such as food and drink, vitamins, minerals, metals, enzymes and bacteria; environmental and resonating toxins as well as any imbalances or potential toxic exposure in order to detect imbalances within an individual or any toxins that need eliminating in order to heal effectively; additionally it measures acidity levels of your body to provide information about ways of balancing it effectively.

Can I Have a Bioresonance Scan With Other Practitioners?

Trying bioresonance yourself requires having electrodes placed on your body and connecting them to a machine which reads energy wavelengths emitted by cells in your body. The machine will detect any irregularities in your system, providing an indication of imbalance or dysfunction through weak signals returned by itself.

Proponents claim that this machine can also detect unhealthy DNA damage that leads to disease in your body and alter frequencies to normal range, potentially curing diseases through frequency manipulation.

Scans provide insight into the overall balance of one’s health, such as parasites, nutritional deficiencies, hormone imbalances and stress levels. Their results can help identify and address these issues before they manifest as symptoms, making you feel healthier and energised!

Bioresonance testing offers another advantage by detecting allergies in the body. Allergic reactions can have serious ramifications on one’s life ranging from work and personal relationships, all the way down to bioresonance treatments being available to help alleviate or even resolve their effects.

Experienced allergy therapists report an 80-90% success rate when employing bioresonance technology for allergy treatment, although no medical approach can completely address every case; diseases often arise from multiple causes, with psychological and social circumstances often playing a part.
