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Bioresonance Explained

An electromagnetic frequency treatment designed to identify imbalances within the body using electromagnetic frequencies. It works on the principle that healthy cells emit different vibration frequencies than diseased or compromised tissue.

Bioresonance therapy may alleviate many allergy-related symptoms, but cannot cure the source of them. A therapeutic discussion could be the key.

What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance is an electronic device which purports to diagnose and treat illness by measuring electromagnetic waves emanating from the body and then adjusting their energy frequencies back into their normal frequencies – effectively treating illness. Unfortunately, Bioresonance therapy lacks scientific backing and should therefore be considered unproven.

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Bioresonance therapy uses electrodes placed on the skin that are then connected to a machine emitting gentle electromagnetic frequencies, with this machine then monitoring vibrations of these frequencies and identifying any that are out of balance; then applying specific frequencies to problematic areas in order to cancel out negative vibrations and eliminate pain without side effects; these sessions generally last between 20-40 minutes and are pain free.

Bioresonance operates under the theory that our bodies contain their own natural electromagnetic energy field, which is dependent on one’s health and wellness. If electromagnetic wave frequencies become disrupted due to illness, stress or environmental influences it will result in system dysfunction; bioresonance serves as a holistic means of correcting such imbalances, supporting natural healing processes within your own body.

Bioresonance therapy is often used to detect food sensitivities and nutritional deficiencies. According to claims made about its efficacy, it may provide relief for symptoms including allergies, digestive problems and fatigue. A recent clinical trial with 204 children suffering from various allergies found that after nine months most reported significant reduction or even disappearance of allergic symptoms.


Bioresonance should not be seen as a panacea for all conditions; rather, in addition to medical and naturopathic therapies, patients need to focus on changing their mental attitude toward health issues as well as uncovering emotional causes for symptoms manifestation.

Bioresonance cannot fix damaged organs and tissues, including psychological traumas caused by complex personal and social circumstances that go beyond its scope of treatment. Furthermore, people may unwittingly gain benefits from their illnesses (for instance financial security or an improved life). Therefore it is wise to speak to your physician before beginning bioresonance treatment.

How does Bioresonance work?

Bioresonance Therapy is a noninvasive and painless technique that works with your energy fields to create balance and health in your body. By harmonizing electromagnetic frequencies of cells in the body’s cells, this noninvasive therapy identifies and treats root causes of disease rather than simply masking symptoms. Bioresonance can also identify any toxins or allergens present within the body and eliminate them effectively.

At treatment time, you will either be sitting or lying down and will have various applicators placed on your forehead, hands, feet, back and organ areas. Each of these applicators is connected to a bioresonance device for recording and providing information; this allows it to recognize various frequency patterns within your body to either reinforce harmonious ones or neutralise disharmonic ones as necessary.

Treatment using electromagnetic waves involves the theory that damaged cells and organs emit irregular electromagnetic waves which the device detects and neutralises to help restore natural frequency in the body, helping treat diseased conditions more quickly and effectively.

Bioresonance testing can help identify which allergens do not resonate with the body, possibly leading to allergic reactions. Unfortunately, however, bioresonance cannot address psychological causes for allergies like difficult childhood experiences, traumas or emotional stress which could trigger allergic responses.

Bioresonance therapy has been found effective in multiple studies with patients suffering from chronic illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, psoriasis and others. Bioresonance was shown to activate protective mechanisms within the lymphatic system as well as increase levels of thiol groups in their blood. Furthermore, this therapy helped increase glutathione peroxidase activities thereby improving overall antioxidant status in their bodies.

Bioresonance is a complementary therapy and should be utilized alongside conventional or natural forms of treatment such as naturopathy or conventional medicine for maximum effect. Some practitioners do utilize it alone; in such instances, bioresonance may cause mild detox symptoms; these side effects should only last a short while and should subside shortly afterwards.

What are the benefits of Bioresonance therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative holistic treatment method using electromagnetic frequencies to diagnose and treat various health conditions. It’s noninvasive and doesn’t cause any side effects, making it the perfect option for people with sensitive bodies. Furthermore, Bioresonance can be used to identify which symptoms have legitimate medical causes versus psychosomatic causes; with this knowledge in hand you can more efficiently pinpoint their root cause to begin healing your body more quickly.

Bioresonance therapy’s primary advantage lies in its ability to quickly and efficiently detect and correct imbalances within your body. It can even identify pathogenic infections before they show any visible symptoms, giving you the chance to prevent more serious conditions from emerging. Furthermore, this machine can identify deficient vitamins and minerals so you can focus on increasing those areas of health by supplementing them accordingly.

Bioresonance therapy also serves to balance your body’s energy frequencies, providing relief for stress or other related symptoms through vibrational technology that transmits positive frequencies into the body and back out again. Many patients find relief after as few as three treatments of bioresonance therapy!

Bioresonance therapy not only pinpoints and treats imbalances in your body, but it can also assist with better diet choices. Testing can reveal which foods are beneficial or harmful to you – helping to make more informed choices regarding food consumption. Furthermore, bioresonance testing can detect inflammation issues so as to avoid foods which could trigger allergic reactions in some individuals.

Bioresonance therapy can be used to treat various conditions, including allergies, rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. Furthermore, its machine can detect nodules, emboli and plaques within your body enabling effective action to be taken against them; bioresonance can even help relieve symptoms related to uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts!

What are the risks of Bioresonance therapy?

Bioresonance therapy operates under the assumption that diseased or damaged cells produce electromagnetic waves distinct from healthy ones, enabling bioresonance practitioners to identify them and their causes. By correcting abnormal energy frequencies with bioresonance treatment, cells will supposedly vibrate at their natural frequency again, effectively eliminating disease. Equipment used for bioresonance comprises electrodes connected directly to patients as well as devices that read energy wavelengths; electrodes placed directly onto skin detect electromagnetic vibrations of various parts of their bodies.

Bioresonance therapy is often combined with homeopathy medicines to treat various conditions. It may also be used in place of antidepressant medication in some instances of moderate and mild depression; however, recent studies have demonstrated that bioresonance does not hasten recovery in comparison to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants.

Bioresonance treatments typically are painless and last 20-40 minutes. It makes an appealing alternative therapy option, since there are no needles involved or medication required.

Alternative medicine (CAM) may be effective at treating allergies, chronic pain, digestive issues and hormonal imbalances. When combined with traditional medical treatments such as surgery or chemotherapy, it may enhance healing and promote recovery.

Studies have proven it effective at relieving symptoms of anxiety and depression in those unable to take antidepressants, as well as potentially being used to detect cancer and other inflammatory conditions, though no scientific proof has yet been discovered of this fact. Bioresonance therapy is often used to test for and manage allergies, helping desensitise the immune system. Unlike many traditional therapies, however, bioresonance therapy takes a more holistic approach by seeking to balance body’s energy fields rather than treating specific symptoms directly. Bioresonance therapy may bring more lasting and effective health improvements. A study that compared it to traditional therapies for treating rheumatoid arthritis revealed that patients receiving bioresonance therapy had higher levels of glutathione peroxidase, an important antioxidant within the body.


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