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Bioresonance Diagnostic Machine

Bioresonance diagnostic machines are modern devices that use electrodes to detect energy wavelengths from tissues and cells within your body and then manipulate those frequencies so as to help your body return to its natural state.

This therapy is effective in treating multiple health conditions without side effects and is safe for children.

It is a modern diagnostics device

Bioresonance is a modern diagnostics device that operates on electromagnetic waves’ influence on disease at a cellular level. Resonance detects imbalances in your body and sends treatment signals non-invasively and painlessly; additionally, this does not interfere with medications or therapies you may already be receiving for various disorders. Bioresonance has been successfully used to treat various chronic conditions including cystitis or prostatitis and low immune systems; respiratory problems like asthma or chronic bronchitis as well as autoimmune conditions like psoriasis or eczema.

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Bioresonance, which derives its name from Latin words ‘biologi” and “resonans”, refers to every living organism having its own vibration frequency that can be measured using special sensors. Bioresonance scanners can also measure parasites or pathogenic organisms present within an individual’s body, and use special frequencies to kill them off using specific frequencies; using this method you may also identify which organ or tissue has inflammation as well as aiding with diagnosing diseases and their location.

During sessions, patients sit before a bioresonance scanner and listen to music, while electrodes placed on their skin transmit a series of signals which are processed by the machine before being transmitted back to them via electrodes and processed again by them for transmission back. When these signals reach their receptors on the body’s tissues, the responses created from within result in specific disease processes being identified or isolated in real time.

The Vega test is a user-friendly device designed to quickly assess 47 organs and systems of one’s health in minutes, giving an overview of an individual’s immune system and providing recommendations for making healthy lifestyle changes. Furthermore, these affordable tests can be purchased by families as a group; results can even be printed instantly for at-home assessment without visiting a physician.


It is safe

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative or complementary form of medicine that uses a machine to analyze energy waves emanating from your body. The therapy relies on the idea that unhealthy cells or organs produce altered electromagnetic waves due to DNA damage; the machine then detects these altered waves and attempts to convert them back to their original frequencies, purportedly curing disease with this remedy – without scientific basis or evidence that it actually works.

This device sends signals directly into your body using electrodes attached to electrodes on your skin. It uses sensors that are sensitive enough to detect both healthy and disruptive waves, stimulating self-healing processes. Furthermore, this device can help locate allergens as well as analyze food, medications and other substances based on vibrational frequencies.

Every living organism possesses its own electromagnetic resonance or vibrational frequency, which can be detected with a special sensor and used to pinpoint disease or disorder. Furthermore, this machine is capable of accurately identifying pathogens, allergens, or any disturbance to biological systems with high precision without needing invasive manipulations or additional tests.

Science behind this technology is poorly documented and often discredited by mainstream medical researchers. Yet some practitioners assert that its application can diagnose diseases such as heart problems, asthma, diabetes and skin disorders – among others. ASA conducted an investigation on claims made by one clinic using this device to assist smokers quit smoking; they were ultimately misleading.

Note that this form of therapy is not covered by the NHS, so be sure to speak to your GP first about any options or any recommendations before engaging with this therapy. Furthermore, get it serviced regularly by an approved engineer so as to ensure its optimal operation.

Bioresonance devices may not be covered by the NHS, yet some therapists continue to utilize them in treating cancer patients. Although these machines haven’t been clinically tested, their theory states they can kill tumors by “suppressing” tumor suppressor genes; in reality however they have simply become mutated and no longer carry out their functions of monitoring cell division and killing defective cells by self-destructing.

It is efficient

Bioresonance machines can help those suffering from allergies find relief by detecting allergens that are out of sync with the body and diagnosing and eliminating toxic stressors. It works on the principle that all matter (people and animals alike) generate electromagnetic energy in oscillatory patterns which can be detected, amplified and graphed – an approach without chemical treatments or needles!

Bioresonance machines use frequencies measured in Hertz to detect any presence of substances and identify their corresponding energetic frequencies in the body, enabling doctors to find resonance matches and identify causes of imbalances. When discordant frequencies are identified, therapeutic programs are sent out through the machine in order to correct them; thereby rebalancing electromagnetic and biochemical balance within your system, encouraging self-healing.

BICOM-Optima bioresonance machine is an innovative biomedical device that transmits information through electromagnetic waves (hertz). Designed on quantum physics principles combined with holistic medicine principles and modern technologies, this machine helps identify and treat overloads of the body to restore cell balance while stimulating tissue regeneration capacity – it’s powerful, safe, and effective – making an alternative treatment to medications available today.

Contrary to many electronic devices that make unproven claims, the BICOM is approved by the Food and Drug Administration for both diagnosis and treatment purposes. As a non-invasive technique that works on any pathology (including chronic diseases and cancer), BICOM can be performed anywhere – clinic or home, with children and elderly safe.

Studies have confirmed the BICOM’s excellent safety record. Its sensors are connected to a low-voltage battery which reduces to 12v well before reaching patients, so there’s no danger of electric shock. Additionally, this system operates at such low frequencies that it would be virtually impossible for it to cause harm even to children.

It is easy to use

Bioresonance is a modern diagnostics device that utilizes frequency analysis to identify abnormalities within the body. This non-invasive and painless procedure can detect food intolerances, drug sensitivities, allergies and parasites as well as identify parasites viruses fungus and parasites – its accuracy has even been proven through various studies; plus it can identify emotional disturbances.

Bioresonance works on the principle that every living organism generates electromagnetic vibrations. A machine then analyzes these frequencies against those produced by various substances to identify any resonant patterns between them and establish whether there is positive or negative interaction. Once completed, these results will then be displayed on a computer screen.

Bioresonance scanners provide patients with an effective tool to track their health and enhance their quality of life. With its early disease detection capability and ability to pinpoint specific foods and medications that are best suited to each individual user, using one on an ongoing basis may significantly enhance health and prolong lifespan.

Bioresonance scanning involves placing electrodes on legs, arms and head in six quadrant Voll leads for testing purposes. The bioresonance scan provides a clear picture of organs and systems within the human body along with their associated energetic frequencies; the information from which is processed by machine software before being displayed on computer screen as a diagram.

Compare data collected with known allergens to ascertain which ones cause allergic reactions in the body, so the practitioner can administer appropriate therapy to alleviate allergy symptoms while simultaneously relieving stress and decreasing toxins from both body and mind.

Another advantage of this type of treatment is its effectiveness in treating psychological disorders like depression and anxiety. Furthermore, it can also be used to diagnose cognitive disorders.


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